Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1270

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A921583 - A921626
JUL-DEC. 1977

4921582 (con.) The Reqents of the Universi-ty of Hisconsin Systeu; 16lla777: 4921582.

4921583. Climates of huDqer: nankiBd and the world's chaaqiaq weather- By Reid 4. Bryson & Thonas J. Hurray. 171 p. 6 The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin System: 9Jun77: 4921583.

4921584. Hascular exercise and the lunq; proceedinqs of a symposiun held at the Oniversity of Hisconsin-Madison, 1976. Edited by Jerome 4. Dempsey 6 Charles E. Keed. 406 p. 4ppl. states all new except no copyriqht claimed in material written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. Q The Beqents of the University of Wisconsin System; 6Hay77; 4921584.

4921585. Onder water: the northern lakes. Photos. 6 notes by Douqlas B. Stamm. 116 p. 9 The Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin System; 124pr77: 4921585.

4921586. Harx on money. By Suzanne De Brunhoff, translated by Maurice J. Goldbloom, pref. by Duncan K. Foley. 139 p. 4ppl. au: Orlzen Boolcs, Inc. Translation of La nonnaie chez Harx. UB: translation & pref, 9 Orizen Books, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4921586.

4921587. Notes on cinematoqraphy. By Robert Bresson, translated by Jonathan Griffin. 72 p. 4ppl. au: Orizen Books, Inc. Translation of Notes sar le cinematoq- raphe. @ on translation; Orizen Books, Inc.; 15Har77; 4921587.

4921588. The Psychoanalysis of money. By Ernest Bornemann. 364 p. Translation of Die Psychoanalyse des Geldes. Q on tran- slations; Orizen Books, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4921588.

4921589. The Kitchen: 100 solutions to design problems. By James Brett. 207 p. O Hhitney Library of Desiqn; 200ct77; 4921589.

4921590. Baskets and beyond. By Lucele Coutts. 164 p. e Lucele coutts: 280ct77: 4921590.

4921591. 4 Lyme miscellany, 1776-1976. Edited by Georqe J. Hillauer, Jr., with an introd. by John F. Demos. 288 p. Hesleyan Oniversity; 15Jun77; 4921591.

4921592. The Bepublic's private navy: the American privateerinq business as practiced by Baltimore during the Bar of 1812. By Jerome R. Garitee. 356 p. Systic Seaport, Inc.; 114uq77; 4921592.

4921593. The Shapes of time: a new look at the philosophy of history. By Peter Hunz. 382 p. a iesleyan Oniversity; 17Hov77; 4921593.

4921594. The Cape Cod Canal. By Robert H. Farson. 177 p. Hesleyan Oniversity; 270ct77: 4921594.

4921595. Philip Traqer photographs of archi- tecture.. 1 V. Appl. au: Samuel B. Green 2nd. e Philip Traqer; 10Har77; 4921595.

4921596. Haqazine article writing. By Mary T. Dillon. 149 p. e Mary T. Dillon; 29NOV77; 4921396.

4921597. Clutch and flywheel handbook. By Tom Monroe. 184 p. 6 H.P. Books; 14Nov77; 4921597.

4921598. Uandtool handbook for woodworking. By B. J. DeCristof oco. 184 p. e H.P. Books; 2NOV77; 4921598.

4921599. Star empires — an Empire variant. 3 p. Appl. au: Robert Sulzer. NM: revisions £ additions. 3 Real simulations Games; 3Dec77; 4921599.

4921600. Conditioning for tennis; a layman's guide to tennis fitness. By Larry D. Isaacs £ Glen.i M. Eoswal, illustrated by Peggy Hoswal. 39 p. Larry D. Isaacs & Glenn a. Boswal; lDec77; A921600.

A921601. Economic and investment observations: the international monetary outlook. 7 p. H. C. Haint_-iqht and Company: 22Nov77; 4921601.

4921602. Synopsis of the world economy. 24 p. © H. C. Hainwriqht and Company; 1Dec77: 492 1602.

4921603. Mooq power steering: power steering hose illustrations. 29 p. Add. ti: Moog power steering hose illustrations. Appl. au: Hubert Calmus Moog. NM: compilation E revisions, d Moog 4utomotive, Inc.; 29NOV77; 4921603.

