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CILLI—CINCINNATI masonry (Syrian) gate to Alexandretta and thence crossed M. Fahr. It has also a considerable trade in timber, iron, Amanus by the Syrian Gate, Beilan Pass, to Antioch and Syria ; leather, corn, and coal, while its industries include zinc and another ran northwards through a masonry (Amanian) gate, smelting and metal works, and the manufacture of south of Toprak Kaleh, and crossed M. Amanus by the Amanian chemicals, explosives, veneers, leather, brick and tiles, Gate, Baghche Pass, to North Syria and the Euphrates. By the last pass, which was apparently unknown to Alexander, Darius flour and beer. The town has latterly taken a somewhat crossed the mountains prior to the battle of Issus. Both passes prominent part in the nationality struggle; it was an are short and easy, and connect Cilicia Pedias geographically and educational concession to the Slovene element of the politically with Syria rather than with Asia Minor. Another population Avhich brought about the fall of the German, important road connected Sision with Kokusos and Melitene. In Roman times Cilicia exported the goats -hair cloth, Cilicium, Clerical, and Polish coalition in June 1895. Population (1890), 6264; (1900), 6743 (about 75 per cent. German, of which tents were made. Cilicia has been identified by some authorities with the Kuah and 25 per cent. Slovene; 99 per cent. Roman Catholic, and Helak of the emended texts of 1 Kings x. 28, and Ezek. and 1 per cent. Protestant). xxvii. 11, and by Maspero with the Keti of the Egyptian inscriptions. The Cilicians appear to have belonged to that Cilli, which is mentioned by the Elder Pliny, and whose origin great family of non-Aryan tribes which included the Syro- was attributed to the Celts, was taken possession of by the Cappadocians, or Hittites, and the Proto-Armenians. Under the Romans (15 B.c.) under the Emperor Claudius and received the Persian Empire, Cilicia was apparently governed by tributary name of Claudia Celeja. It was incorporated with Aquileia, native kings who bore the name Syennesis. After Alexander’s under Constantine ; and towards the end of the 6th century was death it was loosely held by the Seleucid kings, and Cilicia destroyed by the invading Slavs. It had a period of exceptional Trachea became the haunt of pirates who were subdued by prosperity from the middle of the 14th to the latter half of the Pompey. Cilicia Pedias became Roman territory in 103 B.C., and 15th century under the Counts of Cilli, on the extinction of the whole was organized by Pompey, 64 b.c., into a province which family it fell to Austria. In the 16th century it suffered which extended to and included part of Phrygia. It was greatly both from revolts of the peasantry and from the Counterreorganized by Csesar, 47 B.C., and about 27 B.c. became part of Reformation, Protestantism having made many converts in the the province Syria-Cilicia-Phcenice. At first the western district district, particularly among the nobles. (iE. o’n.) was left independent under native kings or priest-dynasts, and a small kingdom, under Tarkondimotus, was left in the east; but Cincinnati, the capital of Hamilton county, Ohio, these were finally united to the province by Vespasian, A.D. 74. U.S.A., situated on the north bank of the Ohio river, Under Diocletian, circ. 297, Cilicia, with the Syrian and Egyptian provinces, formed the Diocesis Orientis. In the 7th century it FT. lat. 39° 6', W. long. 84° 26', the tenth city in populawas invaded by the Arabs, who held the country until it was re- tion in the Union. The population in 1890 was 296,908, occupied by Nicephorus II. in 965. 71,408 being foreign-born, chiefly German, Irish, British, The Seljuk invasion of Armenia was followed by an exodus of and Russian; in 1900 it was 325,902, of whom 57,961 Armenians southwards, and in 1080 Rhupen, a relative of the last king of Ani, founded in the heart of the Cilician Taurus a small were foreign-born and 14,482 were negroes. These figures principality which gradually expanded into the kingdom of do not include suburbs, with an estimated population of Lesser Armenia. This Christian kingdom—situated in the 60,000; nor the cities of Covington and Newport and midst of Moslem states, hostile to the Byzantines, giving valuable adjoining towns on the south bank of the Ohio, with a support to the leaders of the Crusades, and trading with the