Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1206

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JUL-DEC. 1977

S919070 (con.) NH: additions. Clarence B. Franks; 31pr77: A919070.

A9 19071. Kill your taxes; join the syndicate. By Freeman B. Foxe. 43 p. Appl. au: Guidelines Systens, Inc. 6 Guidelines Systems, Inc.; 16Apr77; A9 19071.

A919072. Installnent loans: the myths you hear aren't the facts you need. 1 v. 3 Mission State Bank (in notice: Mission State Bank and Trust Company) ; 40ct77; A919072.

A919073. Of life and love. By Lncile Tan Der iielen. 70 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. Lucile Van Der Bielen: 15No»77; A919073.

A91907a. Poetry of love and peace. By Alberta Aileen Hilliams. 28 p. 6 Aileen Williams: 1Dec77; A9 19074.

A919075. Nuovi orizzonti spiritual!; manuals per ciruppi di ricerca. By Francisco coll. 19 p. e Francisco coll; 150ct77; A919075.

A919076. Administration in the arts: an annotated bibliography of selected references. By E. Arthur Prieve & Daniel J. Schmidt. 127 p. NM: approximately 50% of material. @ Seqents of the University of Wisconsin; 11IOV77: A919076.

A919077. Where have all the children qone? Gone to qrown-ups, everyone! Author: Karen Kaiser Clark, illus. by Larry H. Anderson. 1 v. e Karen Kaiser Clark; 40ct77; A919077.

A919078. The Master of my kitchen. Folder. Appl. au: Jane Morris fiichardson. 6 Jane Morris Eichardson; 27Jul77: A919078.

A919079. Echols notes. Vol. 1: marriages, wills, census records. Collected by Rebecca Echols Terry. 192 p. Bebecca Echols Terry: 25Bov77; A919079.

A919a30. Space: 20 years and countinq. By Halker S. Taninq. 70 p. Halker S. Taning; 1IIOV77; A919080.

A919081. The Journal of economics. Vol. 3: proceedinqs o£ the thirteenth annual conference", Missouri Valley Economic Association, Saint Louis, Missouri, Feb. 24-26, 1977. Edited by J. F. Schuier, vith the assistance of Ann Schwier £ Steven Lin. 278 p. O Missouri Valley Economic Association; 50ct77: A919081.

A9 19082. The Home almanac and financial portfolio. 32 p. Appl. au: Peter Clark. NM: revisions. @ Marketeers of America. Inc.: 14Sep77: A919082.

A919083. Behavior manaqement, a positive approach. By Handa Myers. 83 p. Handa Myers: 23liov77: A919083.

A9 19084. Preparation for the occupation of Japan: postwar planninq in the D. S. Department of state, 1939-1945. By Clarence T. Spawr. Sheets (112 p.) NM: additional text, personal interviews & compilation. © Clarence V. Spawr; 22Aug76: A919084.

A9t9085. Congratulations, Mister Jones, your American Telephone stock is selling at S4,000. Folder. Add. ti: Shearson plan. Q Shearson Hayden Stone, Inc.; 20Sep77; A919085.

A919086. The Student's creed. 1 p. Appl. au: Jerome E. Harwood. 6 Jerome E. Harwood (in notice: Harwood) ; 29Jun77; A919086.

A919087. Termination — a beginning, not an end. 83 p. Add. ti: Your guide to a successful job search. Appl. au: Glenn DeAtley, Jr. e Glenn DeAtley, Jr. ; 8Nov77; A919087.

A919088. TvQ, a gualitative TV research service from Marketing Evaluations; syndicated national report, Oct. 1977-1978 season 6 associated questionnaire. 108 p. & folder (3 p.) @ Marketing Evaluations, Inc.; 16NOV77; A919088.

A919089. Time study for the needle trades. Written by Walter H. Erwin. 1 v. 6 Industrial Engineering Services; 15Sep77; A919089.

A919090. Promotion to senior superintendent. Exam no. 7517, Nov. 19, 1977. 3 p. e Department of Personnel, city of New york; 19NOV77; A919090.

A9 19091. Thermal shutters and shades; systematic survey of over 100 schemes for reducing heat-loss through large, vertical, double-glazed, south windows on winter nights. By William A. Shurcliff. 1 v. e William A. Shurcliff; 11Nov77; A919091.

