Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1128

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A91600e - A9ie042
JUL-DEC. 1977

i916005 (con.) Globe Newspaper CoBpany. NH: compilatioo S additional nattec. Globe Neuspapec company; 1ilOct77; i9 16005.

1916006. Hillec comprehensive CPi review; companion workbook. By Hartin A. Hiller. 90 p. Sppl. au: Harcourt Brace Jova- novich. Inc. , employer for hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. ; 3NOV77: S916006.

A916007. Joy Limberoller belt conveyor idlers. Cataloq-L-500. 23 p. HD: complete revision. O Joy Hanufacturinq Company; 26Sep77: 4916007.

A916a08. Population of California, 1978- 1985-1990. A special report by the Kiplinqer California letter. 1 p. Appl. au: The Kiplinqer Rashinqton Editors, Inc. The Kiplinqer Rashinqton Editors, Inc. : 9Nov77: A916008.

S916Q09. Boninq the dreamer. By Terry Stokes. 77 p. O on compilation, editorial revisions £ prev. unpublished poems; Terry Stokes; 160ct75; A916009.

A916010. Student workbook for Psycholoqy: a basic course, by David Krecfa, Richard S. Crutchfieia, Norman Livson 6 Hilda Krech. Prepared by Donald A. cook & shanna Bichmau. 210 p. C Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 19Apr76; 4916010.

4916011. Hannequins. Photos, by George Bennett. 84 p. Georqe Bennett; 27Sep77; A916011.

A916012. Texas real estate: law, regulation and practice. By Donald R. Levi. 1 1 1 p. A suppl. to Real estate principles and practices, eiqhth edition by Alfred 4. Binq & Jerome Dasso £ Fundamentals of real estate by Jerome Dasso, Alfred 4. Sing £ Douglas ttcFall. Q Prent ice-Hall, Inc. ; 224pr77; 4916012.

4916013. Twentieth century interpretations of 411 the king's men: a collection of critical essays. Edited by Robert H. Chambers. 151 p. NM: compilatioo, editor's introd. S notes. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 27Sep77; 4916013.

4916011. Knowinq and enioying your baby. By 41an Sroufe. 192 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 210ct77; 49160m.

4916015. Prentice-Hall Federal tax course, 1978. 1 V. Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed on material reproduced from the Onited States Govt, sources. Prentice- Hall. Inc.; 190ct77; A91601S.

A916016. International market indices: week ending November 18, 1977. 1 8 p. Appl. au: Robert P. sanna £ Halvin B. Boesch. a Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 21Sov77; 4916016.

4916017. Ueekly money market: week ending November 17, 1977. 15 p. 4ppl. au: Robert P. Sanna £ Halvin B. Boesch, e Quantitative Analysis Service; 181lov77: A916017.

A916018. International market indices: week endinq November 11, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Robert P. Sanna £ Halvin B. Roesch. Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 141IOV77; 4916018.

4916019. Reekly charts, week ending November 15, 1977. Full key list summary, month ending October 31, 1977, week ending November 15, 1977. 2 V. 4ppl. au: Robert P. Sanna 6 Halvin B. Boesch. Quantitative Analysis Service; 16Nov77; A916019.

4916020. Discussion guide for Let's find out, set 2. By Belinda £. Blau. Folder. 4ppl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. Bandom House, Inc.; 27aay77: 4916020.

4916021. Discussion guide for Stories of Latin 4Berica, set 2. By Janet Serlin Garber. Folder. Appl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hire. C Random Bouse, Inc.; 27aay77; 4916021.

4916022. Discussion guide for Stories of Latin America, set 1. By Janet Serlin Garber. Folder. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. C Random House, Inc.; 27Bay77; 4916022.

4916023. Discussion guide for Let's find out, set 3. By Hel.'.nda E. Blau. Folder. 4ppl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hire. e Bandom House, Inc.; 27Hay77; 4916023.

49ie02U. Discussion guide for Popular picture books, set 1. Folder. Random Bouse, Inc.; 27ilay77; 4916024.

