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APPENDIX 583 Appendix 21, p. 503. A good general survey of recent investigation of the limits of the Empire, in the light of Boman frontier policy, by E. Kornemann, will be found in Klio, 7, 73 sqq. Vol. II. Chap, xv., p. G8. The conversion of Iberia. See the articles of A. Palmieri in Oriens Christianus, ii. 130 sqq., 1902 ; iii. 148 sqq., 1903, and in Bessarione, ix. 433 sqq., 1900 ; and 2nd series ann. iv., i. 218 sqq., 397 sqq., ii. 188 sqq., 233 sqq., 1901-2. Chap, xvii., n. 211 and 212, n. 202. Aiirum coronarium. An Imperial edict on this subject, discovered in the Fayum, haB been published by Grenfell, Hunt and Hogarth, in the Fayum Papyri, 1900, No. xx. (p. 116 sqq.), and is ascribed by them with great probability to Alexander Severus. The edict remits the durum coronarium in Italy and the provinces voted to the Emperor on his accession, but commands the payment of arrears. Chap, xxiii., nn. 63 and 64, p. 480. A lady pilgrim visited the Holy Places c. 380, and an account of her pilgrimage was found by Gamurrini, in an Arezzo Ms., which he published under the title Peregrinatio Silviae, identifying her with Silvania or Silvina. sister of the Prefect Bufinus, who accompanied the party of Palladiu6 from Jerusalem to Egypt (Hist. Laws, p. 148, ed. Butler). But the identi- fication is groundless ; and the suggestion of Dom Ferotin (in the Bevue des Questions historiques, Oct. 1903, p. 367) is more plausible, that the pilgrim was Etheria of Spain, mentioned in a letter of Valerius (seventh century), Migne, P. G. 87, 421 ; see Butler, op. cit., ii. 229. Chap, xxiv., n. 115, p. 550. On the geographical difficulties connected with the meaning of Transtigritana and the statements of Ammianand Peter the Patrician, in connexion with this treaty, see Hiibschmann, in Indogermanische Foisehungen, 16, 219-20, 1904. Appendix 1, p. 506. The basis for a new critical edition of Sozomen has been laid by the important study of J. Bidez, La tradition manuscrite de Sozomene et la Tripartite de Theodore le Lecteur, 1908 (Harnack and Schmidt, i Texte und Unter- suchungen, ii. 2b). Appendix 7, p. 570. O. Seeck reviews the Imperial persecutions of the Chris- tians from Nero to Galerius, in chap. x. Die Christen- Verfolgungen, of the 3rd vol. of his Geschichte der Untergangs der antiken Welt, 1909. Appendix 11, p. 584. On the new army system, see also Seeck's article, Comitatenses, in Pauly-Wissowa's Bealencyklopadie. Appendix 18, p. 593. Constantine's conversion and religious policy are treated at length in P. V. Gidulianov's introduction to his comprehensive work, Vostochnye patriarkhi v period chetyrekh pervykh vselenskikh soborov, 1908 (Iaroslav). The subject is treated from a juristic point of view. On the whole subject of the change fram paganism to Christianity and the various religious questions which arose under Constantine, see the 3rd vol. of Seeck, Geschiohte des Untergangs der antiken Welt, 1909. Appendix 18, p. 595. On the Donatists, see L. Duchesne's article in Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire de l'^cole francaise a Borne, 1890 ; O. Seeck, Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt, vol. 3, 313 sqq., 1909. Appendix 22, p. 597. The reconstruction of the Church of the Sepulchre has been methodically investigated by A. Heisenberg in his important work, Grabes- kirche und Apostelkirche, 1908, in two parts, of which Part 1 is entitled Die Grabeskirohe in Jerusalem. He makes the description of Eusebius (Vit. Const., 3, 33- 39) the basis of his reconstruction. For a criticism of his results see the review of O. Wulff in Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 18, 538 sqq. (1909). Vol. III. Chap, xxxii., n. 43, p. 397. A Greek Life of Olympias the deaconess, preserved in a Paris Ms., is published in the Analecta Bollandiana, vol. xv. J. Bousquet has translated it into French and distinguished those parts which are derived from the Historia Lausiaca and the Dialogue of Palladius, in the Bevue de l'Orient chretien,