Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1257

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A921078 - A921119
JUL-DEC. 1977

4921078. Buffalo* UN* telephone directory, Noveibec 1977. C Northnestern Bell Telephone Company; 25No»77: 1921078.

A921079. ainneapolis and succoundinq conaunities white paqes, 1978. O MocthwestecD Bell Telephone Coapany; 25Nov77: 1921079.

1921080. Jonesboro, Cash, 5qypt« 1B« telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. O Southvestern Bell Telephone Coapany: I6Not77: 1921060.

1921081. DeKalb, Genoa, Kingston, XL, and others, Deceaber 197 7. C continental Telephone coapany of Illinois: IDec77: 1921081.

1921082. West suburban Boston, with Irlinqton- Belaont area yellow paqes telephone directory, 1977-1978. O New Enqland Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 22Nov77: 1921082.

1921083. Greensburq, Bucklin, coldwater. Protection, KS, telephone directory, Noyeaber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 1lloy77: 1921083.

1921084. Hanhattan, KS, telephone directory, SoTeaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 1IIot77: 1921084.

1921085. Cave Springs, Ela Sprinqs, Parainqton, Rest Pork, IB, telephone directory, October 1977. 1 suppleaentary listing of independent telephone coapany nuabers to be included in the Payet teville, IB, directory, October 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 2eOct77; 1921085.

1921086. Noraan, including Noble. OK, telephone directory, Noieiber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 15Noy77: 1921086.

1921087. Stillwater. Glencoe, Perliins, OK, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977, O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 21Noy77: 1921087.

1921088. Divorce (dissolution of aarciaqe) : step by step procedure. 1 v. in envelope. Ippl. au: Bonald J. Beraan & Golden Irrow Publishers, Inc. C Golden Irrow Publishers, Inc. (in notice: Golden Irrow): 251uq76: 1921088.

1921089. Setric conversion aade easy. 27 p. in envelope. Ippl. au: Bonald J. Heraan e Golden Irrow Publishers, Inc. Golden Arrow Publishers, Inc. (in notice: Golden Irrow) : 3Ho»76 (in notice: 1977) ; 1921089.

1921090. Bow to sell your hoae--do it yourself. 8 p. in envelope. Ippl. au: Bonald J. Heraan, Janet K. Heraan G Golden Irrow Publishers, Inc. € Golden Irrow Publishers, Inc. (in notice: Golden ircow): 251ug76: 1921090.

1921091. protect yonr hoae: coaplete hoaestead pac)caqe. 1 v. in envelope. Ippl. au: Bonald J. Heraan. Janet K. Heraan G Golden Arrow Publishers, Inc. Golden Ircow Publishers, Inc. (in notice: Golden Irrow): 8Jun76: 1921091.

1921092. The Cost in Pentecost. By Joseph Orsini. 210 p. O Logos International; 7NOV77; 1921092.

1921093. Seeing the invisible. By Anne Sandberq. 192 p. O Logos International; 7Nov77; 1921093.

1921091. Begarding ay experience with Jesus Christ. Folder. Ippl. au; Howard B. Sager, sole owner, ministry By Tape. O Binistry By Tape; 23Nov77: 1921094.

1921095. My personal covenant with God. Polder. Ippl. au: Howard H. Sager, sole owner, ministry By Tape. O Ministry By Tape; 310ct77; 1921095.

1921096. Instructor's guide for iapleaenting the departaental training prograa on Behavior therapy aodif ication. Prepared by Office of Educational Services, San lotonio State Hospital. 1 V. Idd. ti: Behavior aodif ication, a curriculua for inst- ructors. Appl. au: Texas Departaent of flental Health and Heutal Betardation (TDOHHB) O Texas Departaent of Rental Health and Bentai Betardation (TDHBHB) : 1Hay77; A921096.

1921097. A Children's do-it-yourself diary calendar. 1 v. O NatiODal Council of Jewish Hoaen (Bichaond County, New York, Unit) (in notice: National Council of Jewish Boaen. Bichaond County Onit) ; 3NOV77; 1921097.

1921098. A Children's do-it-yourself diary calendar. 1 v. National Council of Jewish Uoaen (Bichaond County, New Tork, Onit) (in notice: National Council of Jewish Hoaen, Bichaond County Onit) ; 3NOV77; A921098.

