Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1173

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A917783 (con.) Ballioqer PilblishiDq Coapaor; 190ct77; A917783.

»91778«. Standards relatinq to ciqhts of ainocs. 128 p. ippl. au: IJk-iBk Juvenile Justice Standards Prolect. Ballinqei: Publishinq Coipanv: 190ct77: A9 17784.

A917785. Standards for luvenile lustice: a suBsacv and analysis. By Barbara Oanziqer rlicker. 276 p. ippl. au: IJA-ABA Juvenile Justice Standards Proiect. Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany; 190ct77; A917785.

A917786. Standards relatinq to dispositions. 135 p. Appl. au: IJA-ABA Juyenile Justice Standards prolect. Ballinqer Publishing Cospany; 190ct77: A9 17786.

A917787. Standards relatinq to court organization and adainistration. 50 p. Appl. au: IJA-ABA Juvenile Justice Standards Proiect. Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany; 190ct77: A917787.

A91778B. Standards relatinq to pretrial court proceedinqs. 135 p. Appl. au: IJA-ABA Juvenile Justice Standards Project. Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany: 190ct77; A917788.

A917789. Proaise and perforaance: children vith special needs; Act's guide to TV proqraaainq for children. Vol. 1. Edited by Haureen Haraonay, forenord by Julius B. Bicbaond. 255 p. Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany: 22Jun77; A917789.

A917790. Tour new social security and aedicare fact sheet. Folder. NO: revisions. O The Bureau of national Affairs, Inc.; 2<lJun77: A917790.

A917791. Personnel Policies Forua work scheduling policies. PPF survey no. 118, Auq. 1977. Prepared by Hary Green Biner. 5 1 p. Appl. au: The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. The Bureau of National Affairs. Inc.: lSep77: A917791.

A917792. AdainiStration and organization. Editors: Dale loder 6 Herbert G. Heneaan, Jr. 133 p. (ASPA handbook of personnel and industrial relations, vol. 6) The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. ; 10Auq77: A917792.

A917793. Start supervising. By Hoiiaird Franklin shout. 143 p. HH: revisions & Den illus. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.: 28JU177; A917793.

A917794. The Developinq labor law: the board, the courts and the National labor relations act. 1976 suppl. Editors in chief; Allan L. Bioff. Bernard T. Kinq e Arthur B. Saith, Jr. 277 p. Aaerican Bar Association: 24Auq77: A917794.

A917795. Cases and aaterials on Bnvir cnaental lav, second edition. 1977 suppl. By Oscar S. Gray. 607 p. Add. ti: 1977 suppleaent to Cases and aaterials on Environaental law, second edition. O Aaerican Bar Association: 6Sep77: A917795.

A917796. The Law Officer's pocket aanual. By John G. Biles, Jr., David B. Bichardson £ Anthony E. Scudellari. 1977-78 ed. 1 v. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 19Sep77; A917796.

A917797. The Onited states Patents Quaiterly. Vol. T92, Jan. -Bar. 1977. 986 p. C The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.: 14Sep77: A917797.

A917798. Environaent reporter, cases. Vol. 9. 1 V. NB: additions C revisions. O The Bureau at National Affairs, Inc.; 16Auq77; A917798.

A917799. BBO: blue collar to top executive. By B. Henry fligliore. 178 p. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 29Jul77; A917799.

A917800. Babryana. By Edward L. Babry. 122 p. O Edward L. Babry: 25Nov77; A917800.

i917801. Evangelical Sunday school lesson coaaentary. Vol. 26, Jan. -Bar. 1978. Lesson exposition writers: Noel Brooks, Hoaer G. Bhea. Jr. £ Charles H. Conn, editor in chief: O. ». Polen. Based on the Unifora Bible lesson series. Appl. au: Pathway Press. Pathway Press; 80ct77; A917801.

A917802. Population policy and ethics: the Aaerican experience. Edited by Bobert B. Veatch. 501 p. Irvington Publishers, Inc.; 14NOV77; A917802.

