Page:1954 Juvenile Delinquency Testimony.pdf/146

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The Chairman. You have a board of directors, too?

Mr. Dybwad. We have a board of directors of citizens.

I think T am representing an organization which has worked for 65 vears. J shoukl have an opportimity now, Mr, Chairman, in all faimess, fo defend not myself, but all the board of directors agamst the accusations and I am sorry to say the misconstructions.

The Chairman. I am sorry to say, Mr. Dybwad, there have been no accusations. The Senator has a right to observe.

Mr. Dybwad. That is right, the observations which were made here.

Again I emphasize I have no personal interest in the partienlar matters beeause ] inade a point te say that all this transpired before T came to the Child Study Association.

Senator Hennings. Mr. Chairman.

The Chairman. The Senator from Missouri.

Senator Hennings. Mr. Dybwad, how is your association supported?

The Chairman. That is in the record, sir.

Mr. Dybwad. It is in the record. Memberships, contributions, fonudation support, sale of Nterature, consultation fees from the book industry beeause not only have we served the comic books industry, we are serving constantly the book industry,

Like any university, we get fees for our services and we have never felt that there was anything unteward about this.

Senator Hennings. Mr. Dybwad, do any of the publishers of these books contribute to the support of your organization?

Mr. Dybwad. Definitely. Publishers have contributed to the Child Study Association for years and years in varying amounts.

You will find the most distinguished publishing houses in this country over a period of 20 and 30 years have contributed.

Senator Hennings. Do a nunher of the publishers of the so-called crime and horror comics contribule to the support of this organ- ization ?

Mr. Dybwad. I think you would hardly find anyone of the crime comic book publishers hsted.

Senator Hennings. You say hardly find.

Mr. Dybwad. I can say this for the record, positively. I know of no one publisher who specializes in the particular comic books you have pointed out here as horror crime stories who under the name of his publishing firm contributes.

But, sir, you will not get me under oath to deny that somebody might contribute. I don't know what Mr. X——

Senator Hennings. I am not trying to get you under oath to deny anything you do not want to deny.

Mr. Dybwad. I can make this definite statement, that not a single publishing house under its own name contributes.

I also can say to the best of my knowledge not a single individual connected with this industry contributes.

But I cannot possibly knew whether one of these persons or his wife might not be a member, I have no such knowledge—a detailed record.

Senator Hennings. Then you are suggesting that possibly the wife——

Mr. Dybwad. To the best of my knowledge, no relative of any one of these publishers, no friend, associate in any way, has, to my knowledge,