Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1213

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A919353 - A919395
JUL-DEC. 1977

»919352 (con.) 1977. Prepared by Mountain States EDplovers Council* Inc. 25 p. C Mountain States Eaplovers Council, Inc.; 2UOct77; A919352.

1919353. Blackiack; a systems approach. 10 p. Appl. au: Joseph A. fiusso« Jr. Ntt: editorial revisions 6 neu text. Joseph

  • . Russo. Jr.; 25Jul77: 49 19353.

4919354. Loaned executive presentation skills* 1977. 39 p. 4dd. ti: Presentation skills proqram. 1977. The Onited lay of Metropolitan Tarrant County: 94uq77; 4919351.

4919355. Should Ton Kork vith our children? Multiple voluses t sheets. Add. ti: Theological cases: "should Ton work with our children?" Appl. au; Louis Veeks. O The Case Study Institute: 10ct77: A9 19355.

4919356. CoBBunity awareness workshop. 3 p. Appl. au: Joanna D. Lynch C Jean B. Johnson. Joanna D. Lynch & Jean B. Johnson: 3Sep77: A919356.

4919357. The Peoples* coaaunity colleqe: a cluster Bodel. Author: Charles C. Collins. 123 p. Coaaunity College Press: 15Auq77: A919357.

4919356. Flex-duct, another Kwikee product, 2 p. Huqert Manufacturinq Coapany: 12Jul77; 4919358.

A919359. Black-Tite pipe-elbows and fittinqs. 2 p. Huqert Manufacturinq Coapany: 14JU177; A919359.

4919360. Coaparative tabulations of death charqes under eiqht different aethods of pro|;erty distribution. 1 v. 4ppl. au: A. Bundy Cole. A. Bundy Cole: 60ct77: A9 19360.

A91936B. Matthew and Hark. Coaaentary 6 exercises written by Balph B. Decker. 128 p. (Self-instruction study Bible series) Appl. au: Graded Press. Graded Press; 154pr77; 4919368.

A919369. The Matte polygraph validation of psychological evaluations. 4 p. Jaaes Allan Matte; 25oct77; A919369.

A919370. Specific polyqraph exaaination worksheet. 6 p. Appl. au: Jaaes Allan Matte. Jaaes Allan Matte; 200ct77; A91937a.

A919371. Proposal docuaents for A Facility for and the conducting of research on stronq-crossed-field control of streaas of hiqh-kinetic-enerqy ions and space- cbarqe-neutralizinq electrons. By Hilliaa Gould Dow. 15 p. O ailliaB G. Dow; 16Sep77; A919371.

A919372. Condoainiua ownership questionnaire (COQ-1) Folder. Appl. au: Suzanne Hurt Peery & Vance Elbert Helas* Jr. G Suzanne Burt Peery e Vance Elbert Helas, Jr.; 170ct77: A919372.

A919373. Classification and application of welded joints for aachinery and equipment. AUS 014. 4-77. Prepared by American kelding Society Coamittee on Machinery and Equipaent under the direction of Aaerican Belding Society Technical Activities Comaittee. 74 p. O Aaerican Uelding Society; 7Sov77: 4919373.

4919374. The Secret of the Sith. By Michael A. IB p. e Michael 4. Aguino; 22Sep77; A919374.

A919375. Fox Biver Valley and Joliet, IL, area street address telephone directory, November 1977. O The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 3Nov77: A919375.

A9193e2. Proaotion to captain, F. D. Exam. no. 6523. 25 p. Add. ti: Examination for proaotion to captain. Fire Oepartaent, exaa. no. 6523. Departaent of Personnel. City of New Sork; 11Jun77; A919382.

A919363. Color Key systea: curriculua. 43 p. Appl. au: Bobert Dorr. O Ameritone Faint Corporation; 19Sep77; A919383.

A919384. He lives in you, my friend; a collection of poetry. By Timothy Gerard Agar. 1 v. O Timothy Gerard Agar; 15Hay77; 4919384.

4919385. 1975 Datsun edition foreign car parts and accessories. 64 p. Add. ti: 1975 Datsun edition, from 1964 thru 1975, foreign car pacts and accessories; 1975 Datsun foreign car parts and accessories catalog 6 Beck/Aruley corporation; 23Feb75; 4919385.