A916025. Discussion guide for Popular picture books, set 3. By Janet Serlin Garber. Polder. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire, d Bandom House, Inc.; 27Hay77; A916025.

A916026. Discussion guide for Horld myths and legends. By Janet Serlin Garber. Folder. Appl. au; Random House, Inc., employer for hire. Random House, Inc.; 27Hay77: A916026.

A916027. Discussion guide for Animal Kingdom. By Helinda £. Blau. 2 p. Appl. au: Random House, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Bandom House, Inc.; 27May77; 4916027.

4916028. Discussion guide for Science of today. By Helinda E. Blau. 3 p. 4ppl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. Random House, Inc.; 24ilay77; 4916028.

4916029. Discussion guide for Popular picture books, set 2. By Janet Serlin Garber. Folder. 4ppl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hire, d Random House, Inc. ; 27Hay77; A916029.

A916030. Discussion guide for Let's find out, set 1. By Helinda E. Blau. Folder. Appl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hire. Random House, Inc.; 27Hay77; 4916030.

4916031. Discussion guide for Holidays, set 1. By Helinda E. Blau. Folder. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. O Random House, Inc.; 27iiay77; 4916031.

4916032. Discussion guide for 4merican biog- raphies, set 1. By Helinda E. Blau. Folder. 4ppl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hire. Random House, Inc.; 27Bay77; A916032.

A916033. Discussion guide for Humorous poetry. Rritten by Janet Serlin Garber. Folder. Appl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hire. Random House, Inc.; 2711ay77; A916033.

A9 16034. Discussion guide for Law; the rules of the game. 6 p. Appl. au: Random House, Inc. , employer for hire. O Random House, Inc.; 27llay77; A916034.

A916035. Hooray for you, Charlie Brown. By Charles H. Schulz. 104 p. on new text £ art, editing, revisions, compilation £ depiction of characters; United Feature Syndicate, Inc.; 130ct77; 4916035.

4916036. Richard Scarry's Best make- it book ever! 143 p. 4ppl. au: Bandom Bouse, Inc. O Richard Scarry; 20Sep77; 4916036.

A9 16037. First aid: burns, poisons, exposure. Discussion guide by Harsha Treiber. 18 p. £ filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47433, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire of filmstrip script fi discussion guide. Guidance Associates; 20Oct77; 4916037.

4916038. First aid: rescue and transfer. Filmstrip script £ discussion guide by Harsha Treiber. 18 p. E filmstrip. 4ccofflpanied by sound' recording, reg- N47434, in box. 4ppl. au: Guidance 4ssociates, Inc., employer for hire of Harsha Treiber. 6 Guidance 4ssociates; 200ct77; 4916038.

4916039. Saving and investing. Discussion guide by Habel lechet, filmstrip script: Barbara Sapinsley. 40 p. £ 2 filmstrips. (Consumer skills) 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. H47435, in box. 4ppl. au: Guidance 4ssociates, Inc., employer for hire. Guidance 4ssociates; 170ct77; A916039.

A916040. First aid: resuscitation techniques. Discussion guide by Harsha Treiber. 20 p. £ filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47436, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc. , employer for hire of filmstrip script £ discussion guide. 6 Guidance Associates; 170ct77; A916040.

4916041. Latin America. Discussion guide by Hargaret Flesher, filmstrip script: Joshua Rubenstein £ Tom Raynor. 52 p. £ 4 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47437, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire. BH: discussion guide £ filmstrips, pt. 1 fi 4 all new; filmstrip pt. 2 new except frames 21, 45-48 £ pt. 3 new except frame 60. Guidance 4ssociates; 7Nov77; 4916041.

4916042. Trucks and buses. Teacher's guide by Susan Ruth Goldstein, filmstrip script: Linda Kline. 2 v. £ filmstrip. (Bead-41ong Social Studies) 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N47438, in box. 4ppl. au: Guidance 4ssociates, Inc., employer for hire. NH: teacher's guide 6 filmstrip, except frames 14-15, 32-34, 39-40, 42, 49-52, 56-57, 61, 66, 69-70.

O Guidance Associates; 15Kov77; A916042.


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