Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1156

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A917124 - A917161
JUL-DEC. 1977

4917124. Ion implantation in semiconductors, 1976. Edited by Fred CherooH, James A. Borders fi David K. Brice. 75U p- Proceediaqs of the Fifth International Conference on Ion laplantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials, held in Boulder CO, Auq. 8-13, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work vritten by a 0. S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties- 6 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 1111ov77; A917124.

A917125. Air contamination control in hospitals. By Joseph E. Luciano. U79 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a 0. s. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. e Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 11Nov77; 4917125.

A917126. The Bespiratory functions of blood- By Lars Garby 6 Jerry Seldon- 282 p- (Topics in hematology) Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this Hork written by a D-S- Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 9 Plenum Publishing Corporation: l^JNov??; A917126-

A917127- photochemical and photobiological reviews. Vol. 2. Edited by Kendric C- Smith. 329 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed In any portion of this work written by a 0-S- Govt, employee as part of his official duties. Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 1*Sep77: A9 17127.

4917128. Stabilization of superconducting magnetic systems- By Valerii Aleksan- drovich 41'tov, V- B- Zenkevich, B- G. Kremlev 6 V. V. Sychev, edited by ». V. Sychev, translated from Russian by G. 0- Archard, translation editor: K. D. Timnerbaus, with a foreword by B. i- Birmlngham. 338 p. (The International cryogenics monograph series) Appl- au: Plenum Press, employer for hire of translation- Translation of Stabili- zatsiia sverkhprovodiashchlkh magnitnykh slstem- 6 on translation S foreword; Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 30ct77; 4917128.

4917129- Immunopharmacoloqy- Edited by John B. Hadden, Bonald G- Coffey & Pederico Spreafico. «23 p. (Comprehensive Immunology, vol. 3) Appl- states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a 0-S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties, e Plenum Publishing Corporation: 17Nov77: A917129.

4917130. Badiotherapy, surgery, and immunot- herapy. Editor: Frederick F- Becker- Sit p- (Cancer: a comprehensive treatise, vol- 6) 4ppl- states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a 0. S- Sovt. employee as part of his official duties. 6 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation: 21Nov77; A917130.

A917131- Product liability for the equipment lessor? merchant-lessor versus finance- lessor- By Boy H- Carlin- (In Equipment leasing — leveraged leasing, p- 565-593) Boy H- Carlin: 310ct77: A917131-

4917132. The Construction of a European community: achievements and prospects for the future. By Pierre aaillet, translated by Marcus J. Hart. 185 p- Prev- pub. as La Construction europeenne- © on English translation: Praeger Publishers; 181IOV77: 4917132-

A917133- The Two-year college instructor today- By Arthur H. Cohen 6 Florence B. Brawer- 1711 p. e Praeger Publishers; 18Nov77; 4917133.

A91713«- Industrlal security management- By Harvey Burstein- 216 p. Praeger Publishers: 18llov77: 4917131.

4917135. Income equity among U-S- workers: the bases and consequences of deprivation- By Eichard T. Curtin- 152 p. Praeger Publishers: 18Nov77: 4917135.

4917136. Honetary policy and the open economy: Meiico's experience. By D. Sykes Hllford. 152 p. O Praeger Publishers; 18Hov77; A917136.

A917137. Public opinion in European Socialist systems. By ialter D. Connor & Zvi 7. Gltelman, with Adallne Huszczo e Robert Blumstock. 196 p. © Praeger Publishers; 18NOV77: A917137.

4917138. Criminal justice planning- Edited by Joseph E- Scott £ Simon Dinitz- 170 p. © Praeger Publishers: 18Hov77: A917138-

A917139- yugoslavla after Tito- By Andrew Borowiec- 122 p- 6 Praeger Publishers; 18HOV77: A917139.

