Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1044

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A912576 - A912615
JUL-DEC. 1977

1912 575 (con.) aayflouer Society BicenteDDial aod Siitieth inniyersary Conmittee. «I40 p. @ Society of Hayflouec Descendants in the State of Indiana: <tNov77: »9 12575.

S912576. Sonalia: a bibliographical survey, compiled by Hohaoed Khalief Salad. 468 p. (African Bibliographic Center, special bibliographic seEies, new ser., no. 4) Appl. au: African Bibliographic Center. African Bibliographic Center: 25IIa777: A912576.

A912577. Tonochichi: Indian friend of the Georgia Colony. By Helen Todd. 182 p. Belen Todd (Hrs. Seldon F. Todd): 12Sep77; A9 12577.

A912578. The Neon preacher. By Robert Chaobers. 175 p. e Bobert Chanbecs; 2Hay77: A91257B.

A912579. Communications workers of America: the story of au American union. By Thomas B. Brooks. 257 p. Thomas B. Brooks: 11JU177: A912579.

A912580. Leyes de Puerto Bico, anotadas* 1976: indices. 2 v. Appl. au: Egnity Publishing Corporation. The Secretary of State of Puerto Bico for the Com- monwealth of Puerto Bico: 23Sep77; A9 12580.

A912581. Leyes de Puerto Bico, anotadas, 1976. Titulo 13-14. 2 V. Appl. au: Equity Publishing Corporation. O The Secretary of state of Puerto Bico for the Com- monwealth of Puerto Bico; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A912581.

A912582. Those radio commentators! By Irving E- Fang, foreword by Lowell Thomas. 341 p. © Irving E. Pang; 180ct77: A912582.

A912583. Fifty fascinating years, from the scrapbook of John Francis Goldsmith. 342 p. UH: compilation, additions fi revisions. © John Francis Goldsmith; 7NOV77: A912583.

A9125B4. Vignettes "77. Vol. 7. 232 p. Appl. au: Francis Harion College. 3 Vignettes; 19Aug77: A912584.

A912585. Uithout noise of arms: the 1776 Dominquez-Escalante search for a route from Santa Fe to Monterey. By Halter Briggs, oil paintings by Hilson Hurley, foreword by C. Gregory Crampton. 212 p. e Halter Briggs; 25[lay76; A912585.

A912586. Otah's biggest bucks. By Bobert L. Barren. 181 p. 6 Bobert L. Rarren; 5Aug77; A912586.

A912587. Jews and Jesus. By Zola Levitt. 159 p. © The Hoody Bible Institute of Chicago; 15Sep77; A912587.

A912588. Fundamentals of clinical immunology. By J. Besley Alexander E Bobert A. Good. 338 p. 3 H. B. Saunders Company; 2 40ct77; A9 12588.

A912589. Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to wonen. Autobiographical sketches by Elizabeth Blackwell, new introd. by Hary Both ialsh. 264 p. on introd. ; Kary Both Balsh; 18Jul77; A912589.

A912590. New perspectives for bank directors. Edited by Bichard Buhnann Johnson. 243 p. Southern Hethodist Oniversity Press; 30ct77; A912590.

A912591. National Basketball Association official guide for 1977-78. Edited by Matt Hinick, statistics by Elias Sports Bureau, Inc. 502 p. Add. ti: Official National Basketball Association guide, 1977-»78. © The Sporting News Publishing Company; 190ct77; A912591.

A912592. Directory of steel foundries in the United States, Canada, and Hexico, 1977-78. Compiled by Steel Founders' Society of America. 274 p. Add. ti: SFSA directory of steel foundries in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, 1977-78. © Steel Founders' Society of America; 270ct77; A912592.

A912593. Americans together: structured diversity in a midwestern town. By Herve Varenne. 242 p. NH: additions s revisions. © Teachers College, Columbia University; 140ct77; A912593.

A912594. Body mechanics and patient positioning; a programed unit for nurses. By Marie M. Seedor, photos. & illus. by Sharon M. Lipcius. 238 p. O Teachers College, Columbia University; 210ct77; A912594.

A912595. Agatha Christie: an autobiography. By Agatha Christie (Agatha Miller Christie Mallowan) 529 p. Portions prev. pub. in Oct. 1977 issue of Ladies' home journal S the Sept. 18, 1977, issue of The New Tork times magazine. NH: additional text. Agatha Christie, Ltd.; 170ct77; A912595.