4919386. The Bedboard systea: models 1, 2, 3. Concept 6 design: Brian J. Uaggerty. 1 v. Brian J. Haggerty; 10Aug77; 4919386.

4919387. The Christmas totem pole. Poem by David O David K. Pison;

4919388. North Carolina coastal fishing and vacation guide, 1977. Editor: Braxton Flye, art director: Floyd Harcess, artist: Bill Ballard, Jr. 144 p. Appl. au: NC Coastal Fishing and Vacation Guide. O North Carolina Coastal Fishing and Vacation Guide; 14Apt77; A919388.

4919389. PJ the firelighter: a true story. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Phyllis J. Binder £ Bama Verde Productions. Baaa Verde Productions; 22Jul77: 4919389.

4919361. The Multi-cell general purpose booa. 8 p. 4ppl. au; Joseph Horace Muscat. O Joseph Horace Muscat; 27Jun77; A919361.

4919362. Insure that your child will read. By Janette G. Moss. 140 p. O Janette G. Moss; 224uq77; 4919362.

4919363. Determinate sentence worksheet. 2 p. Appl. au: Edwin L. Miller, Jr. NM: additional text. C Edwin L. Miller, Jr. ; 26Sep77; 49 19363.

A919364. People poetry. 15 p. Appl. au: Scott Bichard Geryk. Scott Geryk; 1Nov77; 49 19 364.

4919365. The "Black Box" cataloq of Data Communication devices. 17 p. Appl. au: Euqene B. lost £ Bichard C. Baub. O Expandor, Inc.; 18Apr77: A919365.

A919366. Thoughts at summer sunsets. By Thomas Sanfran, pseud, of Thoaas sanfran Hiyada. 40 p. O Thoaas Sanfran Miyada; 15Nov77; A919366.

A919367. Steaa conditioninq Valve. 7 p. O larway Corporation; 1Auq74: A919367.

A919376. Biverview: gone but not forgotten; a photo-history, 1904-1967. By Charles A. Ulodarczyk. 117 p. O Chuck Blodarczyk (Charles A.); 28Aug77; A919376.

4919377. Friendship: an Aware Bear book. By E. Lorraine Miller 6 the Aware Bear, illustrated by Bob Browne. 23 p. Add. ti: Friendship: an aware book. O E. Lorraine Miller; 25Jul77; A919377.

A919378. Oranus: the awakener. By Barbara Dickerson a.k.a. Melickia. 2nd ed. 59 p. O Morningland a.a.d.o. Morningland Corporation; 14pr77; 4919378.

4919379. The Hac-pac make your own baby carrier pattern. Cutouts. Appl. au: Jaaes Keith HcFerson & Laura Elaine McFerson. 6 McFersoo Marketinq; 240ct77; A919379.

4919380. Proaotion to supervising foreman of lineaen and cablesplicers; rating guide for technical-oral test held June 21, 1977. Exam. no. 6586. 2 V. Departaent of Personnel, City of New York; 21Jan77; 4919380.

4919381. Proaotion to senior inspector of low pressure boilers; rating guide. Exaa. no. 6549, 4pc. 29, 1977. 6 p. Departaent

A919390. Auto Body Consultants, Inc. presents Auto daaage appraising. 1 v. NM: coapilation, revisions t additional text. O Auto Body Consultants, Inc. ; 26Mar77; A919390.

A919391. Alcoa aluainum design data. 35 p. Q AluainuB Coapany of Aaerica; 15Feb77; A919391.

A919392. Steaa electric plant factors, 1977. Prepared by the Econoaics, Transportation and Statistical Services, National Coal Association. 124 p. Appl. au: National Coal Association. O National Coal Association; 15Nov77; A919392.

A919393. Hayfran, Inc. addendum. Sheets. NM: updating 6 additions. Hayfran, Inc. ; 11Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A919393.

A919394. Ansaering's of Khalif. By Khalif Ibn Shabazz, pseud, of Leroy Cason. 7 p. O Leroy Cason, writing name; Khalif Ibn Shabazz; 210ct77; A919394.

A919395. Dear Doctor. Written for James E. Lipscomb, Jr., by Edna Bagwell Eubanks. 1 p. O Edna Bagwell Eubanks; 27Dec76 (in

notice: 1977) ; A919395.


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