Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1092

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JUL-DEC. 1977

aSIUSUS (con.) publication no. 8432, roll no. 217, Pike, Pulaski, Bockcastle 8 Russell Counties. Compiler: Sam McDowell (Samuel Biley BcDonell, Jr.) 61 p. NH: compilation. Sam McDowell; 10iu()77: i91<l513.

i91«5«i|. & Surname index to tlie 1850 Federal population census of Kentucky. Microfilm publication no. M132, roll no. 221, tashinqton 6 Hayne Counties. Compiler: Sam McDowell (Samuel Biley McDowell, Jr.) 44 p. NM: compilation. Sam McDowell; 10Auq77: A9 14544.

S914545. Discipleship! basics to maturity; student's notebook. Cartoonist: Steve Jones. 1 V. Appl. au: Barry Saint Clair 6 Rod Minor. Barry Saint Clair; 1Nov76: A914545.

A914546. Leadership! basics to maturity. 34 p. Appl. au: Barry Saint Clair 6 Steve Cloud. e Barry Saint Clair; 22Jun76: i914546.

A914547. Discipleship! basics to maturity. No. 2. 33 p. Appl. au: Barry saint Clair, e Barry Saint Clair; 1lIov75; A9 14547.

A914S48. Discipleship! basics to maturity. No. 3. 33 p. Appl. au: Barry Saint Clair, Steve Cloud 6 Jim Temples. Barry Saint Clair: 1Sov75; A914548.

A9 14549. Discipleship! basics to maturity- No. 1. 33 p. Appl. au: Barry Saint Clair 6 Rod Minor. Barry Saint Clair; 1Nov75; A914549.

A9 14550. A Report on the National iildlife Befuqe System. 83 p. Defenders of Wildlife, Inc.; 10NOV77: A914550.

A914551. Badar. Fall 1977 report — based upon surveys conducted in --spring 1977: Mar. 9-Apr. 5, 1977, fall 1977: Sept. 7-Oct. 4, 1977. Vol. 1: radio usage. 187 p. Add. ti: Badio"s all dimension audience research. 9 Statistical Besearch, Inc.; 11NOV77: A914551.

A914552. May, a department store in transition, November 11, 1977. By Jeffrey M. Feiner 6 Fran R. Blechaan. 82 p. Appl. au: Drerel Burnham Lambert, Inc. Dreiel Burnham Lambert, Inc.; 18Nov77; A9 14552.

A914553. The Metric world; a demonstration kit. 1 V. Appl. au: John Morgan. 6 John Morgan: 9Nov77; A914S53.

A914554. The Academic library development program: a guided self-study for the small and mid-sized academic library; working draft, Aug. 1977. Operating manual prepared by P. Grady Morein 6 Duane E. Hebster. 1 v. 6 Council on Library Resources, Inc.; 30Aug77; A9 14554.

A914555. John Seiton's GHAT preparation course. Sheets. Appl. au: Sexton Educational Programs, Inc. d.b.a. John Sexton's Test Preparation Center, Inc. © Sexton Educational Programs, Inc. d.b.a. John Sexton's Test Preparation Center, Inc.; 1Feb77: A9145S5.

A914556. Today's wedding etiquette. By Judy M. Bernard. 1 v. e Judy M. Bernard; 140ct77; A914556.

A914557. A Sister's face. 22 p. Appl. au: Akwasi O. Agyeman. Akwasi 0. Agyeman; 4NOV77; A914557.

A914558. Patterns of the universe. By Robert Navon. 116 p. O Robert Navon; 15Nov77; A914558.

A914559. Locating the answer, midway placement test. Forms X 6 Y. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 V. (Specific skill series) Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 16NOV77; A914S59.

A914560. Psychotherapy and process: the fundamentals of an existential-humanistic approach. By James F. T. Bugental. 1 v. e James F. I. Bugental; 150ct77; A914560.

A914561. Group SP, we're moving! by David iilliam Nixon. 1 v. S David Billiam Nixon; 3May77: A914561.

A914562. Yellowstone Country: voices and photographs. Selections compiled by Bichard Howell Phillips. 95 p. NM: additional pictorial matter. 6 Bichard Howell Phillips; 2S0ct77; A914562.

A914563. Boping a million memories out Hest. By John B. Nicholas. 1 p. John H. Nicholas; 18Nov77; A914563.