A912596. This is pro basketball. By George Sullivan. 118 p. © on text e illus. not prev. pub. & copyrighted; George Sullivan; 240ct77; A912596.

A912597. Bartlett: the great Canadian explorer- By Harold Andrew Horwood, photos, by Bobert Abram Bartlett. 194 p. © Harold Horwood: 4NOV77; A912597.

A912598. Subway to Samarkand. By John R. Humphreys. 312 p. Prom The Silk road, by Sven Hedin, translated by F. H. Lyon. © J. E. Huuphreys; 4Nov77; A912598.

A912599. Go saddle the sea. By Joan Aiken. 311 p. © Joan Aiken Enterprises, Ltd. ; 11NOV77; A912599.

A912600. Legend of the bluegrass. By Leigh Borden, pseud, of Borden Deal. 207 p. O Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 11Nov77; A912600.

A912601. The Professor game. By Bichard D. Mandell. 274 p. O Bichard 0. Handell; 4Nov77; A9 12601.

A912602. The Eternal male. By Omar Sharif, with Marie-Therese Guinchard, translated from the French by Hartin Sokolinsky. 184 p. Appl. au: Doubleday and Company, Inc. £ N. H. Allen and Company, employers for hire of Martin Sokolinsky. Prev. pub. as L'Eternel masculin, 1976. © on tran- slation; Doubleday and Company, Inc. & i. H. Allen and Company, Ltd.; 4Nov77: A912602.

A912603. Peace of mind through possibility thinking. By Bobert B. Schuller. 168 p. © Bobert H. Schuller; 4Nov77: A912603.

A9 12604. Tim McCoy remembers the Best: au autobiography. By Tim McCoy, with fionald McCoy. 274 p. © Tim McCoy & Bonald McCoy; 11NOV77; A912604.

A912605. A Question of identity. By June Thomson. 178 p. © June Thomson; 11BOV77; A912605.

A9i2eoe. From New Bedford to Siberia: a Yankee whaleman in the frozen North. By Jerome Beatty, Jr., illus. by Eros Keith. 143 p. © Jerome Beatty, Jr.: 11Nov77: A912606.

A912607. The House in Hook Street. By Margaret Erskine, pseud, of Margaret Hetherby Uilliams. 181 p. © Margaret Betfaerby Hilliams; 11Nov77; A912607.

A912608. Maverick with a paintbrush: Thomas Hart Benton. By Hilma leo & Belen K. Cook. 125 p. © Bllma leo e Helen K. Cook; 4Nov77; A912608.

A912609. The Russian ballet, past and present. By Alexander Demidov, translated by Guy Daniels. 245 p. Appl. au: Doubleday and Company, Inc., employer for hire of Guy Daniels. 6 on translation; Doubleday and company. Inc.; 4Nov77 ; A912609.

A912610. Games, games* games — juegos, juegos, juegos: Chicane children at play — games and rhymes. By Ruben Sandoval, photos, by David Strick, introd. by Julian Nava. 78 p. English S Spanish. © on text; Buben Sandoval; 4Nov77: A912610.

A912611. Games, games, games — juegos, juegos, juegos: Chicano children at play — games and rhymes. By Buben Sandoval, photos, by David Strick, introd. by Julian Nava. 78 p. English & Spanish. © on photos.; David Strick; 4Nov77; A912611.

A912612. Games, games, games — juegos, juegos, juegos: Chicano children at play — games and rhymes. By Buben Sandoval, photos, by David Strick, introd. by Julian Nava. 78 p. English S Spanish. Appl. au: Doubleday and Company, Inc., employer for hire of Julian Nava. 6 on introd. ; Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 4Nov77: A912612.

A912613. Flying buccaneers: the illustrated story of Kenney's Fifth Air Force. By Steve Birdsall, with a foreword by George C. Kenney, color illus. by John Preston, maps by Graham Birdsall. 312 p. © Steve Birdsall; 11Nov77; A912613.

A912614. The Eyes of the Amaryllis. By Natalie Babbitt. 127 p. O Natalie Babbitt; 1NOV77; A912614.

A912615. Fat and thin: a natural history of obesity. By Anne Scott Beller. 310 p.

© Anne Scott Beller; 280ct77; A912615.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.