Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1074

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A913801 - A9138lt1
JUL-DEC. 1977

&913800 (con.) Levertov. It. Denise Levertov; 14NOV77: &913800.

»913801. Honey makiDq schenes: are they for you? 11 p. Appl. au: Andrea J. Proch. e Andren J. Proch; 2i»Oct77: 49 13801.

&913802. Synopsis of the donestic economy. Pt. 2: quarterly econosic activity (revised GNP accounts) 10 p. H. C. gain»riqht and Conpany; 1<lNov77: &913802.

4913803. Synopsis of the domestic economy: September economic activity- 27 p. H. C. Sainwriqht and company: iaNo»77; »913803.

4913804. Machine embroidery and applique made easy. By Bertha Hales. 13 p. C Hertha Bales: 9Nov77: S913804.

A913805. Oniforms "78: chicaqo, Columbus, Philadelphia and others. 13 p. e Sears, Roebuck and company; 5Nov77: A913805.

A913806. Sears home health care: Chicaqo, Columbus, Minneapolis and others. 35 p. e Sears, Boebuck and company: 250ct77; A913806.

A913807. Burstein-Applebee: the world's most complete cataloq of everythinq in electronics. 1978 annual cataloq 78-1. 256 p. Appl. au: J. E. Burstein. Burstein-Applebee Company; 70ct77; A913807.

A913808. Community associations in the inner city: a tool for neighborhood revita- lization. By Hayne S. Hyatt 6 Eobert C. Eager. 69 p. NB: revisions 6 additions. e Hyatt and Bhoads; 3Nov77; 49 13808.

A913809. The Celebratinq community: lord and Eucharist. By Laurence J. Johnson. 125 p. e Berakah Publications: 12Nov77; 4913809.

A913810. Elvis, 'king of rock.' Hritten by Hilliam 0. Lavson e Juanita G. Lavson. 1 p. e Hilliam D. Lavson 6 Juanita G. Lavson: 5Nov77; A913810.

4913811. Heaven, the happy place vhere God is. Folder. Add. ti: Heaven, the place vhere God is. Appl. au: Jack Grubbs. Sentinel Art, Inc.; 15Nov77; 4913811.

4913812. Attitude tovard arts education scale. By Jerry v. Morris 6 Michael U. Stuc- khardt. t p. Jerry B. Morris 6 Michael H. Stuckhardt; 19Sep77: 49 13812.

4913813. Numerals workbook — student manual. Book 1. By Patricia Kirven Kelly. 251 p. Beading Besearch Foundation of South Carolina, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4913813.

49138111. Manual for the concrete laboratory- Prepared by Boss Hudson. 1 v. Boss Hudson: 29Auq77: 4913811.

4913815. Feelin' good about families. 32 p. Eastern Nebraska Community office of Mental Health; 2itOct77: 4913815.

A913816. ghat love did! Student book. 1 v. (God's eternal word, teen studies) Appl. au: Boy Holland. Gospel Teachers Publications, Inc.; 11Nov77; A913816.

A913817. Bevised paqes of the Artists materials retail pricer, November 18, 1977. 1 v. Stationers Price Service Company; 18NOV77; 4913817.

4913818. Letter from Major John P. Fernandez DS4F retired to Doctor Hiliiaa G- Carnahan. 30 p. NM: revision, restatement 6 rearrangement. O John Paul Fernandez; 8HOV77; 4913818.

A913819. Computer data input form. 1 p. 4ppl- au: Hugh Hafer. Hafer, Cassidy and Price; 1Nov77; A913819.

A913820. Metric handbook. 142 p. Add. ti: Dennison metric handbook. 4ppl. au: Everybodys Press, Inc. O Commonwealth Books, Inc.; 11Nov77; A913820.

A913821. I've got to have peace of mind, God! By Edwin Purviance 6 Mable Purviance. 107 p. Edwin 6 Mable Purviance; 4Nov77; 4913821.

A913822. Oscar Nelson: 60 years a North Dakota trapper. By Steve Sylvester. 63 p. Appl. au: Oscar Nelson. O Oscar Nelson; 10ct77; A913822.

4913823. Profit sharing program. 30 p. Gettys Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 8Nov77; 4913823.

A913821. Seasons and days. By Mary Louise Medley. 79 p. Portions prev. pub. in Dogwood winter 6 others. NM: compilation, introd. 6 additions. Mary Louise Medley; 150ct77; A913824.

A913825. Mid-life: crisis of the limits. By James E. Zullo. 15 p. Add. ti: Guidelines for listening, reflecting and sharing of mid-life tapes. Appl. au: Sister Catherine Kelter, S.S.S-F-, Sister Mary Novak, S-D.S. £ Sister Mary Angela Saeman, S.S.S. F. School sisters of Saint Francis; 21Nov77; 4913825.

4913826. One heart's desire. By Justin S. Mccarty. 93 p. Justin S. Mccarty; 11NOV77; 4913826.

4913827. Equal pay in the public sector: fact or fantasy. By Sharon P. Smith. 177 p. Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University: 10Nov77; 4913827.

A913828. Claiming a frontier: ministry and older people. By aobert H. McClellan, illustrator: Kim Barig. 125 p. O The Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center, Oniversity of Southern California (in notice: The Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center); 110ct77: 4913828.

A913829. What price compensation? Vol- 9, June 1977. Formulated by the Committee on Psychiatry in Industry, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. p. 967-1014. Appl. au: Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. O Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry: 6Sep77: A913829.

4913830. Beview of alien non-admitted insurers. Sheets. NH: revisions 6 updating. The Surplus Line Association of California; 3NOV77; A913830.

A913831. A Credo: ideals for our country- By Nathaniel Krass- 1 p- Nathaniel Krass; 15liov77: A913831-

A913832- Energy resources gamed simulation: EBGS 1 role manuals- Vol- 1- By M- Bobert Stribula- 1 v. O M. Bobert Stribala; 1Jun77: A913832-

4913833. 4 Presentation: determination of the cost of equity capital. By Norman Greenberg. 4 p- 4ppl- au: Drexel Burnhaa Lambert, Inc. O orezel Burnham Lambert, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4913833.

4913834. The Jazz state of Indiana. By Duncan P. Schiedt. 256 p. Duncan P. Schiedt; 1NOV77; 4913834.

4913835. Preliminary engineering investigation, water, sewer, and drainage facilities to serve a 76.8-acre tract in Southwest Harris County. Job no. 2214-020. 1 v. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 19May77; A913835.

4913836. Baste control order application for Harris County utility district number 5. 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 3Feb77; A913836.

A913837- Stormwater drainage study, phase 2, Shell Oil Company Eefinery. Job no. 2027-020. 30 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. C Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 11Bar77; 4913837.

4913838. Engineering report to Texas Bater Eights Commission, bond application number 1, Montgomery County Municipal atility District Number 36, Montgomery County, Texas. Job no. 1554-152. 1 v. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 114pr77; 4913838-

4913839. Preliminary engineering report for city of Houston main water purification plant expansion, upgrade treatment unit number 1- Job- no- 0655-050. 50 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources, e Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 10Dec76; A913839-

A913840- Harris County Municipal otility District Number 49, Harris County, Texas: contract documents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary and drainage facilities for Timberhills, section 1. Job no. 2272-040, contract no. 1- 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from 0-S- Govt- sources- O Turner, Collie and Braden, luc- ; 13Jul77; A913840-

A913841. Park central Municipal otility District, Jefferson County, Texas: contract documents and technical specifications for

construction of water and sanitary sever


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