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EDUCATION 671 tion for 150 students. Both colleges are thriving, and The University of London, as a comparatively modern have always been well filled. In some minor respects institution, unhampered by tradition or ancient statutes, the arrangements of Newnham are more elastic than has found itself free to take a step which has at present those of Girton, since its students are not all required proved impossible in the two older Universities. In 1878 to pass through the regular University curriculum. But the Senate, with the concurrence of Convocation, obtained from the first both institutions have sought recognition from the Crown a charter enabling persons of both from the University; and steps were taken to obtain sexes to graduate in all the Faculties on perfectly equal for the students of the colleges admission to the exam- terms. Up to the year 1900, 5185 women passed the inations for degrees. At first personal application was examination for Matriculation, 1383 the Intermediate made by Girton to the examiners, with the cognizance examination in Arts; 861 obtained the full degree of of the Council of the Senate, requesting them to examine B.A., and 63 that of M.A. In the Faculty of Science, some of the college students, and to conduct the vivd voce 266 passed the Intermediate examination, and 145 obexamination, reporting on the attainments of the students tained the degree of B.Sc., while 9 proceeded to the according to the University standard; and up to 1881 D.Sc. degree. In Medicine, 74 obtained the degree of degree examinations were carried on by the courtesy of M.B., 21 that of M.D., and 23 that of Bachelor in the examiners, on an informal but strictly regular system, Surgery. simultaneously with those of undergraduates of the UniThe example of the London University has since been versity. In 1881 the Senate by formal grace extended followed by the Victoria University, by the Scottish and to women the “ Little-go ” and the Honour examinations, Welsh Universities, and by Durham University, with which though not the examination for the ordinary degree; and is now incorporated the flourishing College of Science in since that date the students of both colleges have been Newcastle-on-Tyne. The University of Birmingham also admissible to the Previous and to the Tripos examina- receives as students, and admits as candidates for degrees, tions, and have received from the University a formal women as well as men. Proposals have sometimes been certificate attesting the result of the examination, though put forth by influential persons for establishing a women’s not at present conferring the actual academic title. University. But they have not proved acceptable to acaThe total number of students admitted to Girton from demic or public authorities, nor indeed to women themthe time the college was opened till 1901 was 757, of selves. Women’s colleges supply already a great want, whom 496 obtained honours according to the Cambridge and they will probably increase in number and in University standard, 146 having passed in the Classical usefulness. But for a women’s University, which shall and 134 in the Mathematical Tripos, and others in give a separate feminine degree, and set up a special History, Mediaeval and Modern Languages, or Natural standard of liberal education supposed to be adapted to Science. Newnham College also secured between 1880 the intellectual needs of women only, there is at present and 1900 upwards of 500 places in the Tripos examina- no general demand. Nor is it probable that such a tion. In the single year 1899, 12 students passed in the demand will arise in any practical form until philosophy first class, 29 in the second, and 20 in the third, besides and experience shall have enabled us to differentiate the 3 students who attained the standard qualifying for the mental characteristics of men and of women, and to deterordinary degree. mine in what departments of human knowledge each of The University of Oxford has followed the example of them should be encouraged or required to excel. MeanCambridge somewhat slowly and gradually, but with very while the chief advocates of the intellectual progress of notable results. Three colleges for female students have women are content to ask the Universities to afford been established—Somerville College, Lady Margaret access to the same variety of optional courses, and the Hall, and St Hugh’s Hall. The University instituted same rigorous tests of attainment which experience has special examinations for women in 1875; but in 1884 shown to be needed by men, and then to leave female these special examinations were practically abolished, and students at liberty to exercise their own choice. Hitherto a statute was passed in Convocation opening to women the British Universities have given a generous response the ordinary Honour Moderations (Classics and Mathe- to this appeal, and there can be little doubt that in any matics), and the Final Honour Schools of Mathematics, future development of academic institutions in England Natural Science, and Modern History. In 1886 women the claims of women to share in the highest intellectual were admitted to Responsions, in 1888 to the Honour privileges will be more and more recognized. School of Literce Humaniores, in 1890 to the Honour It is right to record here a recent and significant fact School of Jurisprudence, in 1893 to the Honour Schools in the history of educational endowments. Mr Pfeiffer, of Theology and of Oriental Studies, and in 1894 to a London merchant, and his wife, Mrs Emily the remaining examinations for the degree of B.A. In Pfeiffer, determined in 1884 to bequeath the erldow-^ all, between 1884 and 1900, 56 women presented them- whole of their residuary estate, amounting to mentor selves for honours at moderations in Classics, and 17 in nearly <£70,000, “to charities and educational women’s Mathematics; for final honours, 146 in Modern History, establishments on behalf of women, and of bi^ber 22 in Natural Science, 7 in Mathematics, 17 in Literoe women solely”; and the will expressly specified educatioa’ Humaniores, 2 in Jurisprudence, 22 in English Language that what the testator desired most was the intellectual or and Literature, and 47 in Modern Languages; of these, 56 professional training of women, “ theirs being to my mind passed in the first class and 119 in the second at the the great influence of the future.” The persons entrusted Final Honour School. with the distribution of this fund were the Vice-President Holloway College, near Egham, founded and muni- of the Council of Education, Miss Anna Swanwick, and ficently endowed by the late Mr Thomas Holloway in the writer of this article. The bequest became available 1876, has taken high rank as a college for women, and is in 1890, and under the sanction of the Court was distrirecognized as one of the schools of the University of London buted, in sums varying from £2000 to £5000, to Girton in the Faculties of Arts and Science. In the year 1899 and Newnham and Somerville Colleges, the training it had 108 students, and a large staff of professors and colleges for secondary teachers at Cambridge and in lecturers. It is exceptionally rich in scholarships, of which London, Bedford and Queen’s Colleges, the Halls of 12 are open for competition on entrance, and 2 others for Residence for women students attached to Universities students of merit in the college. and Colleges in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cardiff,