Page:1954 Juvenile Delinquency Testimony.pdf/44

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favored an even stronger bill than the one proposed and letters to that effect deluged the legislature.


The opposition argues heatedly for the "whole content" rule, which asserts that a boak must be totally obscene in content and intent before it is stopped. The alternate "single passage" rule maintains a stricter stand. If filthy pussages are planted even scatter-fashion in the hook, a few redeeming chapters de not succeed in exempting it from disapproval.

There is some merit in the "whole content" rule, but it has become the weapon and protection of clever publishers. They plant repugnant, "rock-bottom" scenes, then whitewash the remaining chapters and proceed to get by on the "whole content" rule.

The same strategy is utilized by the publishers of many comics. They depict, portray, and suggest the most sadistic patterns imaginable, insert once "Crime does not pay" and thus claim an excuse for their wanton disregard for decency.

The publication world is well aware that by holding to the "whole content" rule and by other clever manipulations, {hey can render the law useless. This is why they continue to fight the real teeth found in the "single passage" rule, and why they dislike parent boards.


Somehow, the publication racket has managed to dupe parents as well as children. The sales mount at an alarming increase of 1.000 percent between 1946 and 1951. Comics have soared from 50 to 90 million per month since 1951. Figures are facts and these facts are staggering.

Parents are alarmed when presented with the actual printed pulp. They be come outraged and irate upon the realization of their innocent igmarance. They desire action but rely necessarily upon the cooperation of all parents, Positive and immediate action requires unity. The unitied demand for proteetive legislation by parents ean positively outlaw the rape of the winds and welfare of our youth.


We judges know that there is no one cause for delinquency. There are several factors which lead a child into delinquency, some predominate more than others. We know that there ure hidden causes in many cases which are not so apprrent as a home hroken by divorcee, for example.

Put let's exumine the records and be practical about the matter. You name aur type of crime which youth cammitted in 1953 and you will find appalling evimes which were not associated with youth in the past.

For every one you name and cite the action thereof, a pocket book, crime yoaguzine or comic ean be prodneed with bineprints telling fhe youth just bow to commit that crime, Details are given in the rutten literature which tell youth how to commit sadism, theft. robbery, perversion, and how to operate teenage sex clubs and dope rings. These "blueprints" are available to youth on newsstands.

In This Week magazine, "April 20, 1947, J. Elgar Hoover of the FRI stated, "High in the ranks of contriuiors ta juvenile delinquency are the vicious ang ubs¢ruptlous peddiers, producers and printers af obseene literature, They are as réspousible as the sex flends they incite by their wares. After one brutal rape-murder case the killer tald poliee, 'Tt was them magazines—the ones with sex pictures in them'."

Another victim: "14-year-ald Walter was arrested after a woman reported that someone was walking on the rovf of her house. The youth carried a bottle of chloroform, a pud of cotton, a billy club and leather shoelaces tn his pockets. He openly admitted his intentlons to use the chloroform and cib for assault, comInit the sex act and tie her up with the shoestring. Walter came from a good family. Hidden under the maitress of his bed was a bundle of obseene pictures and magzaziues. From them Walter had formulated his vicious plan."

Again: "Don't the comic books always tell you at the end that you can't win?" A police officer asked a 13-year-old gang leader, "Sure," was the answer, "but we never read the end—just how." This youthful gang slugged a taxi driver to death.