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CHESS 755 (Holland), P. A. Kuijers and C. Colpa ; (Russia) Dr A W (1888); Count Pongracz (Hermit of Tyrnau) (1890); W. Grimshaw Galitzky and N. Maximotf. The lollowing eminent composers are no longer living the (1890) ; Fr. af Geyerstam (1890); J. G. Campbell (1891); A. Abela (1892) ; G. Szabo (1892); J. Pierce (1892) ; G. E. Barbier whl ch each die d being shown. “J. B.” (John Brown) (1895) ; G. C. Heywood (1895); D. Lamouroux (1895) ; A. S. i /i N tny (1871 T ^ P r tlla r° ^ °- - Malmquist borensen (1896) ; L. K. Istomin (1897); F. Dubbe (1897) ; C. i Wormald (1879); (1874); H.0. Leprettel Gelbfuss Bayer (1897); F. Moucka (1898); J. Rayner (1898); C. A. JJ87') ; v'wu WBlmers (18/9); R-A. B.Anderssen (H. E. 1 elletret) (1882); P. T. Duffy (1888) ; J. H. Obermann Gilberg (1898) ; W. C. Spens (1900) ; A. Bayersdorfer (1901) : A. C. Vasquez (1901); J. Minckwitz (1901). Solutions. Problem No. Composer. White 1. Black 1. White 2. Black 2. White 3. I. Stamina Kt - Kt4 (ch) R x Kt R• B5 (ch), Ac. II. W. Bone Q - B5 (ch) K - R4 Q- • Kt4 (ch) K - Kt3 Q - Q4 (ch) (3) K - R4 (4) B - Kt4 (ch) (4) K-R5 (5) B - K sq. (ch) (5) K-Kt6 Q Kt4 (ch), &c. (6) III.r Prof. A. Anderssen Q - KR5 P- Q7, &c. QxQ IV . Rev. C. Loveday B - KKt5 P - Kt5 B QB1 P - Kt4 R - Q2, Ac. y. J. G. Campbell P-K5 B - R2 (ch) P KB5 BxP (ch) K - Q4, Ac. fK-R8 Q- R2 (ch), &c. K - R6 Kt -R2 VI. S. Loyd Kt - Kt4 (ch) Q - B2 J K-B6 K - B8 R- QR8 l^K Kt8 R- QR8, also R - QB8 VII. F. Healey R-KR1 B-Q2 Q- QKtl B - Kt4 Q - KKtl (mate) Q(P-K4 QR7, &c. VIII. J. B. of Br id port P - Q6 4 K - K4 Q- QBl, &c. [K-B5 Q- B5, &c. IX. P. Klett R - KR6 P-B4 R- KR1 PxB R - QR1, Ac. f Q - Kt5 PxQ Kt - QKt5, &c. X. IV. Grimshaw q also solved by {Kt - KBS B x Kt Q-K6 ! XI. T. Taverner R — KR4, &c. XII. A'. Marin Q - QB7, &c. f Kt x Q Kt - Kt5, &c. XIII. Rev. J. Jespersen Q-Q5 - PxQ Kt — B6, &c. (Other BxP (ch), &c. f B - Kt3 P-Q8 (= Kt) (ch), &c. XIV. Rev. H. W. Sherrard PxP - K - B3 P x B ( = B), &c. (K x B PxR ( = R), &c. /BxP Q - KKt4 (ch) I B - KB4 XV. Q - QR4 (ch) J. Pospisil Q-Ql j K - Q4 Q - Kt3 (ch) IK-B4 Q - B3 (ch) (K-Q6 B - Bl (ch) P-B4 B - Kt2 (ch) /J. Kesl and K. Musill XVI. P - Kt4 B - B5 (ch) B - R3 ( (joint composition) J 1 PxP Kt - B5 (ch) P-K4 Kt - Q6 (ch) IP-KS B - Bl, &c. XVII. / K B3 C. Behting Q - QKtl P-Q4 Q - KKt6 (mate) B - R7 1P - B5 Q - Kt5 (ch) f P KKt5 Q — R6, &c. XVIII. A. F. Mackenzie Q-R3 - KxR Kt - Q7 (ch), Ac. I K - K6 Kt - Q5 (ch), Ac. fP-Q8( = Q) Q - R4 (ch), Ac. I BxR XIX. Q - R1 (ch), Ac. J. Fridlizius R - KBS j Kt x P R - Q3 (ch), Ac. [BxP P-B3 (ch), Ac. QxP Q - K5 (ch) PxQ R x P (ch), Ac. XX. B. G. Laws B - Ktl Q or B - R2 Q -K3 (ch) KxQ Kt — B2 (ch), Ac. Q-R3 QxP (ch) KxQ R x P (ch) Remarks. —Problems I. to X. are selected to illustrate the old “Bristol” idea is worked in accordance with modern ideas of and transition styles of composition, whilst Nos. XL to XX. economy and purity. belong to the later transition and modern period. VIII. A characteristic example of J. B. of Bridport’s peculiar I. and II. are early examples of problem composition. which neat construction and elegance are more marked IV. is the “ Indian ” in its original, but not wholly sound form. style, inthan complexity. A. F. Mackenzie describes this now well-worn theme as “ covering features Problem No. IX. is a masterpiece of difficulty. It was coman ambush in a stale-mating position, giving the king a loophole posed in 1871 for a solution tourney at Crefeld. of apparent escape, and then mating by double check” (Chess: Problem No. X. is worthy of note as containing a cook (i.e., an its Poetry and its Prose). unintended second solution) of almost equal obscurity to that V. is from a set in the Era tourney, 1855. It is a fine early intended by the author. A comparison of this problem with No. example of the cross-check theme, the White King exposing XIII. by J. Jespersen affords another illustration of the progress himself to the enemy’s fire both on the first and second moves. ° in the art of composition. Not only is the latter problem sound, VI. A prize problem of the year 1859, is an early example of but the unfortunate threat of immediate mate is avoided, the introduction of several distinct ideas in a single problem. and a second idea of equal merit is combined with that common According to later ideas, the check upon the first move would be to both. This it will be seen lies in the sacrifice of the Q on the considered as a key-move of too aggressive a character. In this first move, to prevent subsequently a black pawn from moving case, however, compensation is found in the interesting quiet two-squares, so as to nullify the double threat of mate which a continuations which it introduces. quiet second move of the Kt introduces. VH. is the famous Bristol tourney prize problem, 1861, from Problem No. XIV. is a fine example of the “pawn promotion ” which the term “ Bristol ” theme is derived, of which the essen- theme, the point of which lies in the fact that White (having the tial idea consists in moving a piece to a most out-of-the-way right to claim a Q, on advancing his pawn to the eighth square) place, for the simple object of making room for another piece to finds it more effectual to claim pieces of less power, viz., a reach a desired square. Compare with No. XVII., in which the Knight, a Bishop, and a Rook in the three several variations.