A914564. Beating inflation! building a home in the J11,000 range; a home building guide by Neil H. Haley. 70 p. 6 Neil H. Haley; 150ct77; A914564.

A914565. Garden weeds of southern California; common herbicides and plant tolerance chart. 1 V. Appl. au: Toshimasa Yutani. Tom Yutani. NM: additional illus. e new chart, e Tom Yutani; 15Nov77; A914565.

A914566. The Fun book with learning and readiness results. Designed by Edith, pseud, of Edith Johnson 6 Adabeth, pseud, of Ada Beth Johnson. 22 p. e 3-J-Companyj 26Sep77; A914566.

A914567. "Copy Department" home furnishings. Issue 62, Nov. /Dec. 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: C. Barrie Bedell. BASIC, a. a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement Corporation; 29Sep77: A914567.

A914568. "Copy Department" home furnishings. Issue 61, Sept. /Oct. 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: C. Barrie Bedell 6 James A. Alexander, e BASIC, a.a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement Corporation; 29Jun77; A914568.

A914569. "Copy Department" home furnishings. Issue 60, July/Aug. 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: C. Barrie Bedell 6 James A. Alexander. e BASIC, a. a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement corporation; 28Apr77; A914569.

A914570. "Copy Department" home furnishings. Issue 59, May/June 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: C. Barrie Bedell S James A. Alexander. e BASIC, a. a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement Corporation; 25Feb77; A914570.

A914S71. "Copy Department" home furnishings. Issue 58, Mar. /Apr. 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: C. Barrie Bedell & James A. Alexander. BASIC, a. a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement Corporation; 29Jan77; A914571.

A914572. "Copy Department" home furnishings. Issue 57, Jan. /Feb. 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: C. Barrie Bedell 6 James A. Alexander. 6 BASIC, a. a.d. for Bedell Advertising Selling Improvement corporation; 29Nov76; A914572.

A914573. Animals: unigue moments. Captured by Miriam Austerman. 59 p. Theorex; 25Sep77; A914573.

A914574. Moments to remember. By Forrest J. Binion. 148 p. 6 Forrest J. Binion; 15JU177; A914574.

A914575. Japan, China and the modern world economy: toward a reinterpretation of East Asian development, circa 1600 to circa 1918. By Frances V. Moulder. 255 p. Cambridge Oniversity Press; 29Jul77; A914575.

A914576. Small winds and light airs. By Gilbert i. Buffery. 131 p. NM: compilation S aew verses, poems, photos. O Gilbert H. . Buffery; 2BOct77; A9 14576.

A914577. The Battle of Waterloo; a romantic narrative by Victor Hugo from Les Miserables. lutrod. by Drew Middleton, epilogue by Beginald Colby & illus. from engravings by Edonard Detaille. 99 p. NM: introd. O The Limited Editions Club; 100ct77; A914577.

A914578. Andrew's Holy Bible; for the layman. By Andrew, pseud, of Alvin Boyd. 325 p. NM: abridgment of King James' version of the Bible 6 commentary. B and B Foun- dations, Inc.; 15NOV77; A914578.

A914579. The Lucketts of Georgia. By Helen Hart Luckett. 276 p. e Helen Hart Luckett; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A914579.

A914580. 18" Suzanne Gibson kalico kids. 1 v. Appl. au: Melody Bollay Kladnik. Melody Bollay; 270ct77: A914580.

A914581. 15" Effanbee. 1 v. Appl. au: Melody Bollay Kladnik. Melody Bollay; 40ct77; A914581.

A914582. 8" Madame Alexander. 1 v. Appl. au: Melody Bollay Kladnik. O Melody Bollay; 40ct77; A9 14582.

A914583. 14" Madame Alexander. 1 v. Appl. au: Melody Bollay Kladnik. © Melody Bollay; 40ct77; A914583.

A914584. Gladys Glasserman Granderhurst. gritten 6 illustrated by Grace O'Neal. 1 v. © Grace O'Neal: 24Jun77; A914584.

A9145B5. Bhat good is a drizzly, dreary, droopy day? By Grace O'Neal. 1 v. O Grace O'Neal; 24Jun77; A914585i

A914586. Creepy, crawly Charlie and other crunching creatures. By Grace O'Neal. 1

V. e Grace O'Neal; 24Jun77; A9145e6.


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