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tion for said board, shall have the power to examine witnesses and records, and to administer oaths to witnesses. Any witness testifying falsely after the oath has been administered to him shall be guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. It may employ psychiatrists or specialists for mental or medical examination of applicants before the board, and may take such reasonable steps as it may deem necessary for proper determination of any matters before it. Subject to the taking effect of the provisions of Chapter 56 of this title, the board of pardons may make reciprocal arrangements with parole officers of other states for the parole of prisoners and juvenile delinquents beyond state lines.

Approved March 20, 1947.


S. B. No. 186-(Committee on General Allairs)



To amend and reenact Section 12-4506 of the North Dakota Revised Code of 1943, relating to burial expense of persons confined in the penitentiary or the state training school.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

§ 1. Amendment.] That Section 12-4506 of the North Dakota Revised Code of 1943 is hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows:

12-4506. Expenses of Inquest: Report of Officer; Payment; Burial Expense Limited.] The officer holding the inquest shall make an itemized statement and report, verified by his oath, showing in detail the expenses of the inquest and for what and to whom all items of fees, services, or supplies are payable. The fees of the officer holding the inquest and of the jurors, witnesses, and physicians shall be the same as in other cases of inquest, but no officer or inmate of the penitentiary or state training school shall be entitled to any fee or other allowance on account of any service rendered at the inquest. The expense of the burial of the body, exclusive of the fees allowed by law to officers, jurors, physicians, and witnesses shall not exceed the sum of seventy-five dollars. All claims arising out of such inquest shall be audited and separate warrants shall be drawn upon the state treasurer for the