4921604. How to promote more wedding business without headaches. Author: Dave Baase. 26 p. e Dave Bause; 30Nov77; A921604.

A921605. Sherlock Holmes in the "Bedlow-Pairkison Dynatron paper's caper. By George B. Powell. 16 p. @ George B. Powell; 3Dec77; A921605.

A921606. America. By Lester M. Haddad. Folder. e Lester M. Haddad: 5Dec77; A921606.

A921607. Kips. Level 4. Card. Wings, Inc.; 14BOV77; A921607.

A921608. Cartwheelers. Level 1. Card. HM: revisions £ improvement of gymnastic progressions of skill. Q Uings, Inc. ; 14NOV77; 4921608.

4921609. Twisters. Level 2. Card. NM: revisions & improvement of gymnastic progressions of skill. @ Hings, Inc. ; 14NOV77; A921609.

4921610. Somis. Level 3. Card, d Hings, Inc.; 14NOV77; 4921610.

4921611. Eecital Magic '78. 38 p. 4dd. ti: Loshin's Recital Magic '78. © Loshin's Costume Center, Inc.: 29Nov77: 4921611.

4921612. An Analysis of teacher contract proposals, 1978-1979. p. 128-159. Appl. au: Iowa Association of School Boards, Inc. Q Iowa 4ssociation of School Boards; 10NOV77: 4921612.

4921613. Procedures for nonrenewal of teacher contracts. 55 p. Appl. au: Iowa Association of School Boards, Inc. © Iowa 4s50ciation of School Boards; 26,Jan77; 4921613,

A921614. Procedures tor nonrenewal of admi- nistrator contracts. Pt. 2- 1 1 p. Appl, au: Iowa Association of School Boards, Inc. Q Iowa Association of School Boards; 22Apr77; A921614.

A921615. Procedures for nonrenewal of admi- nistrator contracts. 21 p. Appl. au: Iowa Association of School Boards* Inc. Q Iowa Association of School Boards; 24feb77; A921615.

A921616. lASB professional unit contract analysis, 1977-78 contracts. 259 p. Appl. au: Iowa Association of School Boards, Inc. 6 Iowa Association of School Boards; 40ct77; 4921616.

4921617. Good table service: "how to increase your tips." By Robert Dean Silva, edited by Jodi Silva fi Bill Lewis. 45 p. e. Robert D. Silva; 1Dec77; 4921617.

4921618, Legal problems? Card, Appl, au: Richard c. Turner. e Turnco, Inc. ; 8NOV77; 4921618.

A921619. Pianotation: a comprehensive program for development of note reading skill for the pianist from beginnei: to professional. By Ann MartBn. Sheets (43 p.) O 4nn Barton; 30NOV77; 4921619.

4921620. How well are we doing? 5 p. NB: revisions £ "machine readable." O oldsmobile Division, General Motors corporation; 18Nov77; 4921620.

A921621. Heaving instructions. 2 p. Q ABI Corporation; 7nov77; A921621,

A921622, My baby book. 1 v. Appl. au: Meridian Insurance Companies. Q Meridian Life Insurance company: tDec77; 4921622.

4921623. Manual of uniform forms of complaints and indictments. By David D. Dowd, Jr. £ Dale T, Evans. 2nd ed. 233 p, Appl. au: Anderson Publishing Company. O Anderson Publishing Company; 1Dec77; 4921623.

4921624. The Three system. Compiled by John Bichard Lund. 2nd ed. 2 p. John Bichard Lund; 5Dec77; 4921624.

4921625. Open Court mathematics program, 5-C. By Stephen S. Hilloughby, Carl Bereiter, Peter J. Hilton £ Marlene L, Scardamalia, illus,: Prancie Skoflanc, 1977-1978 field test ed. 63 p. Appl. au: Open Court Publishing Company. G Open Court Publishing Company; 23Nov77; 4921625.

A921626. Teacher's guide to the Open Court mathematics program (level 5-C, 1977-1978 field test edition) By Stephen S. Hilloughby, Carl Bereiter £ Peter J. Hilton, co-author of thinking stories: Marlene Scardamalia, illus.: Francie Skoflanc. 101 p. Appl. au: Open Court Publishing Company. Q Open Court

Publishing Company; 23Nov77; 4921626.


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