A919092. Inspection and service sheet. 1 p. Appl. au: David V. Cleaveland. 6 Leyfax Company; 15Apr77; A919092.

A919093. 4MVS user guide; October 1, 1977. 93 p. Appl. au: A. LeRoy Ellison. Q Capex Corporation; 10ct77; A919093.

A919094. Bepeat-0-Type cross reference charts: duplicating, copying, and typing supplies. 1 V. e Eepeat-0-Type Stencil Manufac- turing Company, Inc.; 1Nov77; A919094.

A919095. Student handbook of how to come out on top. 1 V. e Beaverton School District Number 48; 23Nov77; A919095.

A919096. Personal shorthand for the executive secretary; student syllabus: a correlated, individualized instruction program, no. 217150. By Joanne Piper, Carl W. Salser 6 Theo lerian. 1 v. 6 National Book Company, a division of Educational Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 12Nov77; A919096.

A919097. In the Old South with Brer Babbit and his neighbors. Collected & edited by F. Roy Johnson, illustrated by F. Mark Johnson. 112 p. NM: compilation, editing & original artwork. F. Boy Johnson; 1Dec77; A919097.

A919098. The Sharing of my love. By Sandra Jean Lofland. 87 p. Q Sandra Jean Lofland; 18NOV77; A919Q98.

A919099. Peabody and Alfred Leland crabb; the story of Peabody as reflected in selected writings of Alfred Leland Crabb. Edited by John E. Windrow. 382 p. NM: introd. , compilation & pictorial matter. George Peabody College & Williams Press, jointly (in notice; Williams Press & George Peabody College for Teachers) ; 19Nov77; A919099.

A919100. Old Burnside. By Harriette Simpson Arnow. 129 p. 6 The University Press of Kentucky; 17Nov77; A919100.

A919101. Agrarian Kentucky. By Thomas D. Clark, illus. by William B. Crouch. 135 p. The Oniversity Press of Kentucky; 17NOV77; A919101.

A919102. The Shawnee. By Jerry E. Clark. 98 p. 6 The Dniversity Press of Kentucky; 17NOV77; A919102.

A919103. My friends; a collection of original stories written in the storytelling tradition. By Denny Oey (Dennis E. Dey) 91 p. Denny Dey; 27Aug77; A919103.

A919104. Pharmacological and biochemical properties of drug substances. Vol. 1. Editor: Morton E. Goldberg. 413 p. Q American Pharmaceutical Association; 29»ov77; A919104.

A919105. Bohrbach genealogy. Vol. 2: The Bohrbach and Rorabaugh families of America who are descendants of Hans Georg Bohrbach who emigrated from Germany to America in 1732. By Lewis Bunker Bohrbaugh. 280 p. e Lewis Bunker Bohrbaugh; 30Nov77: A919105.

A919106. The Ch'ing Imperial Household Depar- tment: a study of its organization and principal functions, 1662-1796. By Preston M. Torbert. 267 p. President and Fellows of Harvard College; 15Nov77; A919106.

A919107. The Girl who defied the dragon. By Clifford Cole. 286 p. 6 Clifford Cole; 30NOV77; A919107.

A919108. Speaking out: two centuries of Kentucky orators. By Gifford Blyton & Bandall Capps. 282 p. 6 Gifford Blyton £ Bandall Capps; 29NOV77; A919108.

A919109. Investigations in biology. Biology 1210. By Harrison W. Ambrose 3rd & Katharine peckham Ambrose. 30 p. Q Harrison W. Ambrose 3rd & Katharine Peckham Ambrose; 9Sep77: A9 19109.

A919110. Chordate development; a practical textbook with directions for laboratory study, atlases, and techniques for descriptive and experimental embryology. Text e illus. by H. Eugene Lehman. 369 p. e H. Eugene Lehman; 29Nov77; A919110.

A919111. Biology laboratory. By David A. Stetler C Jerry w. Via. 219 p. David A. Stetler £ Jerry A. Via; 30ct77,- A919111.

A919112. General geology 1 laboratory manual. By Otto C. Kopp. 1 V. e Otto C. Kopp; 23Sep77; A919112.

A919 113.

Lab studies in physical geology. By B.


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