A917803. Baranatha: the Lord is coaing. Coapiled froa the writings of Ellen G. Rbite. 383 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. White Estate, Inc. NB: coapilation 6 additions. The Ellen G. Khite Estate, Inc.; 12Aug76; A917803.

A917804. Nelfaie ainistry: instruction in Christian neighborhood service. By Ellen G. Nhite. 349 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. NB: coapilation 6 additions. The Ellen G. Bhite Publications: 27Feb52; A917804.

A917805. A study guide to Counsels on diet and foods. By Ellen G. Bhite. 63 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. NB: foreword, appendix t cover. O The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc.; 10Nov76; A917805.

A917806. Counsels on diet and foods. A coapilation froa the writings of Ellen G. Bhite. 511 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. White Estate, Inc. NB: foreword. The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc.; 4Nov76; A917806.

A917807. Testiaony countdown 2; a guidebook to the study of the Testiaonies for the church. By Ellen G. Bhite. Ill p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. ; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A917807.

A917808. Twelve outline studies for the book The Story of our health aessage. 32 p. The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc.; 23Feb76 ; A917808.

A917809. A Subject index to the Ellen G. White periodical articles. P^. 1-2. Prepared in the office of the Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. 2 v. The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc.; 13Bay77; A917809.

A9t7ei0. A Critique of the book Prophetess of health. Prepared by the staff of the Ellen G. White Estate, Inc. 127 p. The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc.; 180ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A917810.

A917811. Guidelines to aental health; prelia. ed. Bateriais asseabled froa the writings of Ellen G. Bhite. 491 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. O The Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.; 5Sep56; A917811.

A917812. Early childhood education. A coa- prehensive coapilation of Ellen G. Bhite aaterials asseabled in age categories. 182 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc. The Ellen G. Bhite Estate, Inc.; 8Bar76; A917612.

A917813. Essays for a huaanist; an offering to Klaus Wachsaann. Coapilers: Charles Seegar, Bonnie Bade C Ann Pescatello. 393 p. KPB Festschrift Coaaittee; 20Har77; A9I7813.

A917814. Siaply good cooking, Pennsylvania Dutch style. 335 p. Appl. au: Nelson loder. Nelson Voder; 11Nov77; A917814.

A917815. The Dack-huntiogest gentieaeu; a collection of waterfowling stories. By Keith C. Bussell S friends, illustrated by Jonathan Newdick. 281 p. O Keith C. Bussell; 310ct77; A917815.

A917816. The Becoaing-one papers. By Baiter B. Dolen. 1 V. Walter B. Dolen; 28Nov77: A917816.

A917817. Bho's who in the East, 1977-1978. 16th ed. 897 p. Barquis Who's Who, Inc.; 12Jul77; A917817.

A917818. The Athletic director: a guide to free and inexpensive coaching aaterials. Vol. 1, no. 1. 1 V. Appl. au: Bobert L. Slouqh t, Bichard L. Sauers (Scholastic Besources Onliaited) O Scholastic Besources Onliaited; 1Nov77; A917818.

A917819. A Three year study of Brown Biddle School, 1974-1977; a longitudinal study of a Biddle school in Uaailton County, Tenu'ssee. By Jerry C. BcGee, Bobert Krajewski £ Earl E. Keese. 98 p. O Jerry C. BcGee: 23NOV77; A917819.

A917820. Investaents and faaily financial aanageaent; instructors aanual. Sheets. (CLO course BS 306, 1977/78) NB: revisions C new illus. O The Aaerican College; lNov77; A917820.

A917e21. Life insurance law and aatheaatics; instructors aanual. Sheets. (CLO course HS 302, 1977/78) NB: changes in questions of assignaent 10. O The Aaerican college; 1«ov77; A917821.

A9 17822. Econoaics; instructors aanual. 1 v. (CLO course HS 304, 1977/78) NB: revisions 6 additions. O The Aaerican college; 1Nov77; A917e22.


Victory in verse. By Helen K. Varela.


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