Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1177

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4917959 (con.) Hllliaa Batteobarqec, Tiaothy F. Field e Jack H. Sink; 260ct77; »917959.

4917960. The Newest aeaber of the faaily. Hodel iCS-001. Folder. 8 Advanced Coaputer Systems, Inc. alternate designation: ACS, Inc.: 54uq77; 4917960.

A917961. Payroll systeo. Folder. Advanced Coaputer Systeas, Inc. alternate designation: ACS, Inc.; 5Auq77; 49 17961. 4917962.

Inventory control systea. Folder. O 4dvanced Computer Systems, Inc. alternate designation: 4CS, Inc. ; 54uq77; 4917962.

A917963. Autoaotrix quia de coapras. Casa editorial: Lineal/Cleworth Books, Inc. 56 P. 4dd. ti: Hanual de reparaciones autoBot rices: 4utoaotriz. O Lineal- /Cleworth Books, Inc.; 3llar77 (in notice: 1976); A917963.

A917964. Discovery techniques for the legal assistant and legal secretary. 2nd ed. 63 p. Appl. au: Joseph E. Deerinq, Jr. e Don Sherwood. National Leqal Assistant conference Center; 6Aaq77: A917961.

A917965. Hartinsville. V4, October, 10, 1977. Central Telephone Coapany of Virginia; moct77; 4917965.

A917966. Easy to Bake graphs and charts, usinq your office copier. 96 p. Eclipse Press; 3liov77; 4917966.

4917967. Bank notes: the perfect gift to your custoaerr. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Claiborne H. Fitch. on text; C. H. Fitch Harketinq Coapany; 1Nov77; 4917967.

4917968. Sears business equipaent and supply catalog, 1978: Los Angeles. Seattle. 71 p. Sears, Boebuck and Coapany; 10HOV77: A917968.

A917969. Sears business eguipaent and supply catalog, 1978: Philadelphia, Boston. 71 p. Sears, Boebuck and Company: 8Nov77: A917969.

4917970. Sears business equipment and supply catalog, 1978: Chicago, Columbus, Minneapolis and others. 71 p. 6 Sears, Boebuck and Company; 780*77; 4917970.

4917971. Sears business equipaent and supply catalog, 1978: 4tlanta, Beaphis, Greensboro, Jacksonville. 7 1 p. O Sears, Boebuck and coapany: 10aov77; 4917971.

4917972. Propylene annual, 1977. 266 p. O DeSitt and Coapany, Inc. ; 1Jul77: A917972.

A917973. Gift catalog '78. 358 p. Add. ti: Gift catalog, 1977-78. Charter Catalogs. Inc.; 1Sep77: A917973.

A917974. Hospital I-ray policy and procedure aanual. By Gary L. Stanley. 515 p. Appl. au: Hospital and Physician Consulting Service, Inc. O Hospital and Physician Consulting Service, Inc.; 1Aaq77; A917974.

A917975. Hospital basic laboratory policy and procedure aanual. By Gary Lee Stanley. 581 p. Appl. au: Hospital and Physician consulting Service, Inc. O Hospital and Physician Consultinq Service, Inc.; 1Aug77; A917975.

A917976. Hospital safety and disaster policy and procedure aanual. By Gary Lee Stanley. 109 p. Appl. au: Hospital and Physician Consulting Service, Inc. O Hospital and Physician Consultinq Service. Inc.; 1Aug77; A917976.

A917977. Hospital social service policy and procedure aanual. By Gary L. Stanley. 417 p. Appl. au: Hospital and Physician Consulting Service, Inc. O Hospital and Physician Consulting Service, Inc.; 10ct77; 4917977.

4917978. Stone automotive safety test. Sheets (2 p.) O Gerald Paul Stone; 2aAag77; A917978.

A917979. A Kroger book: Indiana's Jane Pauley, portrait of NBC's rising star. By Ray Moscowitz with photos by Harold Chatlosh. 1 V. Appl. au: Nabash Plain Dealer Company, Inc. Q Uabash Plain Dealer Company, Inc.; 19Sep77; A917S79.

4917980. Your Kayak faaily plan: for the faaily — present and future. Folder. O Kayak Becreational Ilanufacturing Corporation; 3Jun77; 4917980.

