cases, they tell how they were unhappy, destitute, and without hope but how, after becoming followers of the "Messenger of Allah," they are happy, their economic status has improved, and they have a purpose in life.
Many photographs and pictorial sketches are included throughout each issue of the paper. A typical issue contained five pictures showing Negroes being beaten by white police, two cartoons depicting the Negro being threatened by whites, a large photograph of a sobbing Negro mother whose son had been slain in a riot, and one of a Negro male victim of a beating by white youths.
Interspersed with these pictures of white violence are many news pictures of Elijah, Negro leaders of emerging African countries, smiling and happy NOI members, and prominent Negroes--both Muslim and non-Muslim. The back page of each issue has a photograph of Elijah, and the rest of the page is devoted to "The Muslim Program." This consists of the list of 10 items entitled "What the Muslims Want" and a list of 12 items entitled "What the Muslims Believe."
Considerable advertising appears in each issue of "Muhammad Speaks." The paper regularly carries classified advertisements placed by businesses operated by the various NOI temples and by individual NOI members. In addition to coupons soliciting future classified advertising, many other coupons are printed. Readers are thus enticed to clip and mail these coupons, indicating thereon that they wish to contribute to the "3-Year Economic Plan,"
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