Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/105

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JUL-DEC. 1977

i87«546 (con.) of stimulus uaterials. By Katbryn KilpatricX & Cynthia L, Jones, illus. by Janis Reller. 392 p. 6 visiting Nurse Service of SumiDit County. Inc.; 22ipr77; S87U5146.

i87«5il7. Jing ho hauk ho: a make it, do it, learn it book of Chinese activities for children. No. 2. Uritten 6 illustrated bv Bettie sing Luke Kan 6 C. K. Bekdal, calligraphy by Willard Jue. 12 p. C. K. Bekdal 6 B. S. I. Kan d.b.a. Fortune Cookie Press; lNov76; Ii87ii5it7.

18715118. Jing ho hauk ho; a make it, do it, learn it book of Chinese activities for children. No. 1. Written 6 illustrated by Bettie Sing Luke Kan £ C. K. Hekdal, calligraphy by Willard Jue. 38 p. C C. K. Bekdal 6 B. s.. I. Kan d.b.a. Fortune Cookie Press; 1Nov76; i87U518.

A871519. The Magnetic patterns of the English language. Book 1-6 6 instructor's guide. By Wynn Baiter. 2nd ed. 7 ». C Eobert J. Brady Company; 15Sep75; Ae71519.

A871550. The ICC load management systems for remote metering and load control- 31 p. C International Computer Corporation; 274pr77; A871550.

A871551. Learning to form alphabet letters: an activity approach to introduce correct letter formation; spirit duplicating masters. Author: Barion R. Hodes. 35 p. Appl. au: Instructo/HcGran-Hill.. e The Instructo Corporation; 1Jan71; A87<I551.

A871552. Consonant letter puzzles: an activity approach to beginning sounds; spirit duplicating masters. Author: Harion B. Hodes. 26 p. Appl. au; Instr ucto/HcGra**- aill. The Instructo Corporation: 1Jan71: A871552.

AB71553. Was God a future American spaceship? By Ronald A. Pokatiloff. 71 p. Appl. states all new except Biblical & other quotes & pictures. O Ronald A. Pokatiloff; 20Jun77; A871553.

A871551. Teacher professional education survey. 1 p. C Ball State University; 5nay77; A871551.

A871555. Peter Kiewit Sons* Company quality control manual for ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code. Section 1; poHer boilers. 1 v. Peter Kiewit Sons' Company; 1'iApr77: A371555.

A871556. Impact of the Tax reform act of 1976 on shopping centers. By Philip H. Sheikman, E. Burton Kerr, Robert E. Goldsmith, Bennett L. Aaron & Dennis E. Kapustin. 11 p. International Council of Shopping Centers: 29Apr77: A871556.

A871557 blic ts, 5, level 171557. Gravity. Developed by Program 'Velopment Department, Atlanta Pul

hools. 17 p. (Earth- sky concep-

elementary science curriculum: 1975, 1 five) Appl. au: Atlanta Board of Education. C Atlanta Board of Educatio 21Sep76: A871557.

4871558. Earth rotation. Developed by Program Development Department, Atlanta Public Schools. 13 p. (Earth-sky concepts. elementary science curriculum: 1975, level ttio) Appl. au: Atlanta Board of Education, d Atlanta Board of Education: 8Dec76; A871558.

A871559. Our neighbor, the Noon. Developed by Program Development Department, Atlanta Public Schools. 17 p. (Earth-sky concepts, elementary science curriculum: 1975, level four) Add. ti: Earth's Boon. Appl. au: Atlanta Board of Education. Atlanta Board of Education: 10Oct76: A871559.

A871560. Introducing the day and night sky. Developed by Program Development Department, Atlanta Public Schools. 8 p. (Earth-sky concepts, elementary science curriculum: 1975, level one) Appl. au: Atlanta Board of Education. C Atlanta Board of Education; 7Sep76; A871560.

A871561. How to use good tasting nutritional yeast. 8 p. Appl. au: The Farm, Farm Foods Department. O Farm Foods; 26Har77: A871561.

A871562. HoH to cook with tekturized vegetable protein- 6 p. Appl. au: The Farm, Farm Foods Department. 6 Farm Foods; 26Har77; A871562.

A871563. Bath challenger. 2 p. Appl. au: A. «. Scrivner. C A. W. Scrivner; 29Jun77: A671563.

A871561. Word challenger. 2 p. Appl. au: A- w. Scrivner. O A. W. Scrivner; 29Jun77: A871561.

