Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1105

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4915058 (con.) O HattheH Beodec and COBpanVr iDC. ; 15BOV77: A915058.

J915059. Beader's Federal pcactice tocms; aDQOtatioas C cross references to Moore's Federal practice* second edition* by Louis B. Fruaec 6 Imin Hall. Vol. I-UB. No». 1977 revision, release do. 22. Sup- pleaental index, Nov. 1977, prepared by Matthew Bender and Conpany, Inc. editorial staff. Group nanaqinq editor: Marvin Uazner, senior editor; John Hayes. 2 v. S sheets. ippl. au: Hatthev Bender and CoBpany, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 1UI10V77: A915059.

1915060. Patent Office rules and pcactice. Vol. 2-3. Nov. 1977, revision, release no. 15. By Lester Horowitz. Sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. Matthew Bender and Coapauy, Inc.; 71(ov77; 1915060.

1915061. Federal incoae taxation of banks and financial institutions. 1977 cuaulative suppl., no. 3. By David Sachs. Sheets. Uarren, Gorhaa and Lasont, Inc.; 17N0V77: 1915061.

1915062. Index to Federal tax articles; sunaer 1977 suppl. Coapiled by Gershaa Goldstein. 184 p. O Harren, Gorhaa and LaBont, Inc.; 17Nov77; 1915062.

1915063. EDployoent discrininat ion: race. New vol. 3, 1977. By Icthur Larson. 1 v. Ippl. au: Matthew Bender and coapany. Inc. , eaployer for hire. Matthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 1Nov77; 1915063.

1915064. Idainistrative law. Vol. 4. By Basil J. Mezines, Jacob 1. Stein S Jules Gruff. 1 V. Ippl. au: Matthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 8Nov77: 1915064.

1915065. Personal life health plan. 57 p. Ippl. au: Bichard J. Giqlio, Brent 8. Spears e Nancy 6. Eddy. Bichard J. Giqlio, Brent U. Spears 6 Nancy B. Bddy; 11Nov77; 1915065.

1915066. Prospectinq and trackinq systea; data sheet. 1 p. Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915066.

1915067. Personnel evaluation and reportinq systea (PEBS) : data sheet. 2 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77: 1915067.

1915068. Tyaquote; data sheet. 2 p. Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915068.

1915069. Tyafabs; data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915069.

1915070. Tvaebs; data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915070.

1915071. Coaars; data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915071.

1915072. PBI aaintenance systea: data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915072.

1915073. Site 2; data sheet. 2 p. Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; A915073.

19150711. Tyaticket; data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 19150711.

A915075. Tyaebs; data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; A915075.

A915076. Coapas; data sheet. 1 p. Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; A915076.

A915077. Tyahold; data sheet. 1 p. O Tyashare, Inc.; 310ct77; 1915077.

1915078. Tyashare*s Flexible inforaation systea for aanuf acturers: Maqnua opus. 8 p. O Tynshare, Inc.; H1Nqv77; 1915078.

1915079. Focus custoaer class; handouts. No. 1. sheets (135 p.) in folder. Tyashare, Inc.; 91IOV77; A915079.

1915080. Understanding scripture. Illus.: Orville Hurt, photography: J. Gerard Saith, with Guth Feldaan, Bichard Kushnir e Edward Ball, script: Ella Mayer, script editor: Uarren Colaan. Folders e 10 filastrips in box. Ippl. au; Boa Filas. Boa Filas; 30Sep77; 1915080.

A915081. Directions for playing Picture Doainos. 1 p. Ippl. au; Edu-Card Corporation. Edu-Card, division of Binney and Saith, Inc. (in notice: Edu-Cards Manufacturing Corporation): 1Jan71; 1915081.

1915082. Directions for playing Edu-Cards lotto qaaes. 1 p. Appl. au: Edu-Card Corporation. O Edu-Card, division of Binney and Smith, Inc. (in notice: Edu-Cards, a division of Binney and Saith): lJan71: 1915082.

