Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1072

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A913713 - A913755
JUL-DEC. 1977

S913713. Hake qood thinqs happen; iinqle series. 1 T. Add. ti: He make qood thinqs happen; Barbara Allan presents "He make qood thinqs happen." Accompanied by posters, req. KK250769-KK250790 6 sound recording, req. N17196. e Barbara Allan Productions, Inc.; 26Hay71; A913713.

A91371«. ada. September 29, 1977 70 001, and other titles. Microfiche. Appl. au: Bichard H. Clark. Purchase Control Systems: 29Sep77: A9137ia.

A913715. An Operational manual for the learninq resources media-oriented campus cluster concept. Compiled by the staffs of the Learninq Resource Centers, Livinqstone Colleqe. 15 p. Appl. au; Louise M. Bountree. The staffs of the Learning Besource Centers, Livinqstone Colleqe; 11So»77; A913715.

A913716. Some stay home. By Jim Palana (James A. Palanal . 1 v. 6 Jim Palana; 1Nov77; A913716.

A913717. For (hat shall pass as love. By villi, pseud, of Nilliam J. Benjamin. 1 v. O Rilliam J. Beniamin; 16Nov77: 4913717.

A913718. Solar collector design. By Donald K. Eduards. 61 p. 6 The Franklin Institute Press; 26aay77; A913718.

A913719. Caliche trails. Editor: Genevieve Sarqent. UO p. Appl. au: members of Tri-City Poetry Society. S Tri-City Poetry Society; 290ct77; A913719.

A913720. Housewives half-hour neHSletterr the voice of: Prayers Friends U.S.A. International. 2 p. Appl. au; Vera Davidson HcCoy. Q Vera Davidson McCoy; 15110V77: A9 13720.

A913721. Introduction to Alaska, 1978. 1 v. S Alaska Northwest Publishing Company; 190ct77; i913721.

A913722. Subchapter C; summary analysis of Internal Bevenue code provisions, 1977. 123 p. Q Arthur young and Company; 31JU177; A913722.

A9 13723. Partners and partnerships: summary analysis of Internal Bevenue code provisions, 1977. 47 p. 6 Arthur loung and Company; 31Jul77; A913723.

A91372I*. Estates, trusts, beneficiaries and decedents: summary analysis of Internal Bevenue code provisions, 1977. 63 p. Q Arthur Vounq and Company; 31Jul77: 19137214.

A913725. Cooper Industries, Inc.: progress report. November 10, 1977. By Michael J. Howard. 18 p. Appl. au: Orexel Burnham Lambert, Inc. 6 Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc.; 17NOV77; A913725.

A913726. The Second touch seminar. Produced by Pats Banner 6 Al Banner. 8 p. Pats Banner 6 Al Banner; 230ct77; A9 13726.

A913727. Til the dawn. My lost tooth. Patchwork counter. 3 folders & sheets (3 p.) (Tooth fairy pillow kit) Appl. au: Lois 6 Lois L. Moyer;

A913728. A Comprehensive resource guide to 16mffl mental health films. Compiled by the Mental Health Media Evaluation Project in cooperation with The Mental Health Association. 112 p. Appl. au: Lynn Schultz-iritsel. O Lynn Schultz-Iritsel; 'mov77; A913728.

A913729. Executive checklist; chief executive officer. 1 v. Appl. au: Norman C. Skinner. Prev. pub. abroad 1972. HH: compilation, additions & revisions. e Norman C. Skinner; 6Jun77; A913729.

A913730. Executive checklist; production. 1 v. Appl. au: Norman C. Skinner. Prev. pub. abroad 1972. NM: compilation, additions & revisions. @ Norman C. Skinner; 29Aug77; A913730.

A913731. Executive checklist: finance and administration. 1 v. Appl. au: Norman C. Skinner. Prev. pub. abroad 1972. NM: compilation* additions & revisions. S Norman C. Skinner; 6Jun77; A913731.

A913732. Learn to drive; official textbook of the Professional Driving School Association. By George B. Hensel. 144 p. 6 Dorison House Publishers, Inc. ; 15Nov77; A913732.

