Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1243

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A920510 (con.) Boles. aicrofili. O Joaon Perq uson Boles; 15No»77: A920510.

A920511. Citrate as the oriqin of the acetyl soiety of acetylcholine. By Gerald Boward Sterling. Hicrofila. Gerald Howard Sterling; 15No»77; 4920511.

4920512. Social play in Bhesus Hacaques^ Hacaca BUlatta. By Euclid O'Neal Saith. Nicrofiln. C Euclid O'Neal Saitb; 15No»77; 4920512.

4920513. Uallace Stevens* neditations on being: a Heidegqerian study. By Don ialter nelander. Hicrofila. Don Halter aelander; 1 5Ho»77 {in notice: 1976); 4920513.

49205114. Beliefs about sale and feaale coopetence by kinderqarteners and second graders. By Bette Jean Hhitelock Tryon. Hicrofila. O Bette Jean Hhitelock Tryon; 15No»77 (in notice: 1975) ; 4920514.

49 20515. Contingency nanaqeaent in the junior hiqh school. By George oraan HcCalep, Jr. Hicrofila. C George Oraan HcCalep, Jr.; 15No»77; 4920515.

4920516. The Effects of selected pictorial contexts on aeasures of reading coa- prehension in beqinning college French. By Alice Catherine Oaaggio. Hicrofila. 41ice Catherine Oaaqqio; 15Nov77; 4920516.

4920517. 4n 4nalysis of sex differences and cognitive styles on science problea solving situations. By Prances Helen Squires. Hicrofila. 3 Frances Helen Sguires; 15Bov77; 4920517.

A92051B. Faaily court decision: a study of the relationship between faaily structure and dispositions of persons in need of supervision cases in Onondaga County, 1970-72. By Harlan London. Hicrofila. e Harlan London: 15Nov77; A920518.

A920519. Selected orchestral excerpts for cello: analyzed and graded. Ey Linda Jean Shay. Hicrofila. O Linda Jean Shay; 15Nov77; 4920519.

4920520. Becall as a function of task structure, selection, and locus of control. By fiichard Lawrence Holloway. Hicrofila. Eichard Lawrence Holloway; 15Nov77; 492*520.

4920521. Pornal and inforaal aeans of assessing the coaaunicative coapetence of kin- dergarten children. By Janet Knecht Black. Hicrofila. Janet Knecht Black; 15NOV77; 4920521.

4920522. The Iroquois restoration: a study of Iroquois power, politics, and relations with Indians and whites, 1700-1711*. By Bichard Aquila. Hicrofila. O Bichard 4guila: 15Nov77; A920522.

49 20 523. The San Francisco-Oakland- San Jose aetropolitan area; a focus on school district boBoqeneity. By Boger Barren Hack. Hicrofila. Boger Barren Hack; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976); 4920523.

49205211. Isoenzyae patterns of lysosoaal hydrolases in nervous systea tuaors. By Hamida Begua Qavi. Hicrofila. Haaida Bequa Qavi; 15Nov77; 492052*.

4920525. The Grotesque in Alfonso lOth's Cantigas and Berceo's works: a study of the contribution of an artistic fora to the Boral philosophy in the Hiddle Ages. By Jean Hitchell Staley. Hicrofila. Jean Hitchell Staley; 15Nov77; A920525.

A920526. The Wonder-wounded hearer: the problea of coanunication in Kierkegaard's authorship and its application to an understanding of Uaalet. By fiobert Eugene HcCarty. Hicrofila. O Robert Eugene Hccarty; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920526.

A920527. Counselor trainee reactions to client race, socioeconomic status and style of problem presentation following an initial interview. By Vickie Peoples HcCreary. Hicrofila. 6 Vickie Peoples HcCreary; 15NOV77; A920527.

A920528. Blastodera fate aap of the honey bee (Apis aellifera L.) By Charles Potter Hilne, Jr. Hicrofila. Charles Potter Hilne, Jr.; 15Nov77; A92052e.

A920529. The Cuban Revolution and the Soviet Onion. Vol. 1-2. By Donald Edward Schulz. Hicrofila. O Donald Edward Schulz; 15NOV77; A920529.