4917981. your cradle roll; leader's handbook. Written by Palea Smiley, contributing editors: Sylvia Tester, Kathleen Souer fi Lee Lawrence, pseud, of fiuth Odor. 1 v. NH: editorxal revision & updating. 6 David C. Cook Publishing Company; 3laar77: 4917981.

4917962. 4n 41cot-Soiargen community. 5 p. Appl. au: Billy J. Barnett. Billy J. Barnett; 1Hay77; 4917982.

4917983. E-Z Play music: registration guide for Lowrey organs. 8 p. Q Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 13Jul77; 4917983.

491798IJ. The Christmas poopie. 4 Christmas story by Uilliao Stuart Allen. 1 v. e villiam Stuart Allen; 11Nov77; A91798I4.

4917985. Guindon. 1 v. Cartoons prev. pub. in the Hinceapolis tribune. IJH: compilation of cartoons & additions. ninneapoiis Star and Tribune Company (Minneapolis Tribune is an unincorporated division of, 6 is wholly owned by, Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company); 3Aug77; A917985.

A917986. Annotated discography of jazz. By Lewis Porter. 28 p. NH: additions, updating e revisions. 6 Lewis Porter; 19Sep77; 4917986.

4917987. The Ose of oriental carpets in 4merica in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By Sarah B. Sherrill. (In Ellis Memorial antiques show, 1977, p. 65-75) Sarah B. Sherrill; 250ct77; 4917987.

4917988. Whatley' to start and succeed business book. By S. Douglas Hhatley. 225 p. 4dd. ti: Hhatley's How to business book. KM: p. 27-30. Unimarter Publishing Coapany; 15Jun77; 4917988.

4917989. The U T's: teacher and you, text, talk, test; a systeaatic approach to learning success. By Sue Johnson (Sue D. Johnson Davidson) 1 v. O Sue D. Johnson Davidson (in notice: Sue Johnson) : 1Sep77; 4917989.

4917990. Technology in Medicine operations aanual. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Saymond Zaabuto 6 Bichard G. Congdon. Technology in Medicine, Inc. ; 28Har77 (in notice: 1976); 4917990.

4917991. Bibliography of agriculture: annual cuBulation. 1976. Vol. 10, pt. 1 e 2. 2 V. The Oryx Press; 27Sep77; 4917991.

4917992. Fractals: form, chance, and dimension. By Benoit B. Mandelbrot. 365 p. NM: translation, additions 6 revisions. O Benoit B. Mandelbrot; 8Jun77: 4917992.

4917993. Ecoscience: population, resources, environment. By Paul fi. Ehrlich, 4nne H. Ehrlich G John P. Holdren. 1051 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. 8. H. Freeman and company; 304uq77: 4917993.

4917994. Proceedings of the eighteenth annual seminar. Edited by H. Boger Adaas. 250 p. Held at Hot Springs, »A, Mar. 18-19, 1977. O Virginia Trial Lawyers Asso- ciation; 150ct77; A917991I.

A91799 5. fieports of cases decided in the Supreae Court of the State of Georgia at the Septeaber tera 1976 and the January and April terms 1977. Vol. 238. Beporters: Hiley H. Davis C Guy H. Hassey. 950 p. NM; coBpilation, additional text 6 index. State of Georgia; 30Sep77; A917995.

A917996. Illinois product liability practice, April 1977. chapter authors: John D. Hayes C other authors. 1 v. Appl. au: Jaaes F. Stack. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 14Apr77; A917996.

A917997. Gardening Haitreya three. Editors: Saauel Bercholz & Michael Fagan, calligraphy: Bobert Steiner. Sheets (104 p.) NH: additional text £ coapilation. C Shambhala Publications, Inc.; 120ct72; A917997.

A917998. Matheaatics learning center. By Thoaas J. Nuttall & Margaret D. Sud. 1 v. NM: editorial revision of text. O Thoaas J. Nuttall 6 Bargaret D. Sud; 1«0ct77; 4917998.

4917999. fieports of the cases decided in the Court of Appeals of Indiana. Vol. 155: from Dec. 27, 1972 to Apr. 9, 1973. Official reporter: Harilou Nertzler € others. 720 p. Add. ti: Indiana Court of Appeals reports. State of Indiana; 27Aug76; A917999.

A918000. Beports of the cases decided in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vol. 245: froa Jan. 28. 1964 to Oct. 16, 1964. Official reporter: Helen E. Corey 6 others. 729 p. Add. ti: Indiana reports. O state of

Indiana: 15Aug66; 4918000.


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