Page:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 27 - CHI-ELD.pdf/189

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COMETS Table of the Approximate Elements—continued. No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 07 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

LongiPeritude Inclina- helion Ascending tion. DisNode. tance. a 2

Time of Perihelion Passage. A.D. 1867 L, Jan. 20’2 1867 11., May 23'9 1868 1., April 17'41868 111., Sept. 14 6 1869 L, June 29‘9 1869 III., Nov. 18-8 1870 III., Sept. 22-7 1871 111., Dec. 1'8 1871 Y., Dec. 28'8 1873 1., May 9‘8 1873 11., June 25'2 1873 111., July 18-5 1873 VI. 1875 L, March 12'l 1875 11., April 13-0 1877 IV., May 10’5 1878 11., July 26‘2 1878 111., Sept. 7'3 1879 1., March 30’5 1879 111., May 7-1 1880 IV. 1881 L, Jan. 22'7 1881 V. 1881 VII. 1884 L, Jan. 25'7 1884 11., Aug. 16'5 1884 111., Nov. 17-8 1885 L, March 7'6 1885 IV., Sept, ll'l 1886 IV. June 6‘7 1886 VI. 1886 VII. 1887 V. 1888 11., June 28'0 1888 IV. 1889 V. 1889 VI. 1890 V., Sept. 17‘5 1890 VII. 1891 11., Sept. 3'41891 111., Oct. 18 0 1891 V., Nov. 15‘0 1892 III. 1892 IV. 1892 V. 1893 III., July 12-2 1894 L, Feb. 9‘5 1894 111., April 23‘2 1894 IV. 1895 1., Feb. 4-7 1895 11., Aug. 20‘9 1896 II., March 19'3 1896 V. 1896 VI. 1896 VII. 1897 II., May 24’0 1898 11., March 20‘4 1898 111., May 27‘8 1898 IV., July 4‘6 1899 11., April 28-1 1899 111., May 4-5

122 ! 1899 IV., July 28'5

357-5 135-0 14-8 183-7 162106-2 172206-8 183-6 159-3 185-2 20014-8 165-1 183-7 173183-7 185-1 14-9 159-5 106-2 201312-5 183-9 199-2 301-0 172-7 183206-8 176-8 172315-1 65-3 184201-2 343-6 69-7 173328-2 172-8 184106-7 14-2 172170-3 315-5 46-3 185296-6 184-0 167-8 201-2 139-5 343-8 163173173-4 184172-9 14-1 206-7 185-

SemiMajor Axis.