1915083. Aniaal spelling gaae. Folder. (Schoolhouse in a fun box, no. 603) Add. ti: How to play with your Schoolhouse in a fun box. Ippl. au; Edu-Card Corporation. O Edu-Card, division of Binney and Saith, Inc. (in notice: Ed-U-Cards Corporation) : 1Jan69; 1915083.

1915084. Iniaal spelling gaae. By Ed-u-Cards. Cards in box. (Schoolhouse in a fun box, no. 603) Idd. ti: Fun box. Ippl. au; Edu-Card Corporation. Edu-Card, division of Binney and Saith, Inc. (in notice: Edu-Cards Corporation) ; 1Jan68; 1915084.

1915085. Edu-Cards ABC lotto. Cards in box. Ippl. au; Edu-Card Corporation. NH; new graphics. O Edu-Card, division of Binney and Saith, Inc. (in notice: Edu-Cards. a division of Binney and Saith, Inc.); 1Jan70; 1915085.

1915086. Edu-Cards Iniaal doainos; with plastic play-tray. Kit. Ippl. au: Edu-Card Corporation. NM: new graphics. Edu-Card, division of Binney and Saith, Inc. (in notice: Edu-Cards Corporation); 1Jan70; 1915086.

1915087. Aladdin Per Plexus: the gaae of strategy in aotion. Kit. O Aladdin Industries, Inc. (in notice: Aladdin Industries, Inc., Special Products Division); 22Feb76: 1915087.

1915088. lladdin's Totally: the great new nuabers gaae; instructions. Kit. O lladdin Industries, Inc. (in notice: lladdin Industries, Inc., Special Products Division); 7Feb75 (in notice: 1974); 1915088.

1915089. lladdin Barrier: the international gaoe of tactical aoaentua. Kit. O lladdin Industries, Inc. (in notice: lladdin Industries, Inc., Special Products Division): 7Peb75 (in notice: 1974); 1915089.

1915090. Uoaen painters and poets. By Harjorie Kanny £ others. 23 p. Ippl. au: Visual Irtists coalition. Inc. Visual Irtists Coalition, Inc.; 150ct77; 1915090.

1915091. Depreciation accountant; coaputer prograa for datapoint 1100 processor. Depreciation accountant: oachine language prograa files. Designed £ written by Gerald Lee Bodgers. Kit. O Jaaes E. Bodgers and coapany; 231ug77: 1915091.

1915092. Freezer food inventory check list. Uall chart. on coapilation; Barrett Technology, Inc.; 11Jul77; 1915092.

1915093. Chicago city Criss-cross directory, telokey, 1976. O Haines and Coapany, Inc.; 14NOV77; 1915093.

1915094. Chicago City Criss-cross directory, addressakey, 1978. Haines and Coapany, Inc.; 14NOV77; A915094.

A915095. The Security/fire equipnent aanufac- turers" directory. 176 p. Appl. au: Hodell Anderson. O Hodell Anderson; 4Aug77; A915095.

A915096. Index To Scientific Eeviews; 1977 seaiannual. Vol. 1-2. Institute for Scientific Inforaation, Inc.; 26Sep77: A9I5096.

A915097. S.U.A.T.; directions. No. 4613. Box top. Accompanied by buildup, reg. K127182. Milton Bradley Coapany: 5Jan76; A915097.

A91509e. De Haen drugs in use. Cards 2177-2435. O Paul De Haen, Inc.; 14Sep77: A915098.

A915099. De Haen drugs in use. Cards 2'I<I8-2713. O Paul De Haen, Inc.; 26Sep77: 19 15099.

1915100. De Haen drugs in use. Cards 2718-2972. Paul De Haen, Inc.; 70ct77; 1915100.

1915101. De Haen Drugs In Prospect. Cards 515-571. O Paul De Haen, Inc.; 140ct77; 1915101.

1915102. De Haen Drugs In Prospect. Cards 456-514. Paul De Haen, Inc.; 29Sep77: 1915102.

1915103. De Haen Drugs In Prospect. Cards 572-628. Paul De iiaen. Inc.; 210ct77:



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