population of 71,329. Five bridges connect Cincinnati great commercial cities of Italy—had a stormy existence of about 300 years. Gosdantin I. (1095-1100) assisted the Crusaders on with these cities, over three of which trolley cars run. their march to Antioch, and was created knight and marquis. There are forty-four lines of street cars extending many Thoros I. (1100-1123), in alliance with the Christian princes of miles in all directions from a common central point in the Syria, waged successful war against Byzantines and Seljuks. city. These have pushed the area of residence and manuLevond II., “the Great” (1185-1219), extended the kingdom beyond Mount Taurus and established the capital at Sis. He facture far beyond the surrounding hills on which are the assisted the Crusaders, and was crowned king by the archbishop original suburbs. The hill-tops are also reached by four of Mayence, and married one of the Lusignans of Cyprus. inclined-plane cable railways. The climate is salubrious; Haithon I. (1224-69) made an alliance with the Mongols, who, the mean temperature in summer is 75‘5° F., in winter before their adoption of Islam, protected his kingdom fiom the Memluks of Egypt. When Levond V. died (1342), John of 38T°, and for the year 55-9°. The mean relative humidity Lusignan was crowned king as Gosdantin IV. ‘, but he and his is 71 per cent. According to the U.S. census, the deathsuccessors alienated the Armenians by attempting to make them rate of Cincinnati in 1890 was 2D0; in 1900 it was conform to the Roman Church, and by giving all posts of honour 19‘2, showing a considerable decrease. There are 376 to Latins, and at last the kingdom, a prey to internal dissensions, miles of improved streets largely paved with granite, succumbed (1375) to the attacks of the Egyptians. Cilicia Trachea was occupied by the Osmanlis in the 15th century, but asphalt, and brick. The adjoining parts of Ohio, Indiana, C. Pedias was only added to the empire in 1515. Prom 1833 to and Kentucky are thickly settled, and Cincinnati is the 1840 Cilicia formed part of the dominion of Mahommed Ali, who commercial centre of a rich, fertile, and populous region was compelled to evacuate it by the Allied Powers. Ramsay. Historical Geography of Asia Minor, 1890.—Bent comprising parts of ten states. Sixteen lines of railand Hicks in Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1890.—Sterrett in way enter it from all directions, one of which—that to Journal Archcelog. Inst, of America, 1884-85.—Marqtiardt. Chattanooga, 334 miles long—was built and is owned Bomische Staatsverwaltung. (c. W. W.) by the city. It cost $18,000,000, and is run by a Cilli (Slovene, Celje), an old and picturesque town lessee, at an annual rental of $1,000,000. Steam river with special charter and seat of a district administration in navigation has declined as railways have increased, there Styria (Austria). It is situated on the left bank of the being, in 1899, ninety vessels registered with a tonSann river, and is a station on the Southern Railway from nage of 16,827. The National Government has improved Vienna to Trieste. Apart from the parish church, dating and lighted the channel, and large quantities of coal, from the 14th century, Cilli furnishes some interesting ore, iron, lumber, and salt float down in flatboats. specimens of mediaeval architecture, such as the beautiful Cincinnati is a growing seat of education. Besides the Gothic chapel and the so-called German church in the university of Cincinnati, with law, medical, and other Romanesque style. Remains of the old walls and towers departments, it contains St Xavier and other colleges and with which the town was once surrounded are yet visible, schools for general and special instruction, a college of and memorials of a still earlier period of its history— music, an art school, a technical school, a mechanics’ inRoman antiquities—are to be seen in the municipal stitute, a college of pharmacy, and a Hebrew union college museum. Cilli owes a good deal of its recent prosperity for the education of rabbis, which is the only one of the to the growing popularity of its river baths, which have kind in the United States. Scientific, social, historical, converted it into a favourite summer resort. During the political, and other societies are numerous, many having bathing season the water has a temperature of 75 to 85 buildings and libraries. There are 246 churches of 25