Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/116

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4874961. Dartmouth College versus HoodHard 1 Kheaton 518 (1819) Selected 6 introduced by Harold J. Spaeth. 21 p. (Classic and current decisions o£ the United States Supreme Court, 6) NB: introductory essay. O w. H. Freeman and Company; 2Jan77; 1871(961.

A871I962. M'Culloch versus Maryland U Kheaton 316 (1819) Selected 6 introduced by Harold J. Spaeth. 12 p. (Classic and current decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 5) NH: introductory essay. «. H. Freeman and Company; 2Jan77: A874962.

i87it963. Martin versus Hunter's Lessee 1 Hheaton 305 (1816) Selected 6 introduced by Harold J. Spaeth. 16 p. (Classic and current decisions of the United States Supreme Court, «) NM: introductory essay. M. H. Freeman and Company; 2Jan77; 4874963.

4874964. Fletcher versus Peck 6 Cranch 87 (1810) Selected £ introduced by Harold J. Spaeth. 9 p. (Classic and current decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 3) SM: introductory essay. C H. H, Freeman and Company; 2Jan77; 4874964.

4874965. Marbury versus Madison 1 Cranch 137 (1803) Selected 6 introduced by Harold J. Spaeth. 10 p. (Classic and current decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 2) NM: introductory essay, e H. H. Freeaan and Company; 2Jan77; 4874965.

4874966. The Constitution of the United States. Selected 6 introduced by Harold J. Spaeth. 15 p. (Classic and current decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 1) NM: introductory essay. 6 H. H. Freeman and Company; 2Jan77; 4874966.

4874967. VolksMagen Rabbit, Scirocco service manual, 1975, 1976. 1977. 1 v.. 4dd. ti: Volkswagen service manual: Rabbit/S- cirocco, 1975 through 1977; Volks«agen service manual: Rabbit/Scirocco, 1975, 1976. 1977. e Robert Bentley, Inc.; 20May77: 4874967.

4874968. Roto-Rooter Sewer-Drain Service; advertising catalog. 1 v. Add. ti: Eoto-Rooter ad catalog. NM: pictorial revision. Roto-Booter Corporation; 6May77: 4874968.

4874969. Music and culture. Editor-in-chief: Gladys Carter & other editors, art director Juanita Elefante Gordon, illustrator: Kathie Talbot, photographers: Sean M. Higgins & Doug Mathewson. 7 p. fi 3 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording in boi- 4ppl. au: Educational Audio Visual. Inc. Appl. states all new except most pictorial matter on filmstrips which newly compiled. Educational Audio Visual. Inc.; 23Jun77; 4874969.

4874970. Let's eat. Created by 41phaventure for Xerox Education Publications, teacher's guide, kits 6-11: Patricia Moran Dunselman, Tish Gainey 6 Lindsey Reed, artists — filmstrips: patti Jacquemain Campbell £ Jim Duron, posters: Fred Irvin. Kit. 4dd. ti: 4iniguitos, kit 9 Accompanied by sound recording in box; English £ Spanish. 4ppl. au: Xerox Corporation, employer for hire, e Xerox Corporation; 25Nov76; 4874970.

A874971. The Senses. Created by Alphaventure for Xerox Education publications, teacher's guide, kits 6-11: Patricia Moran Dunselman, Tish Gainey fi Lindsey Reed, artists — filmstrips: Patti Jacquemain Campbell £ Jim Duron, posters: Fred Irvin. Kit. Add. ti: Amiguitos, kit 8 Accompanied by sound recording in box; English £ Spanish. Appl. au: Xerox Corporation, employer for hire. 6 Xerox Corporation; 25Nov76; A874971.

4874972. The Top flight readers audio visual kit- By Henry 4. Bamman 6 Robert J. Whitehead. 48 p. fi 6 filmstrips. In box; for use with The Top flight readers. 6 4ddison- Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 16May77; A874972.

4874973. Auto costminder: auto expense and tax record book. 36 p. Appl. au: Ernest E. Garrison (E. E. Garrison) 6 E. E. Garrison; 20Jun77r A874973.

A874974- Locator: Anchorage Alaska. 74 p. Glenn Burnham £ James E. Brooks d.b.a. Brooks-Burnham; 21Mar77: A874974.

A874975. Auction blue book of machine tools. 1975-1976 ed. 499 p. Lester M. Koploy, d.b.a. Auction Blue Book Company; 27May77; 4874975.