A871565. Media 3 for young Innovators grapevine, June 10, 1977. 9 v. Add. ti: Bedia 3 grapevines in 9 parts. O loung Inno- vators, Inc.; 10Jun77: A871565.

A871566- Program planning and instructional media; a handbook for occupational & physical therapists. By Eva S. Louria. 76 p. O American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.; 16Bay77; A871566.

A871567. Rage, resistance, and holding: Z-process approach. By Robert W. ^asloif £ Marilyn D. Benta (Marilyn D. Benta Zaslon) 269 p. Robert W. ZasloB 6 Marilyn D. Benta Zaslov (in notice: Zaslow 6 Benta) ; 6Bay77: A871567.

A871568. Arizona and Tucson: a pictorial guide to desert living. Produced by Gary Bruce Corbett. (In Davis-Bonthan AFB, p. 25-18) NB: all black 6 vhite 6 color photos. Gary Corbett; 15Jul76: A871568,

A871569. Salaam bvana: an African adventure. By Ellis L. Bloomfield, photos, by the author. 136 p. C LS Company: 17May77: A871569.

A871570. Activities for today's social studies. By Caleb W. Bucher. 18 p. Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc., employer for hire. NM: additions 6 revisions. C The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 29Jun77: 4871570.

A871571. Reading bulletin boards. By Lee Ann Cooper 6 J. David Cooper. 18 p. Appl- au: The Instructor Publications, Inc-, employer for hire. NB: additions 6/or revisions on p. 28, 33 6 12. O The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 29Jun77: A87U571.

A871572. Fun Mith language arts; games 6 activities. By Margaret a. Holden. 18 p. Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc. , employer for hire. NH: additions £ revisions. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 29Jun77: A871572.

Ae71573. Word play: puzzles, anagrams £ more, duplicating masters for individual or group use. Book A. Duplicating masters prepared by Patricia Tyler Buncy. 20 p- Q The Instructor Publications, Inc- : 29Jun77; A871573-

A871571. Interval Brotherhood Home individual treatment plan. Interval Brotherhood Home therapy staff and resident evaluation report. 1 v. fi folder. Appl. au: Samuel R. Ciccolini. O S. R- ciccolini (in notice on Interval Brotherhood Home therapy staff fi resident program evaluation report: S- R. Ciccolini, 1977; notice on Interval Brotherhood Home individual treatment plan: prepared 6 designed by S. R. Ciccolini for IBH, 1977); 21Apr77; A871571.

A871575. Educator 2 microcomputer system: construction £ instruction manual. 1 v. Add. ti: Educator 2 microcomputer kit: assembly and operation manual. O Motorola, Inc.; 6Apr77; A871575.

A871576. A MECL microprogrammable on-line demonstrator. By Tom Balpfa- 13 p. Add. ti: M10800: a MECL microprogrammable on-line demonstrator. Appl. au: Motorola, Inc. NM: additions £ revisions. e Motorola, Inc.; 2Jun77; A871576.

A871577. Arthur's. Catalog no. 7705H. 31 p. O Merchandisers' Association, Inc.; 16Apr77; A871577.

A871578. Numbers-vinners. Pt. 1. By Choru, pseud, of Werner Haering. 1U p. Choru, pseud, of Werner Haering; 20Bar77; A871578-

A871579. A Student study guide for Very good friends. 1 p. Appl. au: Nancy T. Flescher. O Nancy T. Flescher; 16Mar77; A871579.

A871580. Operating and 0-27 trains: a complete guide to the design, construction and operation of a layout for Lionel trains. Edited by Maury D. Klein £ Bruce c. Greenberg. 212 p. Portions prev. appeared in The Handbook for model engineers (1910) £ Lionel instruction sheet. NM: compilation £ additions. O Bruce C. Greenberg t.a. Greenberg publishing Company £ Maury D. Klein t.a. Maury D. Klein Company: 1Dec76; A8715eo.

A871581. Georgia pleading, practice and legal forms annotated. Vol. 1-10. By Rupert A. Brown, 1977 suppl. by M. windle Davis, Jr- Hultiple volumes. The Harrison Company: 8JU177: A871581.

A871582. Harrison's Sapp Florida pleading, practice and legal forms annotated, second edition. Vol- 1-10 fi 12- 1977 cumulative suppl. by William E- Falck. Multiple volumes. O The Harrison Company;

28Jun77; 4871582-


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