Page:1965 FBI monograph on Nation of Islam.djvu/8

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A. Summary

Elijah Muhammad has continued as absolute ruler over the Nation of Islam (NOI) since he assumed the title of the "Messenger of Allah" following the disappearance of the cult founder, W. D. Fard, in 1933. Elijah Muhammad formulates and approves all NOI policy and maintains complete control over all funds and properties of the organization. Although he still lives in a luxurious style, his empire has been shaken by recent publicity concerning his immoralities involving many of his young secretaries and by the defection of several members of the cult hierarchy.

The expulsion in early 1964 of the former leading spokesman of the cult, Malcolm X Little, was the first outward sign of a growing dissidence among cult followers. Malcolm's expulsion was followed by the defection of two of Elijah's sons and a grandson. All had been cult leaders and all made many virulent accusations against their former leader, who had preached morality and promised wealth and an independent, segregated paradise to his Black Muslim adherents.

The last week of February, 1965, climaxed a hectic year for Elijah. The dissident Malcolm X was murdered on February 21 while standing to address a meeting of Negro nationalists in New York City. Immediately,