A917110. The Four-day workweek: blue collar adjustment to a nonconventional arran- gement of work and leisure time. By David H. Haklan. 201 p- © Praeger Publishers; 18NOV77: A917110-

A917111. The Making of United States inter- national economic policy: principles, problems and proposals for reform. By Stephen D- Cohen, foreword by C- Fred Bergsten- 208 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31JU177: 4917111.

A917112. Prospects for growth: changing expectations for the future- Edited by Kenneth D. Hllson- 319 p. O Edison Electric Institute; 18Sov77: A917112-

A917113- A History of the University of Rochester, 1850-1962- By Arthur J- May, edited 6 abridged by Lawrence Eliot Klein. 359 p- Appl. aii: University of Rochester. © Oniverslty of fiochester; 30Sep77; 4917113.

4917111- Everythlng in its place: social order and land use in America. By Constance Perin. 291 p- © Princeton Oniverslty Press; 3llov77; 4917111-

4917115- The Papers of Hoodrow illson: contents and Index, volumes 1 to 12- Vol- 13: 1856-1902- 291 p- © Princeton Oniverslty Press; 154ug77: 4917115.

A917116- The Economics of population growth- By Julian Lincoln Simon- 555 p. NH: additions & revisions- Q Princeton Oniverslty Press; 250ct77: A917116.

4917117- Hardy's Poetic vision in The Dynasts: the diorama of a dream- By Susan Dean- 318 p- O Princeton Oniverslty Press; 260ct77; 4917117-

A917ia8- The International politics of the Nigerian civil war, 1967-1970- By John J- Stremlau- 425 p- © Princeton Oniverslty Press; 270ct77; A9171ie-

4917119. Lobbying for the people: the political behavior of public Interest groups- By Jeffrey M- Berry- 331 p- © Princeton Oniverslty Press; 27Sep77; A917119-

A917150- Names on trees; Ariosto into art. By Bensselaer Bright Lee. 121 p. © Princeton University Press; 2Nov77; 4917150.

4917151. Public advocate for fire safety; the story of the National Fire Protection Association- By Charles S- Morgan- 21 p- O Charles S- Morgan: 280ct77; A917151-

A917152- The Story of The Henry B* Gilpin Company. By James E. Allen. 21 p. James £. Allen; 11Nov77; A917152.

A917153- In the Sun Belt — at the right time — with the right people: the story of Trend Line in central Mississippi- By Hilliam T- Hogg- 20 p- e Hilliam T- Hogg; 260ct77: A917153.

4917 151. KCamec versus Kramer; a novel. By Avery Cbrman- 233 p. C Avery Corman; 20Sep77; 4917151-

A917155- Gettlng to know him: a biography of Oscar Hammerstein 2nd- By Hugh Fordln. 383 p. O on all new text, rev. text, editing & compilation & prev. unpub. photos-; Hugh Fordln; 170ct77; 4917155-

A917156- Life is a banquet- By Rosalind Bussell (Rosalind Bussell Brisson) & Chris Chase- 260 p- Appl. an: Frederick Brisson. © on all new text, rev. text, editing 6 compilation & new photos. : Frederick Brisson, executor of the Estate of Rosalind Russell a.k.a. Bosallnd Bussell Brisson; 27Sep77: 4917156.

4917157. Now look what you've done! By Lee Lorenz. 1 v- All of the drawings appeared originally in The New lorker. NM: compilation, text 6 editing- O Lee Lorenz; 7Sep77: A9171S7.

A91715a- Lawrence Helk's Bunny rabbit concert. By Lawrence Belk with Bernice HcGeehan, Illustrated by Carol Bryan- 1 v- © Lawrence Belk; 11Nov77; A917158-

A917159- The Borld outside: collected short fiction about women at work- Selected by Ann Kelt, drawings by Lucy Martin Bltzer- 214 p- © on text; Ann Belt; 26Sep77; A917159.

A917160- The Borld outside; collected short fiction about women at work. Selected by Ann Beit, drawings by Lucy Martin filtzer. 211 p- © on lllus-; Lucy Martin Bltzer; 26Sep77; 4917160.


The Frogs who wanted a king, and other


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