Comet of


78-5 18-2 1-577 1171 40-09 0-865 Stephan. 101-2 6-4 1-563 3-189 5-695 0-510 Tempel (I.). 101-2 29-4 0-597 3-109 5-482 0-808 Brorsen. 334-5 13-1 0-334 2-212 3-289 0-849 Encke. 113-6 10-8 0781 3-150 5-592 0752 4 Winnecke. 296-8 5-4 1-063 3-109 50-658 Tempel-Swift. 146-4 157 1-280 3-507 60-635 3 D’Arrest. 259-3 54-3 1-030 9757 13-811 0-821 Tuttle* 334-6 13-1 0-333 2-210 3-285 0-849 Encke. 78-7 9-8 1771 3-296 5-984 0-463 Tempel (I.). 12012-8 1-344 3-004 5-207 0-553 Tempel (II.). 9 209-6 11-4 1-683 3-801 7Faye. 0-557 4 Oct. 10’5 Brorsen. 101-2 , 29-4 0-594 3-106 50-809 111-6 11- 0-829 3-201 5726 0741 "Winnecke. 3 334-6 13-1 0-333 2-211 3-287 0-849 Encke. 146-2 0 157 1-318 3-541 60-628 D’Arrest. 13- 0-333 2-212 3-285 0-849 Encke. 1 3347 12112- 1-340 3-001 5-202 0-554 Tempel (II.). 0 8 101-3 29-4 0-590 3-101 5-470 0-810 Brorsen. 78-8 9-8 1771 3-295 5-982 0-463- Tempel (I.). 8 0 Tempel-Swift. 296-9 , 5- 1-067 3-113 5-493 Nov. 4 0-657 209-6 11- 1738 373 0-549 2 Faye. 13'3 Denning. 65-9, 6- 0725 49 8- Sept. 0-828 Nov. IS'S 334-6 , 12- 0-343 2-221 3-310 0-845 9 Encke. 254-1 7174-0 0776 17-2 0-955 Pons-Brooks. 5-1 5- 1-279 3-078 5-400 0-584 Barnard. 5 206-3 25-3 1-571 3-580 6 774 0-561 Wolf. 334-6 12-9 0-342 2-220 3-307 0-846 9 Encke. 54-3 1-024 5742 1376 0-822 Tuttle. 2697 53-5 127 1-327 3-152 5-595 0-579 Brooks. 104-1 , 14- 0-885 3-234 5- Sept. 07264’40 5 Winnecke. Nov. 22'4 52-5 , 3-0 0-998 3-536 60-718 Finlay. 8'5 84-5, 44-6 1-199 17-41 72- Oct. 0-931 Gibers. 12-9 0-343 2-220 3-308 0-845 0 334-6 Encke. Aug. 19‘9Faye. 11- 1738 3-854 70-549 3 209-6 , 7- Sept. 0-471 30-3 - Brooks. 18-0, 6- 1-950 31 8, 1-354 Nov. 29 5 10-2 40-676 330-6 Swift. 6-691 1-324 3-551 146-3 0 D’Arrest. 0-627 157 Oct. 26-5 45-1 , 12- 1-970 3-448 6-402 0-471 Spitaler. 9 206-4 25-2 1-593 3-597 6-821 0-557 Wolf. 12-9 0-340 2-218 3-303 0-846 0 Encke. 3347 3-129 50-653 Tempel-Swift. 5-4 1296-5 0 3-626 6June 0-41013’2Holmes. 1 20-8 23317 , 072630’9 104-1 , June Winnecke. 14-5 0-887 3-235 51 31-2 1-428 3-384 6- Dec. 0-578 ll’l Barnard. 2067, 52-5 3-0 0-989 3-526 6-622 0720 Finlay. 0-698 Denning. 84-4 5- 1-148 3-804 75 Tempel (II.). 121-2 127 1-351 3-008 5-218 0-551 6 0-57212‘2 De Vico-Swift. 3-0 1-392 3-252 5Oct. 487 , 12- 0-341 2-218 3-303 0-846 Encke. 9 3347 3-0 1-296 3-680 7-059 0-648 Swift. 170-3 11- 1738 3-854 7-566 0-549 Faye. 3 209-8 192-1, 11-6 1-482 3-500 6- Oct. 0-585 26-0 Giacobini. 3-693 0-4694‘2 Brooks (1889 V.). 718-0 , 6- 1-959 1 Nov. Perrine. 13- 1-110 3-462 6-441 0-679 6 246-6 , Nov.9 24‘6 1-324 6-675 3-551 0-627 D’Arrest. 146-4 157 1 17-0 0-924 3-240 5719 0-715 Winnecke. 100-9 12- 0-341 2-218 3-303 0-846 0 Encke. 9 334-8 6 25-2 13-597 6-821 0-557 Wolf. 206-4 3-615 6-874 0-411 Holmes (1892 III.). 1 20-8 23317 54-5 1-024 5742 13-664 0-822 Tuttle (discovered 269-8 by photography). 5-281 0-542 6 Tempel (II.). 12-6 1-351 5121-0

During the decade 1890-1900 our knowledge of cometic orbits was greatly increased by a systematic effort to provide computers for the orbits of comets whose elements require revision. Reports on this matter are printed by Dr Kreutz, at intervals, in the V. J. S. of the Astronomische Gesellschaft. All the computations relating to periodic comets are in thoroughly competent hands. The orbit of Wolf’s comet, for example, is so well determined by its calculator (Pastor Thraen) that at its

last return observation agreed with computation exactly within the limits of accuracy set by five-place logarithms. The non-periodic comets appearing since 1700 are nearly all in the hands of computers; only nineteen comets of the 18th and twenty-eight of the 19th century were unassigned at the date of Dr Kreutz’s report in 1898. The most important periodic comets are given in the following table:— S. Ill — 21