Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1136

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A916327 - A9163611
JUL-DEC. 1977

1916326 (con.) illus. by Sallr Bulse Case. 87 p. iclene Joaes Hartin & Sally Bulse Case; ilKo»77: A916326.

1916327. Situation learninq; teacher's guide 6 student's study book for schedule 31 S 3B- By Marietta Lainq Biddle. 4 v. Harietta Laing Biddle; 1Nov77; 1916327.

1916328. Leuteaias and lynphoaas: statistical and epideniological infomation. By Edwin Sllverberq. 75 p. Ippl. au: laerican Cancer Society, Inc. Ippl. states copyright not clained in any aaterial taken froa D.S. Govt, sources. NH: additional text. laerican Cancer Society, Inc.; " 22Sep77; 1916328.

1916329. fiape; nedical and forensic investi- gation. By Charles S. Petty, Daniel E. Scott 6 Irving C. Stone, Jr. 18 p. ippl. au: laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists- Inerican Society of Clinical Pathologists: 260ct76: 1916329.

1916331. Investigation of asphyxial deaths. By Vincent J. H. Di Maio 6 Patrick E. Besant-Hatthews. 17 p. Ippl. au: laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists. O laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 25aay76: 1916331.

1916332. Bone aarroH interpretation in selected aneoias. By Thoaas F. Dutcher. 24 p. Ippl. au: laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists. laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 251lay76: 1916332.

1916333. Non-Hodgkin's lyaphoaas. By Bonald F. Dorfaan, designed 6 developed by Hanageaeut Coaaunications, Inc. 1U p. Ippl. au: laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists. O laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 10Sep76: 1916333.

191633». Endoaetrial carcinooa: pathologic factors in assessing biologic behavior. By llan B. P. Ng S Jaaes H. Beagan. 28 p. Ippl. au: laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists. laerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 22Apr76; 1916334.

1916335. IHRl standard for cold-water aeters- -displacenent type. IBHA C700-77, revision of IHHl C700-71. 11 p. Ippl. au: R. E. Snider S Paul Notari. SH: editorial revisions 6 additional text. laerican Hater Uorks Issociation; 180ct77: 1916335.

1916336. IRHA standard practice for the selection of asbestos-ceoent distribution pipe, 4 inch through 16 inch, for water and other liguids. IHHi C401-77, revision of Mil C401-64. 20 p. ippl. au: Bobert S. Bryant 6 Paul Notari. NH: editorial revisions 6 additional text. laerican Hater iorks Issociation; 180ct77; 1916336.

1916337. laerican National standard for vertical turbine puaps — line shaft and subaersible types. msi/lBBl E101-77, revision of B58. 1-1971 (igill E101-71) 57 p. ippl. au: Itlee Cunninghaa S Paul Notari. NH: editorial revisions 6 additional text. laerican later Horks Issociation; 170ct77; 1916337.

1916338. AWRl standard for potassiua peraan- ganate. iiUl B603-77, revision of IHgl B603-68. 4 p. Ippl. au: J. K. G. Silvey & Paul Botari. NH: editorial revisions & additional text. laerican Rater Hocks issociation; 170ct77; 1916338.

1916339. laerican National standard for installation of gray and ductile cast-iron water aains and appurtenances. IMSI/lHHl C600-77, revision of C600-64. 17 p. Ippl. au: i. a. Tinkey & Paul Notari. NH: editorial revisions 6 additional text. 6 laerican Hater Horks Association; 180ct77: 1916339.

1916340. IHHl standard for sodiua oetabisulf ite (sodiUH pyrosulfite) AHHA B601-77, revision of IHHl B601-64. 4 p. Appl.^ au: J. K. G. Silvey e Paul Notari. NH: editorial revisions & additional text. & American Hater Horks Association; 170ct77; 1916340.

1916341. Kulticultural education: coamitaents, issues^ and applications. Prepared by the Issociation for Supervision and Carriculua Development, Hulticultural Education Comoission, edited by Carl 1. Grant. 148 p. 6 Issociation for Supervision and CurriculuB Development; 23Sep77: 1916341.

A916342. Barron's Profiles of American colleges- -update. 1 V- © Barron's Educational Series. Inc.; 210ct77; A916342.

