Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1273

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JUL-DEC. 1977

«921719 (con.) Deceabec 1977. Bell Telephone Coapanir of Pennsylvania; 1Dec77; i9217 19.

A921720. SLenaoqo Valley, Pt. and nearby coaaunities, Oeceaber 1977. Bell Telephone coapany of Pennsylvania; 1Dec77: A921720.

»921721. Optical Electronics, Inc. 1978 cataloq. Optical Electronics, Inc.; 2Dec77; 1921721.

»921722. Graaiz grade listinqs. Folder. Appl. au; Georqe M. Hacqreaves. NM; revisions 6 additions. C Rickes Enqineered Haterials; 70ct77: A921722.

A921723. Graphitar (carbon-qraphite) Folder. Enqlish. French, Geraan E Spanish. Appl. au: Georqe H- Harqreaves. NH; conden- sation fi additions. O Hickes Enqineered Materials; 15Nov77: A921723.

A921724. STP student handbook. 1 v. Jackson County JOTith Center; IDec77; A92 17211.

A921725. School secretary dictation and tr&nscription. By Rose Hanken. 123 p. e Kose Hanken; 10Oct77; A921725.

A921726. Claia evaluation survey, basic. Fora 12U6. 1 p. Aaerican Service Bureau, Inc.: mov77: A921726.

A921727. Claia evaluation survey. Fora 12(47. 1 p. O Aaerican Service Bureau* Inc.; mov77: A921727.

A9 21728. Claia evaluation survey. Fora 1216, p. 2. 1 p. Aaerican Service Bureau, Inc.; 1NOV77; A92I728.

A921729. Claia evaluation survey. Fora 1249. 1 p. O Aaerican Service Bureau, Inc.; 1NOV77: A921729.

A921730. Claia evaluation survey. Fora 1250. 1 p. O Aaerican Service Bureau, Inc.; 1NOV77; A921730.

A921731. mission to oreqon. By Nancie Peacocke Fadeley, Illustrated by Vendy Fredericks Hitchcock. 26 p. Nancie Peacocke Fadeley: 26ipr77 (in notice; 1976); A92173I.

A921732. Kennedy Child Study Center developaental screeuinq profile. By Ann H. Uilliaas & Jill Hunt o'Beilly. 1 v. Oriqinally pub. 2Jun76. Nt): revisions E additions. O Kennedy Child Study Center; 8Sep77; A921732.

A921733. S200,000 for SI. 00. 1 p. Appl. au: nicbael J. Caapione. Hichael J. Caapione: 22Nov77: A921733.

A92173I*. Selected 1977 accountinq and auditinq Batters; participants quide. 80 p. Ernst and Ernst: 29Nov77; A92173I4.

A921735. Estate adainistration with carryover basis. By Albert N. Secor. Sheets. O Albeit g. Secor; ltNov77; A92173S.

A<<ri736. Repair probleas? 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard C. Turner. O Turnco« Inc.; 8NOV77; A92173b.

A921737. Collection probleas? 1 p. Appl. au: fiichard C. Turner. O Turnco, Inc.; 8IIOV77; A921737.

A921738. Tenant daaaqe? 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard C. Turner. C Turnco, Inc.; 8Nov77; A921738.

A921739. Baxiaua rent? 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard C. Turner. O Turnco, Inc.; 8Nov77: A921739.

A921740. Seiectinq a tenant? i p. Appl. au: Bichard C. Turner. O Turnco, Inc. ; eiiov77; A921740.

S92I741. Cents and nonsense about Florida living and hoae buyinq. By Betty Carpenter (Elizabeth Carpenter) 30 p. O Betty Carpenter; 15Nov77; A9217I41.

A921742. Synapsis of the Ian of libel and the riqht of privacy. Author: Bruce N. Sanford, illus.; Harry Parker. 35 p. Appl. au: Baker, Hostetler and Patterson. 6 Baker, Hostetler and Patterson; 2ltOct77; A921742.

A921743. Poesias. By Arturo Barb-Minqo, pseud, of Arthur Lee Barb. 2nd enl. ed. 16 p. O Arthur Lee Barb; 30Auq77; A921743.

A92iri45. Econoaic developaent prolects in the Arab vorld and Iran. 1978 ed. 9ii p. Arab torld and Iran Business Guides, Inc.; 17Auq77; A921745.

