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east and west branches, at an altitude of 1122 feet. It shipping during 1898 showed a total of 1157 vessels, and has three railways, the Delaware, Lackawanna, and 983,121 aggregate tonnage. The harbour has been conWestern, the Erie and Central New York, and the Lehigh siderably improved. The new quay wall has been comYalley. Population (1880), 4050; (1890), 8590; (1900), pleted, and dredgers have been used successfully to deepen the anchorage. The depth of water is now 19 feet 9014. Cortona., a town and episcopal see of Tuscany, 6 inches at the quay walls at low tide, and powerful Italy (province Arezzo), 30 miles north-west from Perugia cranes have been erected on the wall to unload vessels. by rail. The church of St Domenic, built about 1250, A lighthouse has been established at Cape Torinana. should be mentioned because of its fine paintings by Corunna is the head of the railway line direct between Luca Signorelli, Fra Angelico, and others. Here is a Galicia and Madrid, and will soon be the terminus of lines technical school. Silk is manufactured. Population in different directions in North-West Spain and Portugal. (1901), 29,343. Corvey, an abbey of Germany. See Hoxter. Corunna, a maritime province in the extreme northCOS, or Kos (Italian, Stanchio; Turkish, Istan-keni, west of Spain. The coast, which is very dangerous to navigation, is a succession of bays and estuaries, which are from es rdv km), an island separated from Cape Krio, near very picturesque, and often in close proximity to more the south-west corner of Asia Minor, by a narrow strait. rugged parts that are in reality the last spurs of the Can- Under the name of Lungo it became part of the maritime tabric chain. The province is very well watered by a great state founded by the knights of Rhodes. In 1523, after many small rivers and streams. Hills and mountain-sides the fall of Rhodes, it was annexed to the Osmanli Empire. are covered with forests and pastures. The climate is The estimated population is 10,000: Moslems, 500; mild, with comparatively no extremes of cold or heat. Greeks, 9500. The rains are quite as abundant as in the rest of Galicia, Cosenz, Enrico (1812-1898), Italian soldier, and even more so than in Asturias and the Basque was born at Gaeta, 12th January 1812. As captain of provinces. It has an area of 3078 square miles, divided artillery in the Neapolitan army he took part in the exinto 14 administrative districts and 97 parishes. The pedition sent by Ferdinand II. against the Austrians in population was 596,436 in 1877, and 631,419 in 1897. 1848; but after the Coup dlEtat at Naples he followed In very few provinces of the kingdom is the birth-rate General Pepe in disobeying Ferdinand’s order for the so high, nor the proportion of illegitimates so great; the withdrawal of the troops, and proceeded to Venice to aid slow progress of the population, the death-rate being in defending that city. As commandant of the fort of moderate, is attributed to the fact that emigration carries Marghera, Cosenz displayed distinguished valour, and after off on an average 3250 per annum. Education is in a the fall of the fort assumed the defence of the Piazzale, backward condition, as in 1897, out of 129,976 children where he was twice wounded. Upon the fall of Venice he of both sexes, ranging from 4 to 14 years of age, only fled to Piedmont, where he remained until, in 1859, he 46,603 were enrolled on the school registers, and only assumed the command of a Garibaldian regiment. In 29,487 ever attended the classes. 1860 he conducted the third Garibaldian expedition to The railway lines actually open are only 45 miles. Sicily, defeated two Neapolitan brigades at Piale (August Other lines are being constructed. There were 63 unpro- 23), and marched victoriously upon Naples, where he was ductive mines in 1897, and 5 mines that were being appointed Minister of War, and took part in organizing the worked. The latter were—1 arsenic pyrites, 2 iron, and 2 plebiscite. During the war of 1866 his division saw but that showed traces of gold. The live-stock in 1897 little active service. After the war he repeatedly declined included 25,565 horses, 3863 mules, 3250 asses, 104,147 the portfolio of War. In 1881, however, he became chief sheep, 10,364 goats, 92,006 pigs, and 169,480 cattle. of the general staff, and held that position until a short The rearing of cattle, formerly one of the most important time before his death at Rome on 7th August 1898. industries of the province, has declined with the decrease COSGnza., a town and episcopal see of Calabria, Italy, of exportation, in particular to England; even to France and the interior of Spain it is not what it used to be. capital of the province Cosenza, 43 miles by rail southThe yield of the principal crops in 1898 was—wheat, south-west from Sibari, a junction on the railway along the 2,087,395‘bushels; rye, 1,091,086; beans, 54,596; chick east coast. It consists of the old town, with steep, narrow peas, 1,177,650; maize, 2,190,444, the latter showing a streets, and a better built new town, and is surrounded falling off of over 2,500,000 bushels. Only about 1890 by villas of the provincial landowners. The town suffered acres are covered with vines, that produce strongly severely from earthquakes in 1638, 1783, 1854, and 1870 alcoholic wine (491,392 gallons in 1898). The wheat Population (1881), 16,686; (1901), 21,420. crop covers 270,000 acres; rye, 170,000; maize, 70,000. Coshocton, capital of Coshocton county, Ohio, As in the rest of Spain, the cultivation of beetroot has U.S.A., on the Muskingum river, at the mouth of Tusbeen started in the province for the sugar factories and to carawas river, and on the Ohio Canal. Three railways feed cattle. (a. e. h.) intersect at this place. Population (1890), 3672; (1900), Corunna, a seaport and the capital of the above 6473. province. The population was 37,240 in 1887, and Cosne, chief town of arrondissement, department of 38,927 in 1897. The trade and commerce of Corunna depended so much on the Spanish colonies, especially Nievre, France, 33 miles north-north-west of Nevers, on Cuba and Porto Rico, that the loss of these seriously railway from Paris to Lyon. Its potteries are now imaffected the exports and imports. The total value of the portant, and there is wool-spinning, and the preparation of articles exported in 1898 amounted to <£86,316 as phosphate is carried on in the vicinity; with commerce against £185,061 in 1897, while the imports decreased in wine, hemp, wood, iron, wool, and leather. Population to £205,602 from £352,323. The chief exports were (1881), 5241; (1891), 5737; (1901), 8580. flour, potatoes, beans, bacon and hams, tinned provisions, Cossa, Pietro (1830-1880), Italian dramatist, chocolate, wine, eggs; the imports were chiefly coals from was born at Rome in 1830, and claimed descent from England, and drugs, hides, metals, machinery, timber, the family of Pope John XXIII., deposed by the council cotton, maize, sugar, coffee, petroleum. The return of of Constance. He manifested an independent spirit