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BUITENZORG — BULAWAYO 443 Statistics of Building and Loan Associations, 1893.—General 43*86 ; and the death-rate 29*90—with the exception Results for the United States. of Istria and Carniola the highest in Austria. The illegitimate births were 12*24 per cent, of the whole. Local. National. Total. The marriage-, birth-, and death-rates, as well as the proNumber of associations . 5,598 240 5,838 portion of illegitimacy, are diminishing. Bukovina sends Male shareholders in associations reporting .... «710,156 “209,458 11 members to the Reichsrath (5 Rumanians, 2 Ru“919,614 Female shareholders in associations thenians, 3 Germans, and 1 Pole). The Diet is composed reporting .... “263,388 “44,440 “307,828 Total shareholders in associations reporting ....

  • -1,359,366 6386,359 61,745,725 of 14 Rumanians, 8 Germans, 5 Ruthenians, and 4 Poles.

Average shareholders per associa German enjoys special privileges in this crown-land, being tion reporting 6244-5 61,637-1 6301-2 the official language of the administration, of law, and of Shareholders who are borrowers in associations reporting . '402,212 '53,199 '455,411 instruction in the university. Education is provided for Per cent, of borrowers in associa tions reporting ... '29-83 '13-77 '26-25 by a university at Czernowitz (three faculties : theology, Number of shares in associations reporting .... <*10,381,031 <*2,874,841 <*13,255,872 law, and philosophy—371 students), 5 gymnasia, 346 Total dues and profits elementary schools (attended by about 63 per cent, of the Average shares per shareholder in $413,647,228 $37,020,366 $450,667,594 children), together with 54 technical and continuation associations reporting . '7-6 '7-2 '7-5 Average dues and profits per share schools. The latter show a marked increase, and progress holder in associations reporting '$303.11 <-$86.73 '$257.26 is also visible in elementary education. In 1890 the Average value of shares in associa tions reporting '$39.75 >'$12.12 '$34.18 illiterates formed 77*2 per cent, of the population, a Total profits .... Average size of loans in associa $74,402,969 $6,261,147 $80,664,116 reduction of 6*3 per cent on the preceding decade. With tions reporting /$1,133 /$920 /$1,120 the exception of Dalmatia, Bukovina has the largest proHomes acquired in associations re porting 8-290,803 823,952 8314,755 portion of illiterates in Austria. Of the 31 periodicals and newspapers published in 1898, 19 are German, 6 “ Associations not reporting, local, 1503 ; national, 66 ; total, 1569. 6 Associations not reporting, local, 38 ; national, 4 : total, 42. Ruthenian, 3 Rumanian, 1 Polish, and 2 polyglot. Three' Associations not reporting, local, 69; national, 4; total, 73. fourths of the population are engaged in agriculture and <* Associations not reporting, local, 18; national, 4 ; total, 22. ' Based on 5535 local associations, 226 national associations ; total, 5761. forestry, 13*76 per cent, in mining and industry, and 5*31 / Based on 2128 local associations, 45 national associations ; total, 2173. per cent, in trade. Agriculture has made considerable 8 Associations not reporting, local, 1326 ; national, 68 ; total, 1394. progress. Distilleries, milling, and brewing represent the tion showed a growth in almost every item. It is safe to most important industries. Commerce is chiefly in the say that the total dues and profits of building and loan hands of the Jews and Armenians, and is mainly confined associations in 1901, constituting their assets, reached to raw products, such as corn, cattle, wood, wool, and other about -$600,000,000, with probably 6000 associations con- animal products. Horse - breeding is encouraged by a stantly contributing to its growth. During the years of government stud at Radautz. In 1897 there were 351 depression ending with 1899 the growth of building and kilometres of railway, 4088 kilometres of roads, and 351 loan associations was naturally slower than in prosperous kilometres of waterways, serviceable only for floating timber. periods. There were 93 post and 46 telegraph offices, with 761 See Ninth Annual Report of U.S.A. Commissioner of Labour, kilometres of line and 1772 kilometres of wire. 1893. Bulletin, No. 10 (May 1897), of the Department of Labour. See Bidermann. Die Bukowina unter der oesterreich. VerwalHow toManage Building Associations, by Edmund Rigley, published tung, 1775-1875. Lemberg, 1876.