192 1099. The laericau rose annual, 1977. Editor; Harold S. Goldstein, assistant editor: Peggy Yerqes Fowler. 228 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Bose Society. O Aaerican Sose Society; 1Nov77: 1921099.

A921100. Three sons of Steffan Petry, 1729-1977. coapiled by Merle Suaaell C Hadelaine Olt Buaaell. 1018 p. O Merle Buaael S Hadelaine Buaael; 15Nov77: A921100.

A921101. The Jett and allied faailies; a genealogical reference book of Jett 6 allied faailies. By Jeter Lee Jett. 538 p. This book is a larger and aore coaprehensive version of the Jett faaily of Virginia, pub. 1970. Jeter Lee Jett; 15NOV77; 1921101.

A921102. Diqqittq our roots: the Pence kids. By Eva aalott, Ada HcPhilliaay 6 Dick Pence. 256 p. Add. ti: Digging our roots: faailies of Pence, Shanahan, yard, Mann and Cravens. Ada McPhilliaay, Eva Malott e, Dick Pence; 20Noy77; A921102.

A92I103. The Hapqoods: three earnest brothers. By Michael D. Harcaccio. 259 p. The Sector and Visitors of the Oniversity of yirglnia; 16Nov77; 1921103.

A92I104. The Origins of the Criaean alliance. By Ann Pottinger Saab. 223 p. The Sector and Visitors of the University of Virgiaia; 23Nov77; A921104.

1921105. A Saall boy and his autobiography. By George Silver Machado. 1 v. O George Silver Machado; 11Nov77; A921105.

A921106. Clarksville architecture. By John Howard Halliburton. Jr., pref. by Olen Bryant, edited by Barbara Allen Saith. 100 p. O John Howard Halliburton. Jr. ; 22BOV77: 1921106.

1921 107. The Book of Aaerican trade aarks. Vol. 5. By David E. Carter. 1 v. NB: coapilation of trade aarks £ corporate designs. O David E. Carter; 28aac77; A921107.

1921108. Letterheads/1; the international annual of letterhead design. Editor: David E. Carter. 1 v. NM: coapilation of letterhead designs. O David E. Carter; 24May77; 1921108.

A921109. The Sea goddess and other poeas. By uilliaa Herbert Alaan. 34 p. O Willlam llaan; 2BNov77; 1921109.

A921110. Directory of Onited States iaporters, 1973; the Journal of coaaerce business directory. 1112 p. O Twin Coast Newspapers, Inc.; 28Nov77; A921110.

A921 11 1. PI6 aagazine advertising analysis, vol. 30. no. 9. Sept. 1977. Coapiled by Leading National Advertisers, Inc. Sheets. Add. ti: Analysis of Septeaber 1977 aagazine advertising (in nine separate parts including parent coapany index) Appl. au: Publishers Inforaation Bureau, Inc. O Publishers Inforaation Bureau, Inc.; 11Nov77; A921111.

A921112. Hings of joy. Coapiled t edited by Joan Hinaill Brown. 191 p. NH: introd. C opening text of each chapter. O Joan Uinaill Brown; 2SOct77; 1921112.

A921113. Opportunities for philanthropy, 1976. Edited by John Z. Bowers C Elizabeth F. Purcell. 223 p. O Josiah Hacy, Jr. Foundation; 20Sep77; A921113.

A921114. The Trip. By Jay Baird, pseud, of J. B. Bicnards. 72 p. O J. B. Bichards. whose pseud, is Jay Baird; 2flay77; A921114.

A921115. Grains froa the sands of tiae. Poetry by Jean Toraond, pseud, of Gladys J. Murphy. 60 p. O Gladys J. Murphy, whose pseud, is Jean Toraond; 20Apr77: 1921115.

1921116. A Touch of tiae. By Buby Davenport Kish. 35 p. VH: coapilation of poeas. O Buby Davenport Kish; 210ct77; A921I16

1921117. Enchanted strings. By Toledo Saith, pseud, of Malcola Ittwood. 115 p. Malcola Ittwood; 210ct77: A92II17.

A921118. A Bicentennial festschrift for Jacob Bader Marcus. Edited by Bertraa Ballace Koru. 633 p. Appl. au: Ktav Publishing House. Inc. O Ktav Publishing House. Inc.; 14May76; A921118.

A921119. The Geraan Jewish woaan. By Rudolf Glanz. 213 p. (The Jewish woaan in

Aaerica: two feaale iaaigrant generations.


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