Page:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 26 - AUS-CHI.pdf/269

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BETUL — BEUST 237 the Pari-Mutuel is called the Totalizator, this system of till 1866. In addition to this he held the ministry betting is carried on. Rows of offices are established behind or near the stands, on each of which lists are ex- of education and public worship from 1849 to 1853 ; that hibited containing the numbers of the horses that are to of internal affairs in 1853, and in the same year was run in the coming race. At some of these the minimum appointed minister-president. From the time that he wager is five francs, at others ten, twenty, fifty, one entered the ministry he was, however, the leading member aiK hundred, five hundred, and in some cases a thousand. The

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responsible for the events of person who proposes to bet goes to the clerk at one of these 1849. By his advice the king refused to accept the constitution proclaimed by the Frankfurt assembly, a offices, mentions the number, as indicated on the card, of w hich led to the outbreak of revolution in Dresden, the horse he wishes to back, and states whether he desires to bet on it to win or for a place only. He receives a which was suppressed after four days’ fighting by Prussian troops, for whose assistance Beust had asked. On Beust voucher for his money. After the race the whole amount tell also the chief responsibility for governing the country collected at the various offices is put together and divided after order was restored, and he was the author of the after a percentage has been deducted for the administration and for the poor. As soon as this has been done, the money so-called coup d'etat of June 1850 by which the new is dmded and the prices to be paid to winners are constitution was overthrown. The vigour he showed in exhibited on boards. These prices are calculated on a repressing all resistance to the Government, especially that unit of ten francs. Thus, for instance, if the winner is of the university, and in reorganizing the police, made him notified as bringing in twenty-five francs, the meaning one of the most unpopular men among the Liberals, and is that the backer receives his original stake of ten and his name became synonymous with the worst form of fifteen in addition, the money being paid immediately reaction, but it is not clear that the attacks on him were by another clerk attached to the office at which the bet justified. After this he was chiefly occupied with foreign affairs, and he soon became one of the most conspicuous was made. (A. E. T. w.) figures m German politics. He was the leader of that a town and district of British India, in the party which hoped to maintain the independence of the Narbuda division of the Central Provinces. In 1891 the smaller states, and was the opponent of all attempts on population of the town was 5260. The administrative the part of Prussia to attract them into a separate union; headquarters of the district have been transferred to the in 1849-50 he had been obliged to join the “three kings’ town of Badnur, 5 miles north, which had in 1891 a popu- union” of Prussia, Hanover, and Saxony, but he awis r L lation of 5014. careful to keep open a loophole for withdrawal, of which The district of Betul has an area of 3824 square he speedily availed himself. In the crisis of 1851 Saxony miles. The population in 1891 was 323,116. Classified was on the side of Austria, and he supported the restoraaccording to religion, Hindus numbered 197,774 • Mahom- tion of the Diet. In 1854 he took part in the Bamberg medans, 5122; aborigines, 119,008, chiefly Gonds; conferences, in which the smaller German states claimed Christians, 66, of whom 21 were Europeans; “others" the right to direct their own policy independent of that 1146. In 1901 the population was 285,324, showing a of Prussia, and lie was the leading supporter decrease of 12 per cent., due to the results of famine. of the idea of the Trias, i.e., that the smaller states should I he to tal amount of land revenue and rates is returned form a closer union among themselves against the preponat Rs.2,02,865, the incidence of assessment being only derance of the great monarchies. In 1863 he came two annas per acre of assessed area; the number of forward as a warm supporter of the claims of the prince police was 321. In 1897-98, out of a total cultivated of Augustenburg to Schleswig-Holstein; he was the area of 562,069 acres, only 8309 were irrigated from leader of the party in the German Diet which refused to wells. The principal crops are wheat, millet, other food- recognize the Treaty of London, and in 1864 he was grains, pulse, oil-seeds, and a little sugar-cane and cotton. appointed representative of the Diet at the Congress of A large part of the area (778,976 acres) is still covered London. He was thus thrown into opposition to the with forests, which yield teak and other timber The policy of Bismarck, and he was exposed to violent attacks only manufacture is cotton cloth. There is no railway m the Prussian press as a “ Particularist,” i.e., a supporter and good roads are few; nor is any of the rivers navigable! of the independence of the smaller states. The expulsion In 1897-98 _ there were 69 schools attended by 3223 of the Saxon troops from Rendsburg nearly led to a pupils. This district suffered very severely from the conflict with Prussia. Beust was accused of having famine of 1896-97; in 1897 the death-rate being as high brought about the war of 1866, but the responsibility for as 73 per 1000. It suffered again in 1900, when in May this must rest with Bismarck. On the outbreak of war the number of persons relieved rose to one-third of the Beust accompanied the king to Prague, and thence to total population. Vienna, where they were received by the emperor with the news of Koniggratz. Beust undertook a mission to ®eus£ Friederich Ferdinand von ^l&uy-idSb), Austrian statesman, was descended from a Paris to procure the help of Napoleon. When the terms noble family which had originally sprung from the Mark of peace were discussed he resigned, for Bismarck refused of Brandenburg, and of which one branch had been for to negotiate with him. After the victory of Prussia there was no place for over 300 years settled in Saxony. He was born on 13th January 1809 in Dresden, where his father held office at the Beust in Germany, and his public career seemed to be Saxon court. After studying at Leipzig and Gottingen he closed, but he quite unexpectedly received an invitation entered the Saxon public service; in 1836 he was made from the emperor of Austria to become his foreign secretary of legation at Berlin, and afterwards held minister. It was a bold decision, for Beust was not only appointments at Paris, Munich, and London. In March a stranger to Austria, but also a Protestant, but the choice 1848 he was summoned to Dresden to take the office of of the emperor justified itself. Beust threw himself into foreign minister, but in consequence of the outbreak of the his new position with great energy; it was owing to him revolution was not appointed. In May he was appointed that the negotiations with Hungary were brought to a Saxon envoy at Berlin, and in February 1849 was again successful issue. When difficulties came he went himself summoned to Dresden, and this time appointed minister to Pesth, and acted directly with the Hungarian leaders. In 1867 he also held the position of Austrian minister0 orei n g affairs, an office which he continued to hold president, and he carried through the measures by which