A913733. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1976. Vol. 88. Adams editor-in-chief: Bobert Joseph Taylor, Sibley editor: William Bentinck-Smith, editor of publications: Malcolm Freiberg. 195 p. Add. ti: Proceedings 88 (1976) Massachusetts Historical Society; 17NOV77; A913733.

A913734. Foreign direct investment, indust- rialization and social change. By Stephen Jay Kobrin. 188 p. (Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis, vol. 9) e JAI Press Inc.; 7Nov77; A913734.

A913735. Venezuelan economic development: a politico-economic analysis. By Lorlng Allen. 310 p. (Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis, vol. 7) e JAI Press Inc.; 1Nov77; A913735.

A913736. Afro-American singers: an index and preliminary discography of long-playing recordings of opera, choral music, and song. By Patricia Turner. 255 p. & 8 p. NM: revisions & additions, including Autumn supplement, 1977. 3 Patricia Turner: 260ct77; A913736.

A913737. Scientific apparatus catalog 78. 1364 p. Add. ti: VHB Scientific catalog, '78. NM: additions. O VHB Scientific, Inc., subsidiary of Onivar; 1Nov77; A913737.

A913738. Biographical sketches, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Editor: Helen G. Clear. 184 p. © Beaver County Genealogical Society; 250ct77; A913738.

A913739. John Gould Fletcher and Imagism. By Edmund S. Oe Chasca. 242 p. C The Curators of the Oniversity of Missouri; 17NOV77 (in notice: 1978); 4913739. Told by Anne Glttins, Illustrated by Frank Bocca. 89 p. 6 on text; Anne Glttins; 26Sep77; A913740.

A913741. Tales from the South Pacific Islands. Told by Anne Glttins, illustrated by Frank Bocca. 89 p. Q on lllus. ; Stemmer House Publishers, Inc.; 26Sep77; A913741.

4913742. Spinning wheel's Complete book of dolls. Edited by Albert Christian Bevi. 279 p. NM: additional text 6 revision. Spinning Rheel Division, Everybodys Press, Inc.; 8Aug75: 4913742.

A913743. All dolls are collectible. By Genevieve Angione e Judith Ihorton. 207 p. 6 Judith Hhorton & Howard Angione; 26Sep77: A913743.

A913744. History of early Scott County. 527 p. @ Scott County Historical Society, Inc. ; 10Nov77: A913744.

A913745. Mysteries of the past. Editor: Joseph J. Thorndike, Jr. e other editors. 319 p. NH: text G compilation of photos. @ American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Sep77: A913745.

A913746. Neos oikogenelakos emerodelktes Divry, 1978. 1 V. Add. ti: Divry's New Greek-American family calendar for 1978. Greek 6 English. O M. Divry; 50ct77; A913746.

A913747. Greece, your town. Editors: Betty Bird, Carole Meyer & Bose Mary Zaffrann. 32 p. Add. tl: Greece, NY, your town. NM: revisions & additions. Q League of Homen Voters of the Bochester Metropolitan Area; 130ct77; 4913747.

A913748. Slo as a turtle- Spry as a hen. Pretty as a flower. 3 folders 6 sheets (4 p.) (Pincushion sewing kits) Appl. au: Lois L. Moyer. Lois L. Moyer; 10Jan77: A913748.

4913749. Praise the peanut. Author: Bay I. Psalmonds. 144 p. Information Desk; 4NOV77; 4913749.

4913750. Policy grants directory. 112 p. Appl. au: Stuart Nagel 6 Marian Neef. Policy Studies Organization; 15Jul77i 49 13750.

A913751. Let the Bible be your guide. Prepared by Hilliam £. Bowles. 30 p. 6 Hllliam E. Bowles; 3Jan77; A913751.

A913752. Getting the main idea: midway placement test, forms X and I. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 v. Barnell Loft, Ltd. ; 16NOV77; 4913752.

4913753. Rorld directory of engineering schools. 153 p. 4ppl. au: F. C. Fitchen. e Geographies; 3Nov77; A913753.

A913754. Inspiraciones de pasion. 14 p. Appl. au: Benito Lopez Hernandez. 6 Benito Lopez Hernandez; 14Nov77; A913754.

A913755. My own short stories. By Matt Hirsch. 44 p. Appl. au: Databook Publishing Company, Inc. 6 Databook Publishing

Company, Inc.; 5Nov77; A913755.


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