Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1097

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4934765 - A914800
JUL-DEC. 1977

A934764 (con.) book. Britten by Bichard Baffua, edited bf Leo Behoke. 303 p. Leslie c. Saith; 10Sep77: »91l»76ll.

iA934765. Coaputer-assisted organic synthesis; a syaposiua cosponsoced by the Division of Cheaical Inforaation & the Division of Coaputers in Cheaistry at the Centennial aeetinq of the &Berican Cheaical Society, New lork, BY. ipr. 7-8, 1976. Editor: w. Todd Bipke £ Uilliaa Jeffrey Bone. 239 p. (ACS syaposiuB series no. 61) Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this worlc written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as a part of his official duties. C Aaerican Cheaical Society; 1<tNov77; »9 11765.

i9 11)766. Preservation of paper and textiles of historic and artistic value; a syaposiua sponsored by the Cellulose, Paper and Textile Division at the 172nd aeetinq of the Aaerican Cheaical Society, San Francisco, C», iuq. 30-31, 1976. Editor: John covinqton Billiaas. 103 p. (Advances in cheaistry series, no. 164) Appl. states copyriqht not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as a part of his official duties. Aaerican Cheaical Society: 1«Iiov77: A9 14766.

A914767. Analysis of teaching aids available with current introductory business law books. By Andrew Wilson Green. 49 p. O Andrew Hilson Green: 24Aaq77: A914767.

A914768. The Hinchester book. By George Badis. 638 p. BS: additional text £ pictorial aatter. coapilatlon £ editorial revision. Georqe Badis: 18llov77: A914768.

A914769. Ezra Pound and ausic: the coaplete criticisa. Edited with coaaentary by B. Hurray Schafer. 530 p. Appl. au: Ezra Pound. NB: prev. unpub. aaterial by Ezra Pound. O The Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Property Trust; 16SOV77; A914769.

A914770. Ezra Pound and ausic; the coaplete criticisa. Edited with coaaentary by B. Burray Schafer. 530 p. NB: introd. , coaaentary throughout, glossary £ index. R. Burray Schafer; 161lov77: A914770.

A9 14771. The Collected poeas of Thoaas Herton. 1046 p. NH: prev. unpub. poeas, coBpilation, editorial revision £ index. O The Trustees of the Herton Legacy Trust; 16SOV77; A914771.

A914772. The Collected poeas of Thoaas Herton. 1046 p. Appl. an: Rilliaa Davis. BH: translations. Silliaa Davis; 1611ov77; A9 14772.

A914773. Apocalypse and other poeas. By Ernesto Cardenal, edited £ selected by Bobert Prinq-Bill £ Donald D. Balsh, with an Introd. by Bobert Pring-Bill, translations by Thoaas flerton, Kenneth fiexroth £ Hireya Jaiaes-Freyre £ the editors. 78 p. BH: prev. unpub. translations £ revisions in pub. translations. Ernesto Cardenal £ Bobert Pcinq-Hill; 16Bot77; A9 14773.

A914774. Apocalypse and other poeas. By Ernesto Cardenal, edited £ selected by Bobert Prinq-Hill £ Donald D. Balsh, with an introd. by Bobert Prinq-Hill, translations by Thoaas Herton, Kenneth Bexroth £ Hireya Jaiaes-Freyre £ the editors. 78 p. BH: prev. unpub. translations fi revisions in pub. translations. O Ernesto Cardenal £ Donald D. Balsh; 16llov77; A914774.

A914775. Apocalypse and other poeas. By Ernesto Cardenal, edited £ selected by Bobert Prinq-Hill £ Donald D. Balsh, with an introd. by Bobert Pring-Bill, translations by Thoaas Berton, Kenneth Bexroth £ Bireya Jaiaes-Preyre £ the editors- 78 p. Appl. au; New Directions Publishing Corporation. HH; pref . , introd., identifications, coapilatlon fi editorial revision. Bew Directions Publishing Corporation; 16BOV77: A914775.

A914776. The Delights of Turkey; twenty tales. By Edouard Boditi. 184 p. BB: prev. unpub. aateriai, coapilatlon £ editorial revision. Edouard Boditi; 168ov77; A914776.

A914777. In the future perfect. By Baiter Abish. 113 p. BH: prev. unpub. stories, coapilatlon £ editorial revision. O Baiter Abish; 16Bav77; A914777.

A914778. Too auch flesh and Jabez. By Coleaan Dowell. 151 p. Portions first appeared in Aabit. O Coleaao Dowell; 16Bov77; A914778.

