Page:1954 Juvenile Delinquency Testimony.pdf/109

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Mr. Beaser. William Gaines.

The Chairman. Will you come forward, Mr. Gaines?

Will you be sworn?

Do you solemnly swear that the festimony you will give to this subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciar v of the U nited States Senate, will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help 7 you Gout

Mr. Gaines. I do.


The Chairman. You may proceed in your own manner.

Mr. Gaines. Gentlemen, E would like to make a sliort statement. I am here as an individual publisher.

Mr. Hannoch. Will you give your name and address, for the record?

Mr. Gaines. My tame is s William Gaines. My business adelress is

25 Lalayeite Street, New York City. Tam a publisher of the Enter- ae Comics Group.

Taina graduate of the school of education of New York University. J have the qualifieations to teach in secondary schools; high schools,

What then am I doing before this counniitee ? LT am_a comic-book publisher. My group ts s known as EC, Entertaining Comics.

T am here asa voluntary witness. T asked for and was given this chance to be heard.

Two decades ago my late father was instrumental in starting the comic magazine indus stry. Tle edited the first few issues of the first modern comi¢ magazine, Famous Funnies. My father was proud of the industry he hel] ped found. Tke was bringing enjoyment to millions of people.

The heritage he left. is the vast comic-book industry whieh employs thousands of w riters, artists, engravers, and printers.

Tt has weaned hundreds of thousands of children from pictures to the printed word. It has sitrred their imagination, given them en outlet for their problems and frustrations, but most imMpowlaut, given them millions of hous of entertainment.

My father before me was proud of the comies he published. My father saw in the comie beok a vast field of vistal education, He was a pioneer,

Sometimes he was ahead of his time. He published Pieture Stories from Science, Picture Stories from World Tlistory, and Pieture Stories from American History.

He published Picture Stories from the Bible.

I would like to offer these in evidence.

The Chairman. They will be received for the subcommittee's permanent files. Let that be exhibit No. 11.

(The documents referred to were marked "Exhibit No. 11," and are on file with the subcommittee.)

Mr. Gaines. Since 1942 we have sold more than 4 million copies of Picture Stories from the Bible, in the United States, It is widely used by churches and sehools to make religion more real and vivid.

Pietnre Stories from the Bible i is published throughout the world in dozens of translations. Tut it is nothing more nor nothing less than a comic magazine.