A920530. A Study of the relationships aaong level of eaployee maturity and leader style of leadership and effectiveness in an industrial setting. By Jaaes Henry Dafflico, Jr. Hicrofila. 6 Jaaes Henry Daaico. Jr.; 15Nov77; A920530.

4920531. Adoinistrative planning in Indian adult education based on the socio-econoaic effects of hiqh school versus non-high school graduation. By Donald Charles Fairweather, Jr. Hicrofilo. Donald Charles Fairweather, Jr.; 15Nov77; 4920531.

4920532. 4 Study of the effects of advanced and post organizers on the learning and retention of oral instruction. By Livingston Alexander. Hicrofila. Livingston Alexander; 15Nov77; 4920532.

4920533. Discoveries of travel: Elizabeth Bishop and the poetry of process. By Sybil Pittaan Estess. Hicrofila. Sybil Pittaan Estess; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920533.

4920534. Public service variation in New York City, 1960-1970. By Elaine Jeanne Horley. Hicrofila. Elaine Jeanne Horley; 15liov77 (in notice: 1976); 492053*.

4920535. Income distribution consequences of fiscal centralization: a coaparative analysis of the effects in ten United States central cities. By ialter Harold Vogt. Hicrofila. O Ualter Harold Togt; 15NOV77; A920535.

A920536. Short-run career choice aaong Protestant seainarians. By Bobby Eugene Hills. Hicrof ill 15NOV77;

A920537. An Investigation of the relation between ataospheric quality and criae rates in the Greater Los Angeles area. By Brent Allan Lowensohn. Hicrofilm. Brent Allan Lowensohn; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A920537.

A920538. Coaplex convolution using radix-2 nuaber theoretic transforas. By fiobert Leland Nevin. Hicrofila. Bobert Leland Nevin; 15NOV77; A920538.

A920539. Perceptions of and attitudes toward aging and the aged: Gerontology Council Task Force aeabers in a university setting as coapared with the general public. By Niles Lee Kaplan. Hicrofila. O Niles Lee Kaplan; 1511ov77; A920539.

A920540. Solar building energy use analysis. By Hanas Dear. Hicrofila. O Hanas Ocar; 15BOV77 (in notice: 1976) ; A920540.

A920541. Task analysis of aedical technology adainistration and supervision as a foundation to a curriculua ladder. By Kathleen Elizabeth Becan HcBride. Hicrofila. Kathleen Elizabeth Becan HcBride; 15Nov77: A920541.

A920542. Analysis of three sets of expectations concerning reading and study skills prograas in selected Texas junior colleges. By Helen Cook Covington. Hicrofila. O Helen Cook Covington; 15NOV77; A920542.

A920543. Acoustic and flow characteristics of cold high speed coaxial jets. By Hohamed Beada Bassiouni. Hicrofila. Hohaaed Beada Bassiouni; 15Nov77; 4920543.

A920544. Locus of control and attribution of responsibility for acadeaic performance. By Hichael Louis Adaas. Hicrofila. e Hichael Louis Adams; 15Nov77; A920544.

4920545. Effects of aspect ratio on parametric response of nonlinear rectangular plates: analysis and experiment. By Geraain Laurent Ostiguy. Hicrofila. O Geraeiin Laurent Ostiguy; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4920545.

4920546. The Theory and practice of Utopia. 8y George Garrelts. Hicrofila. O George Garrelts; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4920546.

A920547. An Analysis of interteaporal financial distress experience of industrial bond issues through the use of aultivariate analysis. By Uilliaa Leslie Langdon. Hicrofila. O Williaa Leslie Langdon; 15NOV77; A920547.

A920548. Bississippian settleaent in the black bottoB, Pope and Hassac Counties, Illinois. By Brian Hcconnell Butler. Hicrofila. Brian HcConnell Butler; 15NOV77; A920548.

A920549. The Differential effects of iiaginal aiid seaantic organization on recall of word groups. By Hubert Holland Setzler, Jr. Hicrofila. O Hubert Holland Setzler, Jr.;

15110V77 (in notice: 1976); A920549.


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