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D E H RA — D E K K E R 399 “ Dancer,” in wax. He afterwards returned to his studies Dekker, Edward Douwes (1820-1887), the of the sporting world, exhibiting in December 1884 at the Dutch writer, commonly known as Multatuli, was born Petit Gallery two views of “ Races ” which had a great at Amsterdam on the 2nd of March 1820. His father, success, proving the increasing vogue of the artist among a ship’s captain, intended his son for trade, but this collectors. He is ranked with Manet as the leader of humdrum prospect disgusted him, and in 1838 he went the “impressionist school.” At the eighth Impressionist out to Java, and obtained a post in the Inland Revenue. Exhibition, in 1886, Degas continued his realistic studies He rose from one position to another, until, in 1851, of modern life, showing drawings of the nude, of work- he found himself assistant-resident at Amboyna, in the women, and of jockeys. Besides his pastels and his Moluccas. In 1857 he was transferred to Lebak, in the paintings of genre and portraits—among these, several Bantam residency of Java. By this time, however, all likenesses of Manet—Degas also handled his favourite the secrets of Dutch administration were known to him, subjects in etching and in aquatint; and executed several and he had begun to protest against the abuses of the lithographs of “Singers at Cafes-concert,” of “Ballet- colonial system. In consequence he was threatened with girls,” and indeed of every possible subject of night-life dismissal from his office for his openness of speech, and, and incidents behind the scenes. Degas is reputed not to throwing up his appointment, he returned to Holland in a have striven for official recognition; but his work is state of fierce indignation. He determined to expose in to be seen not only at the Luxembourg but in many of the detail the scandals he had witnessed, and he began to do great private collections in Paris, as in those of M. so in newspaper articles and pamphlets. Little notice, Camondo and M. Manzi, in England and America. In however, was taken of his protestations, until, in 1860, he the Centenary Exhibition of 1900 he exhibited “The published, under the pseudonym of “Multatuli,” his romance Interior of a Cotton-Broker’s Office at New Orleans ” entitled Max Havelaar. An attempt was made to ignore (belonging to the Museum at Pau) and “The Rehearsal.” this brilliant and irregular book, but in vain; it was See also G. Moore. “Degas, the Painter of Modern Life,” read all over Europe. The exposure of the abuse of Magazine of Art, 1890.—J. K. Htjysmans. Certains. Paris, free labour in the Dutch Indies was complete, although 1889.—G. Geffroy. La vie Arlistique. (3e Serie.) Paris, 1894. there were not wanting apologists who accused Dekker’s Dehra, a town of British India, headquarters of the terrible picture of being over-coloured. He was now Dehra Dun district. In 1881 the population was 18,959 ; fairly launched on literature, and he lost no time in 1891 it was 25,684 ; the municipal income in 1897-98 in publishing Love Letters (1861), which, in spite of was Rs.27,518; the death-rate in 1897 was 27T5 per their mild title, proved to be mordant satires of the thousand. It is the headquarters of the Trigonometrical most rancorous and unsparing kind. The literary merit Survey, and of the Forest Department, besides being a can- of Multatuli’s work was much contested; he received tonment for a Gurkha regiment; it has an American an unexpected and most valuable ally in Yosmaer. He continued to write much, and to faggot his miscellanies in Presbyterian mission. uniform volumes called Ideas, of which seven appeared Dehra. Dun, a district of British India, in the between 1862 and 1877. Douwes Dekker quitted Holland, Meerut division of the North-West Provinces. Its area is shaking off her dust from his feet, and went to live at 1193 square miles. The population in 1881 was 144,070; Wiesbaden. He now made several attempts to gain the in 1891 it was 168,135, giving an average density of 141 stage, and one of his pieces, The School for Princes, persons per square mile. In 1901 the population was 1875 (published in the fourth volume of Ideas), pleased 177,646, showing an increase of 6 per cent. The land himself so highly that he is said to have styled it the revenue and rates were Rs. 1,12,666, the incidence of greatest drama ever written. It is a fine poem, written assessment being R.0-5-9 per acre; the cultivated area in blank verse, like an English tragedy, and not in in 1896-97 was 87,912 acres, of which 23,441 were Dutch Alexandrines; but it is undramatic, and has not irrigated; the number of police was 372; there were 22 held the boards. Douwes Dekker moved his residence to vernacular schools, with 705 pupils ; the death-rate in 1897 Nieder Ingelheim, on the Rhine, and there he died on the 19th was 24-25 per thousand. A railway to Dehra from Har- of February 1887. Towards the end of his career he was dwar, on the Oudh and Rohilkhand line (32 miles), was the centre of a crowd of disciples and imitators, who did completed in 1900. Up to 1897-98 the capital outlay on his reputation no service; he is now, again, in danger of the Dun canals was Rs.7,15,311; the net receipts in that being read too little. To understand his fame, it is necesyear were Rs.68,151, showing a profit of 9'5 per cent. sary to remember the sensational way in which he broke There are four printing-presses, issuing two English and into the dulness of Dutch literature forty years ago, like a one vernacular newspapers; and three breweries. Tea flame out of the Far East. He was ardent, provocative, gardens cover an area of nearly 5000 acres. perhaps a little hysterical, but he made himself heard all Deir, or Deir eZ-Zor, a town of Asiatic Turkey, over Europe. He brought an exceedingly severe indicton the right bank of the Euphrates, at an altitude of ment against the egotism and brutality of the administrators 806 feet. It is the capital of the Zor sanjak, which was of Dutch India, and he framed it in a literary form which formed in 1857, and includes Ras el-'Ain to the east, and was brilliantly original. Not satisfied with this, he Palmyra to the west of the river. The town is connected attacked, in a fury that was sometimes blind, everything by a bridge with an island, whence there is a ferry to that seemed to him falsely conventional in Dutch religion, the left bank. The climate is healthy, but hot. Large government, society, and morals. He respected nothing, numbers of sheep and camels are bred in the sanjak, and he left no institution untouched. Now that it is possible cereals are grown. Roads lead to Aleppo and Damascus, to look back upon Multatuli without passion, we see in and, by Sinjar, to Mosul. The population of the sanjak him, not what Dutch enthusiasm saw,—“ the second writer is 100,000, chiefly nomads; of the town, 7000, including of Europe in the nineteenth century ” (Victor Hugo being presumably the first),—but a great man who was a powera few Christians and Jews. ful and glowing author, yet hardly an artist, a reckless Dekalb, a city of Dekalb county, Illinois, U.S.A., enthusiast, who was inspired by indignation and a burning in the northern part of the state, at the intersection of two sense of justice, who cared little for his means if only he railways. Population (1890), 2579; (1900), 5904, of could produce his effect. He is seen to his best and worst whom 1520 were foreign-born. in Max Havelaar; his Ideas, hard, fantastic, and sardonic,