—Wickenhauser. Molda, oder in 1873. A Treatise on Co-operation Savings and Loan Associations, Beitrdge zur Geschichte dev Moldau und Bukowina. Czernowitz, by Seymour Dexter, New York ; D. Appleton and Co., 1891. 1882.—Dan. Die Volkerschaften der Bukowina. Czernowitz, 1890. A Treatise on Building Associations, adapted to the use of Lawyers (.E. O’N.) and Officers, by Charles N. Thompson, Chicago : Callaghan and Co 1892 -’ (c. r>. w.), a town and district of British Buitenzorg', a district in the island of Java (till India, in the Meerut division of the North-West Provinces. 1866 an assistant residency), forming the southern part of The town is on the right bank of the Kali Nadi. The the residency of Batavia, with an area of 1447 square miles. population in 1891 was 16,931 ; the municipal income It occupies the northern slopes of a range of hills separating in 1897-98 was Rs.17,347. Its present handsome appearit from Preanger, and has a fertile soil. Tea, coffee, ance is due to a recent collector, the late Mr F. S. Growse, cinchona, sugar-cane, and rice are cultivated, as are also who was active in erecting public buildings, and in ennutmegs, cloves, and pepper. Buitenzorg, the capital, couraging the local gentry to beautify their own houses. in direct line about 32 miles S. of Batavia, is the usual In particular, it boasts a fine bathing-ghat, a town hall, a residence of the Governor-General of the Dutch East market-place, a tank to supply water, and a public garden. The district of Bulandshahr has an area of 1911 Indies. Since 18/5 the offices of the General Secretary square miles. The population in 1891 was 949,914, being and the bureaux of mines and of the state railway have been, transferred to this place, which has a well-equipped 497 persons per square mile. Classified according to hospital and sanatorium. A Chinese colony numbering religion, Hindus numbered 769,401 ; Mahommedans, 179,019; Christians, 210, of whom 79 were Europeans; about 5000 has been established in the vicinity. “others,” 1284. In 1901 the population was 1,138,296, Bukovina, a duchy and crown-land in the Cisleithan showing an increase of 20 per cent. The land revenue half of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Population in and rates were Rs.22,73,390, the incidence of assess1869, 511,964; in 1880, 571,671 ; in 1890, 646,591, ment being R.l:10:7 per acre; the number of police which is equivalent to 160-2 inhabitants per square mile. was 2801. Out of a total cultivated area in 1896-97 of Proportion of females to males, 993 to 1000; 41*77 per 845,668 acres, 199,272 wei*e irrigated from the Ganges canal cent, are Ruthenians, 32*41 per cent. Rumanians, 20*79 and 193,522 from wells. There are 190 indigo factories, pei cent. Germans, 3*67 per cent. Poles, the remainder employing 16,000 persons, with an out-turn valued at being made up of Czechs, Russians, &c.; 69*71 belong to Rs.10,52,190; and five mills for pressing and cleaning the Greek Oriental Church, 12*79 per cent, are Jews, cotton. The main line of the East Indian railway and 11 19 per cent. Roman Catholics, 3*25 per cent. Greek the Oudh and Rohilkhand railway cross the district. The united Church, and 2*5 per cent, are Protestant. Popu- chief centre of trade is Khurja. lation in 1900, 729,921. In 1896 the marriage - rate B UI a way O, a town of British South Africa, the largest was 7*85; the birth-rate, 44*99, or, excluding still-births, place in Southern Rhodesia, and formerly chief military kraal