Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1217

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A919498 - A919526
JUL-DEC. 1977

»919498. IBS svstea/370 coaaunicatioD oriented aessage systea iCoraes) ; usec*s guide, proqraa ouabec 5746-IIH. 109 p. (Proqraa product) O iDternatiooal Business Machines Cocpocation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hacbines corporation); 21Sep77; »919U9e.

«919499. IBH svsteB/32 distribution financial accounting systea payroll application reference aanual; prograa nuaber 5725-D63. Vol. 2: guide to daily operations. 2Dd ed. 1 Vi (IBB industry application proqraa) Add. ti: Payroll operation. O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) : '4NOV77: »919499.

4919500. IBM svstea/32 financial institutions custoaer accounting systea savings accounting application logic aanual; proqraa nuaber 5725-F13. 2nd cd. 1 v. (IBH industry application prograa) Add. ti: Finance sayings logic. O Inter- national Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hacbines cor- poration) : 30ct77; »919500.

&919501. IMS/VS version 1 utilities reference aanual: proqraa nuaber 5740-1X2 release 1.2. (ttb ed. 1 V. (Prograa product) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation); 7Jun76: 4919501.

»919502. In shop training student guide. 1 v. (IBH 3850 Bass storage systea operator training) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBfl Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation); 11Mov77; 1919502.

4919503. IBH systea/32 financial iiistit utions custoaer accounting systea application reference aanual. Vol. 1: guide to installation* prograa nuabers 5725-Fn 6 otbers. 2nd ed. sbeets. (IBH industry application proqraa) Add. ti: Finance installation. International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation): 1UOct77; A919503.

A9195011. IBH San Jose: a quarter century of innovation. By David H. Kean. 121 p. Appl. au; International Business Hacbines Corporation. O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation): 23Sep77; A91950i(.

A919S05. IBH systea/7 facility systeas display processor proqraa description/operations aanual. Proqraa no. S798-IIKa. 1 v. (Field developed proqraa) International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines corporation): 29Jul77; A919S05.

(919506. 0S/VS2 DADSH logic. 153 p. (Systeas) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 7Sep76: A919506.

A919507. GS/VS1 access aetbod services; release 6. 3rd ed. it3t p. (Systeas) International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines corporation); 80ct76; A919507.

1919508. IBH VS basic for VSPC: reference suaaary. 2nd ed. folder. Inter- national Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Cor- poration): 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1919508.

1919509. IBH systeB/32 fixed asset accounting and control systea proqraa description/o- perations aanual. Prograa no. 5798-NLD. 1 V. (Field developed prograa) International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation); 16Sep77; 1919509.

1919510. IBH systeB/32 financial institutions custoaer accounting systea deaand deposit accounting application aanual. Prograa no. 5725-P12. 2nd ed. 1 v. (Industry application prograa) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 50ct77; 1919510.

1919511. IBM systea/3 PIPICS process IPICS for Batch Manufacturers, inventory accounting, prograa description/operations aanual. ProqraB no. 5798-liJJ. 1 v. (Field developed prograa) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 19lug77: 1919511.

1919512. IBH systeB/32 construction aanageaent accounting systea payroll installation guide. Prograa no. 5725-H63. 5tb ed. 1 V. (Industry application proqraa) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation); 121ug77; 1919512.

1919513. SysteB/3 IPICS engineering and production data control — version tMo: proqraa description/operations aanual. Proqraa no. 5798-IILH. 3i(9 p. (Field developed prograa) Idd. ti: IPICS- -engineering--version two. O Inter- national Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Cor- poration) ; 1lt0ct77; 1919513.

191951a. OS/VSl SIH logic. Belease 5. 3rd ed. 2<I6 p. (Systeas) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 7Feb76 (in notice: 1973, 1975); 1919511.

1919515. 1 Guide to the IBH systea/370 aodel 158 for systea/360 users. 2nd ed. 412 p. (Systeas) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 28Nov77: 1919515.

1919516. IBH systea/32 construction aanageaent accounting systea accounts payable run book. Prograa no. 5725-H62. 3rd ed. 1 V. (Industry application prograa)

3103 International Business Hacbines corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation): 171ug77; 1919516.

1919517. IBH systeB/32 construction aanageaent accounting systea job costing run boolt. prograa no. 5725-H61. ttb ed. 1 v. (Industry application prograa) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation); 10Aug77; A919517.

A919518. OS/VSl and 0S/VS2 BVS VS personal coaputing (VSPC) prograa logic. Prograa no. 57«0-l!a5 (OS/VSl VSPC) 6 5740-186 (0S/VS2 HVS VSPC). 2nd ed. 420 p. (Prograa product) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 60ct76; 1919518.

1919519. IBH systeB/32 construction aanageaent accounting systea payroll run boolc. Proqraa no. 5725-H63. 5tb ed. 1 v. (Industry application prograa) International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hacbines Corporation); 121ug77; 1919519.

1919520. SysteB/32 prograas for IBH 5230 online data collection and inquiry: prograa description/operations aanilal. Prograa no. 579B-IINF. 185 p. (Field developed prograa) Idd. ti: SysteB/32 — 5230 online. International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation): 140ct77; 1919520.

1919521. OS/VSl data aanageaent for systea prograaaers. fielease 5. 3rd ed. 149 p. (Systeas) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 7peb76 (in notice: 1973, 1974, 1975); 1919521.

1919523. VS personal coaputing PL/I systea guide. Prograa no. 5785-ElB. 210 p. (Installed user prograa) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 3Nov77; 1919523.

1919524. IBH aanuf acturinq accounting and production inforaation control systea seainar kit. 1 v. (Licensed application prograa) International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 15Nov77; 19 19524.

1919525. VS BISIC prograa logic. Prograa no. 5748-XX1. 3rd ed. 187 p. (PrograB product) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines Corporation) ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1974, 1976); 1919525.

1919526. OS/VSl data aanageaent services guide; VS1 release 6. 178 p. (Systeas) O International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.; IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Hacbines

corporation); 60ct76; 1919526.


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