4874976. Living on love's touch. Poems by Sunshine Ray, pseud, of 41yce R. Bay. 24 p. e 41yce R. Ray (in notice: Sunshine Ray); 214pr77; 4874976.

4874977. "Now where?" places in Oregon to go with kids. By Joyce Fowler Tuggle fi Nancy Martin McCarthy. 2nd ed. 132 p. e Timber Press; 1Jul77: 4874977.

4874978. Urban ethnic conflict: a comparative perspective. Edited by Susan Elizabeth Clarke £ Jeffrey Lowell obler, issued by Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 257 p. (Comparative urban studies, monograph no. 3) 6 Institute for Research in Social Science; 31Dec76; A874978.

4874979. Shades of '76. By Sandra Levinson, cartoons by 4dam Biner. 51 p. Sandra Levinson; 15Jun77; A874979.

A874980. Home projects you can build. Editor: CarolAnn Shindelar. 50 p. (Better Homes and Gardens guide-to series) Appl. au: Meredith Corporation. © Meredith Corporation; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1975); 4874980.

A874981. Steam locomotives of the Chicago Great Western 2-6-0 consolidation type. By Henry L. Brown. 80 p. NM: text 6 compilation of photos. © Henry L. "Hank" Brown; 15Feb77; A874981.

A874982. 4 Modern 41addin. By E. M. Ericus, pseud, of Eric M. Boehnke. 20 p. E. H. Ericus, pseud, of Eric Boehnke; 13Jun77; 4874982.

4874983. 170 Southern fishing hot spots; your guide to the South's best freshwater fishing. Compiled fi edited by editorial staff Southern outdoors magazine. 155 p. © Southern Outdoors Magazine; 4Mar77; 4874983.

4874984. Restaurants Galore! a menu guide to dining on Long Island. 64 p. Appl. au: Phyllis Abrahams £ Elaine Neuwirth. © Restaurants Galore Associates; 29Apr77; 4874984.

4874985. Moon phases: past« present, future. (In The Old farmer's 1977 almanac, vol. 185, p. 65) 4ppl. au: Robert X. Perry. Portions prev. pub. in 1903. NM: updating, editorial revision £ additions. © Robert X. Perry; 70ct76 (in notice: 1974); A874985.

A874986. Every atom of my being: a spiritual analogy. By Polly Frances James Niberg. 92 p. NM: compilation, abridgment £ additions. © P. Frances Hiberg; 15Jun77; A874986.

A874987. Some of me. By D. Echie, pseud, of Dolly Echeverria, illus. by Tony Salmons. 92 p. © D. Echie; 1Apr77; 4874987-

A874988. Success with killifish. By Edward L. Warner. 48 p. Edward L. Warner: 1May77: A874988.

A874989. Brazilian-American business review- /directory, 1976-77. 4uthor: Motivational Communications, Inc. 70 p. © The Brazilian-4merican Chamber of Commerce, Inc.; 154pr77; 4874989.

A874990. The Underground buying guide for hams, CBers, experimenters and computer hobbyists. By Dennis A. King. 185 p. e Dennis A. King; 1Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A874990.

4874991. Is this report necessary? Folder. (The Better-work supervisor. May 16, 1977) © Clemprint, Inc.; 16Bay77; 4874991.

A874992. Collection (book) of cartoons with jokes. 8 p. Appl. au: Selma Levy. © Selma Levy; 25Har77; A874992.

A874993. Spanish mustang color identification. 4 p. Appl. au: D. Phillip Sponenberg. © D. Phillip Sponenberg; 17May77; A874993.

A874994. Copier/word processing/data supplies; area 1, San Diego. 1 v. Appl. au: Edgar D. Poe, Linda L. Ory fi Anita M. Lorentzen. NM: additions £ changes. © E- D. Poe and Associates, Inc.; 254pr77; 4874994.

4874 995. Copier/word processing/data supplies; area 2, San Francisco. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Edgar D. Poe, Linda L. Ory fi 4nita M. Lorentzen. NM: additions £ changes. © E. D. Poe and 4ssociates, Inc. ; 254pr77; 4874995.

A874996. Copier/word processing/data supplies; area 1, Los Angeles. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Edgar D. Poe, Linda L. Ory £ Anita M. Lorentzen. NM: additions 6 changes. © E. D. Poe and Associates, Inc.; 25Apr77; A874996.

A874997. Does Jesus Christ live in your heart? By David I. Gray, illus. 6 art work by Freddye Davis. 47 p. Jesus Christ Loves Tou; lMay77: A874997.


Swimming pool industry market report.


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