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BEECHWORTH—BEHAR 191 iiiicl been letirecl, lie poured into tbem a, new meaning, the composite work of humour and observation which has and gave to them a new significance. He probably did made him famous, and which certainly had nothing that more than any other one man in America to lead the was in the least Byronic about it. This was the celebrated Puritan churches from a faith which regarded God as a Camera Obscura (1839), the most successful imaginative moral governor, the Bible as a book of laws, and religion work which any Dutchman of this century has produced. as obedience to a conscience, to a faith which regards God This work, published under the pseudonym of “Hildeas a I ather, the Bible as a book of counsels, and religion brand, ^ goes back in its earliest inception to the year 1835, as a life of liberty in love. The later years of his life were ■when Beets was only twenty-one. It consists of complete darkened by a scandal which Mr Beecher’s personal, short stones, descriptive sketches, studies of peasant life political, and theological enemies used for a time effectively all instinct with humour and pathos, and written in a style to shadow a reputation previously above reproach. But of great charm ; it has been reprinted in countless editions. in the midst of these accusations the largest and most Beets became a professor at the University of Leyden, and representative Congregational council ever held in the the pastor of a congregation in that city. In middle life lj nited States, gave expression to a vote of confidence in he pubhshed further collections of wxse—Cornflowers, him, which time has absolutely justified. It is safe to say ,3, ancl ^ew Poems, 1857—in which the romantic that the verdict of history will class this scandal with the melancholy was found to have disappeared, and to have somewhat similar, but more excusable one, respecting John e m its place a gentle sentiment and a depth of religious Wesley. Mot a student of books nor a technical scholar in eelmg. In 1873-/5 Beets collected his works in three any department, Mr Beecher’s knowledge was as wide as volumes. In April 1883 he visited Scotland, when the his interests were varied. He was early familiar with the honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the works of Matthew Arnold, Charles Darwin, and Herbert University of Edinburgh. Spencer; he preached his Bible Studies sermons in 1878, Beg'a.S, ReinhoSd (1831 ), German sculptor, when the higher criticism was wholly unknown to most evangelical ministers or known only to be dreaded; and the son of Karl Begas, a distinguished painter, was his sermons on Evolution and Religion in 1885, when born at Berlin on 15th July 1831. He received his many of the ministry were denouncing evolution as early education (1846-51) in the ateliers of Rauch and atheistic. He was stricken with apoplexy while still A ichmann. During a period of study in Italy, from active in the ministry, and died at Brooklyn on Tuesday 1856-1858, he was influenced^ by Bbcklin and Lenbach in the direction of a naturalistic style in sculpture. This 8th March 1887, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. The principal books by Mr Beecher, besides his published tendency was marked in the group “Borussia,” executed for sermons, are: Seven Lectures to Young Men, 1844. Plymouth the facade of the Exchange in Berlin, which first brought Collection of Hymns and Tunes, 1855. Star Papers, Experiences of him into general notice. In 1861 he was appointed Art and Nature, 1855. Life Thoughts, 1858. Views ami Ex- professor at the Art School in Weimar, but retained the perience* of Religious Subjects, 1858. Plain and Pleasant Talks appointment only a few months. That he was chosen about Fruits f lowers, and Farming, 1859. Speeches on the after competition, to execute the statue of Schiller for the American Rebellion—Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool and London; London, 1864. Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit, 186/’ Gendarmen Markt in Berlin, was a high tribute to the Norwood ; A Tale of Village Life in Neiv England, 1867. The tame he had already acquired; and the result, one of the finest statues in the German metropolis, entirely justified 3 volf 'l872 74 Chrifit' 2 VOlS‘’ 187L Yale Lcctures on Preaching, his selection. Since the year 1870, Begas has entirely domiThe principal lives of Mr Beecher are : Henry Ward Beecher : A Sketch of His Career. By Lyman Abbott and S. B. Hall i day, nated the plastic art in Prussia, but especially in Berlin. p M°sopher, Pulpit Orator, Patriot, and- Among his chief works during this period are the colossal Philanthropist By i W. Handfobd, m.—Life of Henry Ward statue of Borussia for the Hall of Glory; the Meptune Beecher By Joseph Howard, Jr., 1887.—A Biography of Henry fountain in bronze on the Schlossplatz; the statue of WardBeechcr Yiy William C. Beecher, Rev. Samuel Scoville, and Mrs H. W. Beecher.—Zhmny Ward Beecher. By John Alexander von Humboldt, all in Berlin; the sarcophagus Henry Barrows, WM.-Henry Ward Beecher: a Study. By of the Emperor Frederick III. in the mausoleum of the John R. Howard, 1891.-27* Boyhood of Henry Ward Beecher. I nedenskirche at Potsdam; and, lastly, the national monuBy Frank S. Child (Pamphlet), 1897.History of Plymouth ment to the Emperor William (see Berlin), the statue Church. By Mo yes L. Thompson, 1847-72.—2%e Life and Work of Bismarck before the Reichstag Gebaiide, and several of of Henry Ward Beecher. By Thomas W. Knox. (l a ) the statues in the Siegesalle. He was also entrusted with Beech Worth, a beautifully situated town in the county of Bogong, Victoria, Australia, with a station 172 the execution of the sarcophagus of the Empress Frederick. miles by rail N.E. of Melbourne. It is the chief town of ( BegSes, a suburban town in the department of the Ovens goldfields, on which over 5000 miners are em- Gnonde, France, 3 miles S.S.E. of Bordeaux, on the railployed. The town has several churches and various public way from Bordeaux to Cette. The principal manufactured buildings, including a good library and museum. Mean pi oducts are chemicals, artificial manure, soap, and candles; 18 an im )(n tant temperature for the year, 55-2° F.; for January, 69-7° F • /! o o o l ' industry. Population for July, 41-0° F. Mean rainfall (4 years), 29'29 inches' (1881), 7238; (1896), 10,372. Population (1891), 2528; (1901), 7359. Behar, or Bihar, a town of British India, in the Patna district of Bengal, which gives its name to an old Beer. See Brewing. province, situated on the right bank of the river PanBeets, NikoSaas (1814 ), Dutch poet, was born at Haarlem on the 13th of September 1814; con- chana. Population (1881), 48,968; (1891), 47,723; stant references in his poems and sketches show how deeply (1901), 44,894. There are still some manufactures of silk the beauty of that town and its neighbourhood impressed and muslin, but trade has deserted Behar in favour of his imagination. He studied theology in Leyden but Patna, and other places more favourably situated on the gave himself early to the cultivation of poetry. In his i iver Ganges and the railway. The old province, stretching youth Beets was entirely carried away on the tide of widely across the valley of the Ganges from the frontier Byronism which was then sweeping over Europe, and his o Nepal, to the hills of Chota Nagpur, corresponds to the two administrative divisions of Patna and Bhagalpur, with early works — Jose, 1834; Kuser, 1835; and Guy de Vlarn- a total area of 44,197 square miles, population of wuj, 1837 are gloomy romances of the most impassioned ype. But at the very same time he was beginning in prose 23,127,104, and a land revenue of Rx.1,425,876, or nearly one million sterling. It is the most densely populated
