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February, 1974

February, 1914

March, 1974

Mas-ch, 1974

1974 Til-[STARE

DNC - Cmum '74

Atlanta Office oyou

Woo Monger/Coordimtu hired to.

— Maia-h Mooring with. in the oxooution of its usigmonta

. coupilo and greatly oxpooa lists (goal: 300,000)

. develop personal “Hf-state nailing: on accomplishments of Cute: Maturation.

. work with Rntahoon and Povoll on out-ot-atoto trips to auxin!” exposuro and obtaining press;

. min hula

. motimta and utilize Georgia friend: an! supporters

. servo gonomlly to tho focal point for the

entire 1974 effort

Demolop computor/diroot sail oxportiu and recruit person and/or fit-n.

Finish 'proauction on 12-ng (including cover) ougozino style article on Jim Cox-tor and

tho accoupliahnontl at his administration (working‘titlu W STATE COM? VCR!) which would ho and {or dissemination to prom,

groups, contacts, otc. 10,000 printod.