Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1237

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A920272 - A920311
JUL-DEC. 1977

A920271 (con.) Davies Toth. Bicrofiiu. Harlan Davies Toth: 15NOV77; A920271.

A9 20 272. The Perception of risk in consuaer services — a cofiparison with consuaer products. By Dennis Scott Guseaan. HicrofilB. C Dennis Scott Guseaan; 15No»77: A920272.

A920273. Endure and prevail: Faulkner's social outcasts. By Evelyn Jaffe. Hiccofila. Evelyn Jaffe; 15Hov77; A920273.

A9202711. Developoental levels of criteria for cateqorization on verbal and nonverbal classification tasks. By Elizabeth Arlisse Kernodle Johnson. Hicrofila. Elizabeth Arlisse Kernodle Johnson; 15NOV77: A9202711.

A920275. The Econoaics of organic farainq. By Robert Charles Oelhaf. Hicrofila. Bobert Charles oelhaf: 15Hov77 (in notice: 1976); A920275.

A920276. The Theories of Jean Piaqet; iapii- cations for chanqe in art education. By Horaa Kachuck Pittard. Hicrofila. Noraa Kachuck Pittard; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920276.

A920277. Ezchanqe and correlation in a two dimensional electron qas. By fiichard Alan Bosthal. Hicrofila. Bichard Alan Bosthal; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920277.

A920278. Pilqrinaqe froa text to theater: a study of the staqinq of the Diqby Hary Hagdalen. By Hark K. Loubris Jones. Hicrofila. O Hary K. Loubris Jones; 15Nov77; A920278.

A920279. A CoBparison of iudicial and profes- sional standards applied to faculty expression. By Jesse Harvey Bosenblua. Hicrofila. C Jesse Harvey Bosenblua; 15llov77 (in notice: 1976); A920279.

A920280. Horticulture in a seai-self supporting traininq center for aentally retarded adults. By Paula Diane Self. Hicrofila. e Paula Diane Eelf; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976): A920280.

A920281. Volunteerisa in hiqher education: a history of Bucknell Dniversity aluani. By Scott Gilbert Nichols. Hicrofila. Scott Gilbert Nichols; 15Nov77; A920281.

4920282. The Geocheaistry of aolybdenua in streaa waters and sediaents, central Colorado. By Dawn Saaara Kaback. Hicrofila. Dawn Saaara Kaback: 1SNov77: A920282.

A920283. The Influence of an alternative school environaent on adolescent alienation. By Robert Ronald Sutcliffe. Hicrofila. e Bobert Ronald Sutcliffe; 15Nov77: A920283.

A92028II. The Belationships between socioecoooaic proqraas and the Departaent of the Air Force budqet: section 8(a) of the Saall business act — the econoaic developaent and public finance aspects of a public policy proqraa. By Arthur Thoaas King.

A920285. The Uestecn Interstate Coaaission for Hiqher Education: a study of a coaplex organization and its environaent. By Hary Jo Wilson Lavin. Hicrofila. Hary Jo Wilson Lavin: 15Nov77; A920285.

A920286. Solving somebody else*s blues: a study of police mediation activities. By Paul Edward Lawson. Hicrofila. O Paul Edward Lavson; 15llov77: A9202B6.

A920287. The Developaent and validation of a standardized achievement test in horticulture. By Henry Gary Hityga. Hicrofila. O Henry Gary Hityga;. 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920287.

A920288. "Young Bob" La Follette: a biography of Bobert H. La Follette, Jr. (1895-195J) By Patrick John Haney. Hicrofila. Patrick John Haney: 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976): A920288.

A920289. Patterns in the coaedies staged at the Theater of Paul's Children and at Blackfriars, 1599-1605. By Hartha Basko Levin. Hicrofila. 6 Hartha Wasko Levin: 15NOV77: A920289.

A920290. The Aymara in transition: economy and religion in a Peruvian peasant community. By Theodore Charles Lewellen. Hicrofila. Theodore Charles Lewellen; 15Nov77; A920290.

A920291. Validation of constructs for a pictorial leisure interest inventory. By Gerald Sterling Fain. Hicrofila. Gerald Sterling Fain; 15Hov77 (in notice: 1976); A920291.

