Page:1954 Juvenile Delinquency Testimony.pdf/47

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History repeated itself in this instance. Many innocent people were duped and filled the committee rooms at the house hearings. These no doubt contributed money as well as time. Recall the many innocents who contributed money to the American Civil] Liberties Union for the defense of Earl Browder, Harry Bridges, and recently the two Rosenbergs.

Here are some facts: louse Report No. 2290, Tist Congress, 3d session, 1931; "The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with communistie movement in the United States and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behaif of Communists who haye come in conflict with the law. It claims te stand for free speech, free press aud free assembly—but it is quite apparent the main function is furthering of Communist work."

Naval Intelligence accuses, 1988: "American Civil Liberties Union—this organization is too well known to need description. The larger part of the work carried on by it and its various branches does undoubtedly materially aid communistic objectives."

California Legislative Keport, 1949: "It is obvious that the main function of the American Civil Liberties Union is to protect Communist objectives."

American Legion Canvention, St. Louis, 1953: "Be it resolved That the House Un-American Activities Committee, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee be urged ta investigate the activities of the American Civil Liberties Union, and if warranted, institute prosecution under the Smith and/or McCarran Acts."

This is the group which professes to be concerned with our liberties; and they, with the Twin City press, shouted: "New Law Will Take Bible Out of Home."

How tong and how often can the American people be duped? Parents, wake up! The objective of communism is to despoil your children, to rob them of their respect for law and the teachings of morality, to enslave them with sex and narcoties, When that happens, the seeds of communism will fall on fertile ground.


Until the time comes when a suitable law is enacted, parents must aci and continue to act. Parents can go to their mayor and ask thal a parents' commiltee be appointed from a cross section of service and civic elnbs to assist the county or city or State attorney aud the police. Parents can te vigilantes for their children and see what muck is coming into the local stands and who sells it. A report of their findings can he made to the mayor and prosecuting attorneys.

Parents coud also without belligerence, point out the objectionable materials to the retailers. It is certain many good citizens who would not for the world want to injure the youth of a community, have such materials in their stores.

Retailers do not have line to check and read the products on their stands and would welcome any help in cleaning them up.

When such safeguards are set up there will be no need of censorship. Poison bears a skull and crossbones label but wise parents do not depend on this label; they put rat poison where their children cannot reach it.

The time for action is now. Save your child from the "brain washings" distributed by the racketeers of rot.

"The publisher of books and magazines enjoys the protection of our constitutional guarantee that the freedom to write and publish shall not be curbed. He also has the responsibility not to abuse this freedom."—Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, February 21, 1954.

Mr. Clendenen. I also have an item from the Committee on Evaluation of Comic Books in Cincinnati, Ohio, which contains a rather detailed evaluation of comics presently upon their standards, these evalutions are related to a certain criteria which they have developed in relation to what they believe are the effects of these materials upon youngsters.

The Chairman. Without objection, those items will be made a part of the record. Let those be "Exhibits Nos. 6a and 6b."

(The evaluations referred to were marked "Exhibits Nos. 6a and 6b," and read as follows:)