A914779. A John Hawkes syaposiua: Design and debris. Edited by Anthony C. Santore £ flichael B. Pocalyko. 184 p. (Insights-1: working papers in conteaporary criticisa) Appl. au: New Directions Publishing Corporation, eaployer for hire. C Hew Directions Publishing Corporation; 16BOV77; A914779.

A914780. Executive checklist: sales and aarketlng. 1 v. Appl. au: Noraan C. Skinner. Prev. pub. abroad 1972 as The Business evaluator £ 2nd ed. pub. 1975. BB: revised coapilatlon, additions £ revisions. 6 Noraan C. Skinner; 6Jun77; A914780.

A914781. Nora Springs, lA, telephone directory, 1978. Add. ti: Floyd, Little Cedar, Bew Haven, lA, and others telephone directory, 1978. Appl. au: Gronseth Directory Service, Inc. O Faraers autual Telephone Coapany; 9Bov77 (in notice: 1978); A914781.

A914782. Olson holiday bonanza. Catalog no. 1177. 47 p. Add. ti: Olson Electronics catalog. NB: additions. Olson Electronics; 14Bov77; A914782.

A914783. Louisa County, Virginia deed books: C, C 1/2, D and D 1/2, 1759-1774. Abstracted £ coapiled by Bosalie Edith Davis. 184 p. NB: abstraction, coapilatlon, editorial revision fi soae new text. O Bosalie Edith Davis; 18Bov77: A9 14783.

A914784. Franchise business opportunities directory. 33 p. Appl. au: F. J. Adaas. O F. J. Adaas; 10Bov77; A914784.

A914785. Thoughts on life and living (short essays in verses) By Joseph A. Bailey. 83 p. Joseph A. Bailey: 15Nov77; A914785.

A914786. National electrical code blueprint reading. By Kenneth L. Gebert. 7th ed. 194 p. Based on National electrical code, 1978. Aaerican Technical Society; 15BOV77; A914786.

A914787. Baven Leather Goods 8rist-It (a foreaca carry-all) 2 p. Add. tl: Foreara carryall product brochure. Appl. au: Bichael B. Libonati £ Bradley B. Bise. Baven Leather Goods; 27flay77; A914787.

A914788. Boney and politics In Latin Aaerica; statistical abstract of Latin Aaerica suppl. 7. Edited by Jaaes B. Bilkie. 91 p. O The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 20Oct77; A914788.

A914789. Bust-Oleun industrial coating systems; circular. Fora 7734. 7 p. Bust-oleua Corporation; 120ct77; A914789.

A914790. Bust-oleua Industrial coating systems; catalog. Fora 278. 21 p. Bust-Oleum Corporation; 190ct77; A914790.

A914791. Don G. Jenness company. Inc. reference catalog F. 352 p. BH: additions. Don G. Jenness Coapany, Inc.; 110ct77; A914791.

A914792. New York laws affecting business corporations. Editor: Alan B. Todd. 58th ed. 884 p. Appl. au: David H. Jackman. United States Corporation Coapany; 110ct77; A914792.

A914793. Cooking's for lovers; lovers of the art of cooking, lovers of the art of living. By Kathryn Parish Bryan, illus. : Kiaberly A. Stark. 366 p. BB: additions £ revisions. Kathryn P. Bryan; 9Bov77; A914793.

A914794. Fischer's Brief dictionary of sound- aeanlngs. By Lynn Fischer. 4 p. Lynn Fischer; 17Bov77; A914794.

A914795. Banhasset, Flower Hill, flunsey Park, N!, and others, yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1978. 21st ed. O yellow Book Publishers, Inc.; 2Nov77; A914795.

A914796. Bassapegua, Hassapegua Park, North Bassapegua, Seaford, NY, yellow book coaaunity telephone directory, 1978. 22nd ed. O Yellow Book Corporation; 10Nov77; A914796.

A914797. Bassapegua, Bassapegua Park, North Hassapegua, Seaford, NY, yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1978. 22nd ed. C Yellow Book Corpo- ration; 10BOV77; A914797.

A914798. Hanhasset, Flower Hill, Bunsey Park, BY, and others, yellow book coaaunity telephone directory, 1978. 21st ed . Yellow Book Publishers, Inc.; 2Bov77; A914798.

A914799. Coffeeville, Pine Hill. AL, Noveober 1977. Add. ti: Pine Hill, AL, Noveaber 1977. O Continental Telephone Company of the South — Alabaaa; 200ct77; A914799.

A914800. Boling, including communities of lago, Bagnet, TI, and others, November 1977. Continental Telephone Coapany of Texas;

260ct77; A914800.


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