A920292. Hoduiation by calcium of canine purkinje fiber action potential duration. By Hichael Selig Siegal. Hicrofila. e Hichael Selig Siegal; 15Nov77: A920292.

A920293. An Investigation into the effects of density, aggregate number, and anonymity upon conforaity and aggression. By Horris S. Uhitcup. Hicrofila. Horris S. Shitcup; 15NOV77; A920293.

A920291t. Proxiaity invariants and closure invariants. By Severino Oocto Diesto. Hicrofila. O Severino Docto Diesto; 15NOV77; A92029lt.

A920295. Prayer and temple in the dedication speech of Solomon, 1 Kings 8:11-61. By Samuel Billings wheeler. Hicrofilm. e Samuel Billings Wheeler; 15Mov77: A920295.

A920296. Four philosophical poems: ideas of order in Donne. Pope, Tennyson, and Eliot. By David Lon Simpson. Hicrofila. David Lon Simpson: 15Nov77: A920296.

A920297. Personality clusters in HHPI protocols of alcoholics. By Jonathan Scoville Warner. Hicrofila. Jonathan Scoville Warner; 15Nov77; A920297.

A920298. The Frightened heart: a study of character and theme in the fiction. poetry, short plays, and recent drama of Tennessee williaas. By Ben Draya. Hicrofila. Ben Oraya; 15Nov77; A920298.

A920 299. Production process theory: a study in social engineering as applied to the Aaerican juvenile court. By Louis Herbert Swartz. Hicrofila. C Louis Herbert Swartz; 15liov77; A920299.

A920 300. An Investigation of relationships between an enhanced theta brainwave condition and visually presented paired associate learning. By Joseph LaVerne Hapes. Hicrofila. Joseph LaVerne Hapes; 15NOV77; A920300.

A920J01. Geocheaical alteration of plagioclase and biotite io glacial and periglacial deposits. By Gergely Harkos. Hicrofila. Gergely Harkos; 15No»77; A920301.

A920302. Legal provisions concerning the use of corporal punishment in pupil discipline of the public school districts in the state of Hississippi. By Willie Sidney Farmer, Sr. Hicrofila. O Willie Sidney Farmer, Sr. ; 15NOV77: A920302.

A920303. Comaunica tiOD theory of aoderniza tion: an eapirical exploration in two Indian villages* By Anand Hohan Prasad sinha. Hicrofila. O Aoand Hohan Prasad sinha; 15NOV77; A920303.

A920 304. Vernunft und Fortschritt — geschichtliche Dokuaentation und literrarische Fik- tionalitat in Lion Feuchtwangers Werk, dargesteilt aa Beispiel Goya. By Ludwig Haxifflilian Fischer. Hicrofilm. O Ludwig Haiimilian Fischer; 15Nov77; A920304.

A920 30 5. A study of a collection of Hendelssohn's sketches and other autograph material Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Berlin Hus. Hs. Autogr. Hendelssohn 19. By Stuart Douglass Seaton. Hicrofila. Appl. states ail new except ausical ezaaples throug- hout. O Stuart Douglass Seaton: 15Nov77: A9203Q5.

A920306. Fire-house work. By Wayne Eugene Heeker. Hicrofilm, Wayne Eugene Heeker; 15Nov77; A920306. A920307. Hatheaatical and econometric aodels of development planning: the case of Iran. By All Hohaaaed Parhizgari. Hicrofila. O All Hohama^d Parhizgari: 1SNov77 (in notice: 1976); A920307.

A920 308. The Dialectic of Shavian coaedy: Shaw's coaic art viewed from the perspective of his aesthetic and philosophical ideas. By Betty Jo Cannon. Hicrofila. Betty Jo Cannon; 15»ov77; A920308.

A920309. W. B. Yeats: the evolution of a prosodic style. By Daniel Henry Schiller. Hicrofila. O Daniel Henry Schiller; 15NOV77: A920309.

A920310. Suburban runaways: a follow-up study. By Lucy a. Olson. Hicrofila. Lucy B. Olson; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976); A920310.

A920311. An Application of cybernetic theory and

certain aspects of organization theory to


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