A916343. Hairead Corrigan/Betty Hilliams. By Richard Deutsch, translated froa the French by Jack Bernard, with a foreword by Joan Baez. 204 p. Translation of La Paix de les femmes. NH: translation. Q Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 18NOV77; A916343.

A916344. Executive action series, no. 212. 48 p. Q Bureau of Business Practice, Inc. ; 19Sep77; A916344.

A916345. Burroughs B700 systems: Burroughs hospital adainistrative system (BHIS 2) patient accounting; operator's aanual. 1 V. Idd. ti: B700 BHIS 2 patient accounting. O Burroughs corporation; 110ct77; 1916345.

1916346. The Moral criticism of law. By David A. J. Bicbards. 278 p. O Dickenson Publishing coapany. Inc.; 13Jun77; A916346.

A916347. Learning disability, reading failure and the speech and language pathologist. By Joel Stark. Folder. (Communicative disorders: an audio iournal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 10, Oct. 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) 6 Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 120ct77; 1916347.

A916348. The Course of modern Jewish history. By Howard Horley Sachar. 669 p. Nd: p. -581-599, additions & revisions. Howard Nbrley Sachar: 271ug77: 1916348.

1916349. The Genesis strategy: cliaate and global survival. By Stephen B. Schneider, with Lynn E- Hesirow. 419 p. NN: foreword to paperback edition. 6 PlenuB Press; 21Apr77; 1916349.

1916350. Mister Chips and family. By J. lllyn Rogers. 47 p. N(9: compilation £ e J. lllyn Sogers

1916351. Electronic ignition systems. By Marvin Tepper. 101 p. Hayden Book Company, Inc.; 1NOV77; 1916351.

1916352. Novice and general class amateur license; Q and 1 manual. By Marvin Tepper. 2nd ed. 177 p. 6 Hayden Book company. Inc.; 70ct77; A916352.

A9 16353. Patient care in neurosurgery. By Jaaes B. Bowe. 228 p. Little, Brown and Company, Inc.; 25Jul77; 1916353.

1916354. Teacher's guide to accompany Kifflber- Gray-Stackpole's Inatoay and physiology. By Barjorie A. Miller, inna B. Drakontides e Lutie C. Leavell. 17th ed. 142 p. Ippl. au: Macmillan Publishing Coapany, Inc. , employer for hire. G Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 151ug77; 1916354.

1916355. To love the brethren; sermon. Vol. 7732, Sept. 18, 1977. 7 p. Ippl. au: Peter Marshall. Peter Marshall; 18Sep77; A916355.

A916356. For those who labor. .. rest; Communion meditation. Vol. 7731, Sept. 4, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Peter Marshall. 6 Peter Marshall; 4Sep77 ; A9 16356.

A916357. Nevertheless, God; sermon. Vol. 7733, Sept. 25, 1977. 7 p. Appl. au: Peter Marshall. Peter Marshall; 25Sep77; A916357.

A9 16358. Guidelines for designing a school pro£ile. 1 v. National Association of Secondary School Principals; 15Sep77; A9 16358.

A916359. American secondary education: the Conant influence; a look at Conant' s recom- mendations for senior & junior high schools. By A. Barry Passow. 68 p. National Association of Secondary' School Principals; 9Nov77; A916359.

A916360. Bent control: a non-solution. Prepared by the Department of Economics and Research, the National Issociation of Realtors. 56 p. Appl. au: National Association of Realtors. O National Association of Realtors; eNov77; A916360.

A916361. Selling energy conservation to everyone: a creative approach. 7 p. Q National Retail Merchants Association; 310ct77; 1916361.

1916362. Caleb Hilliams. By Hilllam Godwin, edited with an introd. by David Mccracken. 351 p. NM: updated bibliography. e Oxford Oniversity Press; 26Sep77; 1916362.

1916363. Iny damn fool can putt. By J. Patrick, pseud, of James P. McKenna. 24 p. 6 James P. McKenna (in notice: J. Patrick); 151ug77; 1916363.

1916364. Presenting statistics. Hritten C photographed by Harren 1. Gasink. 43 p.

O Harren A. Gasink; 17Jun77; 1916364.


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