A921745. The Arab vorld and Iran in trade with the USA. UK, EEC, Coaecon, Japan, and the Third World. 1978 ed. 33 p. Arab Uorld and Iran Business Guides, Inc.; 17Auq77; A921745.

A921746. Foreiqn invcstaent requlations, labour and eaployoent conditions in the Arab world. 1978 ed. 12 p. Arab Norld and Iran Business Guides, Inc.; 17Auq77; A921746.

A921747. Oil pricinq, the oil weapon and the aras race in the Hiddle East. 1978 ed. t2 p. O Arab Horld and Iran Business Guides, Inc.; 17Auq77: A921747.

A921748. Corporate and personal taxation in the Arab world. 1978 ed. 38 p. Arab Horld and Iran Business Guides, Inc.; 17Aug77; A921748.

A921749. The nan in the blue flannel pajaaas: the least bad of D. L. Stewart. Itith foreword by Eraa Boabeck. 203 p. Prev. pub. in Dayton lournal-herald. NH: coapilation € additions. O D. L. Stewart; lDec77; A92T749.

A9i1750. Ubite rose. By Lillian Kiliough. 56 p. O Lillian Killouqh; 8kov77: 1921750.

A921751. Newborn aiqht and strength everlasting. Prepared by Gilbert church. 13 p. KH: translation. O Anthroposophic Press. Inc.; 1Dec77; A921751.

A921752. The Dependabook, fall-winter 1977-1978. Ho. 219. 3911 p. Appl. au: Irving Alter. O The Harry Alter Coapany: 110ct77; A9217G2.

A921753. Harry Alter*s Bargain news. Issue no. 92, suaaer 1977. 39 p. Add. ti: The Harry Alter bargain news. Appl. au: Irving Alter. O The Harry Alter coapany; 18JU177; A921753.

A92175lt. Harry Alter's Bargain news. Issue no. 93, fall 1977. 39 p. Add. ti: The Harry Alter bargain news. Appl. au: Irving Alter. The Harry Alter Coapany: 27Sep77; A92175t.

A921755. Harry Alter's Bargain news. Issue no. 914, winter 1977. 39 p. Add. ti: The Harry Alter bargain news. Appl. au: Irving Alter. O The Harry Alter Coapany; 2Dec77; A921755.

A921756. Do coal and ash freeze when they should slide? Folder. NM: revisions & adaitions. O Hidwest Industrial Supply; '4NOV77; A921756.

A921757. Profits are an eaployee's best friend. 15 p. The Kirkley Press. Inc.; 7Dec77: A921757.

A921758. The Boxworks of Jacob Drachler. Text by Jacob Drachler £ Aay Goldin. 1 v. O Jacob Drachler; 71lov77; A921758.

Ae21759. AutoBotive jobbers net price list. winter 1977-78. Sholesale catalog no. 1050. 73 p. Appl. au: Jack H. Clea- veland. e Jack M. Cleaveland; 10ec77; A921759.

A921760. Fatigue life of riser-tensioner wire ropes. Beport no. PD76-17-3. By J. E. Steele. 22 p. Appl. au: Bethlehea Steel Corporation. Bethlehea Steel Cor- poration: 2NOV77: A921760.

A921761. Christ: His passion and death. By Fulton J. Sheen. Folder. Appl. au: Hinistr-O-Bedia, Inc. O Ministr-0-Hedia, Inc. : 23BOV77; A921761.

A921762. 7 songs and aany poeas for the young age. U2 p. Appl. au: Bony Blooa. Bony Bloda; 1Dec77; A921762.

A921763. Voluntary giving generation in the college/university spheres. 3 p. Hultiversai Developaent Corporation; 5Dec77; A921763.

A9217614. Learning thru cooking. naturallyS By fiuth C. Carbooe. 1 v. O fiuth Carbone; 10NOV77; A9217b<4.

A921765. Flying paper aircraft. Vol. 3. By Sort Shorr (Norton Shorr) 6 Geoff Nixon (Geoffrey U. Nixon) <*•! p. O Uort Shorr t Geoff Nixon; 12Nov77; A9217b5.

A921766. The Pizza faaily dice gaae. 1 p. Appl. au: G. Kent Albright. C G. Kent Albright; 200ct77; A 92 1766.


Pizza toss. 1 p. Appl. au: G. Kent


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