Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1297

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A922693 - A922738
JUL-DEC. 1977

A922593. Fifty boredoB-breakers for chiidreD. H p. ippl. au: Har7 Otis. Hacy Otis; 25NOT77: 4922693.

A922691I. BaiaDce Teclmolaqy, Inc. 7 p. Appi. au: Bobert P. Crovaer. O Bobect p. Cronner; 21Peb77; A922e9i|.

A92269S. Naverly Pharnacy. Inc. 7 p. Appl. au: Bobert p. Crouner. BobeEt P. Ccowner; 9Hay77: A922695.

A922696. Keep this StaDt 1978 cap oini chart. 2 p. Appl. au: Joho Curtis Bloniiel. Stant HanufacturiDq Coapany, Inc.: 1ltNov77; A922696.

A922697. Op froa the classroom: selected articles on the teaching of readioq. By Paliyca Andrews. Folder (3 p.) Barnell Loft, Ltd.: 5Dec7>; A922697. »922698. H.a.N. Enterprises: super 8 and 16 am fill cataloq, 1977 plus associated translation sheets. 7 p. Appl. au: Cornelius E. O'Connor (Heil O'Connor) Nil: translations. U.O.N. Enterprises; 10ct77: A922698.

A922699. How to write behavioral objectives for independent study. By Harilyn ailler Siith 6 Joyce Elaine Tingle. 13 p. O Marilyn Hiller Saith 6 Joyce Elaine Tinqle: 12Sep77: A922699.

i922700. Tube-Brinqer aountinq fixture: installation instructions. Folder. Add. ti: Installation instructions: tube- wrinqer mountiaq fixture. Appl. au: John B. Gill. O Gxll aechaoical Coapany: 60ec77: A922700.

A922701. Discover the advantages of usinq a tube-wringer. 2 p. Appl. -au: John B. Gill. O Gill Mechanical Coapany: 5Dec77: A922701.

4922702. Are BY songs too light and aerry? Book 34. By Tiaay Lee. il p. O Tiaay Lee; 1Dec77; 4922702.

4922703. Medical colleqe admission test (H.C.4.T.) review course. By Irvin H. Katz. Sheets. O Irvin ». Katz; 1SSep77; 4922703.

A92270H. Alpine, Port Davis, Harfa« TX, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 5Dec77; 492270«.

A922705. New Haven, servinq these comounities: Bethany, Bcanford, CT, and others, book of naaes, 1977-1978. The Southern New Enqlaod Telephone Coapanyr 18Nov77: 4922705.

4922706. Second Peter and Jude for everyday livinq. By Ralph ». Neiqhbour, Sr. 13 p. (The Bible for everyday livinq) Ralph ». neiqhbour, Sr. ; 15Nov77: 4922706.

4922707. Hearinq doq proqraa; aaster's aanual. 12 p. O The American Bumane Association; 170ct77: A922707.

A922708. Daniel Boone bedtime stories. By John

A922709. The Race 2: answers to important questions. Folder. Coraier Cardiac systems. Inc.; 28Nov77; A922709.

A922710. Search. By Joseph A. Greeley. 1 v. Joseph A. Greeley; 21llov77; A922710.

4922711. Hichiqan froa where I stand. By Joseph A. Greeley. 1 v. O Joseph A. Greeiey; 21NOV77; A922711.

4922712. I wish you Christmas. By Joseph A. Greeley. 1 v. O Joseph A. Greeley; 21NOV77; A922712.

A922713. Soft is the word. By Joseph A. Greeley. 1 V. C Joseph A. Greeley; 21Nov77; A922713.

A922714. 4 Connecticut Tankee in Kin^ 4rthur's Court; student activity book. By Gerald Oackeraan C Marcia Sohl. 16 p. 4ppl. au: Pendulum Press, Inc. Q Pendulum Press, Inc.; 1NOV77; 4922714.

4922715. Jane Eyre; student activity book. By Gerald Dackerman 6 Marcia Sohl. 16 p. 4ppl. au: Pendulum Press, Inc. Pendulum Press, Inc.; 1Nov77; 4922715.

4922716. The Tinker and the ghost. Betold by 4rchie Bennett, pictures by Doris fiodewig. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Header's Digest Services, Inc. NM: new illus. Reader's Digest Services, Inc.; 20Dec76; A922716.

A922717. Easy-does-it cook book for girls and boys. By Elizabeth yannen, illustrated by Daniel Nevins. '47 p. Appl. au: Reader's Digest Services, Inc. Reader's Digest Services, Inc.; 19Jan75; A922717.

4922718. Crazy mazes. By Dan Nevins. US p. 4ppl. au: Reader's Digest Services, Inc. O Reader's Digest Services, Inc.; BSep77; 4922718.

4922719. High-speed reading. By Jack L. Stephenson. 21 p. O Jack L. Stephenson; 270ct77; A922719.

A922720. Eeaory: automatic and controlled. By Jack L. Stephenson. 30 p. e Jack L. Stephenson: 8Dec77; A922720.

A922721. Returning to 20/20. 15 p. Appl. au: Richard M. Truhill. S.I. Industries; 7Dec77: A922721.

4922722. Study guide for Basic industrial drafting. Prepared by Harry L. James, Jr. 81 p- Based on the textbook Basic industrial drafting, by Billiaa P. Spence. Appl. au: Aaerican School. 6 4aerican School; 1Dec77; 4922722.

4922723. Survey of hospital seai-private rooa charges as of July 1977. Conducted by the Health Insurance 4ssociaticn of 4Becica. 24 p. O Health Insurance 4ssociation of 4Berica; 19Sep77; A922723.

4922724. To the potential evaluator and/or buyer of the SRD cone-grind drill point grinder. 8 p. Appl. au: John Carillo, Jr. NH: editorial revision. O John Carillo, Jr. K D. V. Hayorga, Inc.; 8D€c77; 4922724.

4922725. Cheaistry aids. By Burton S. Heiko. 6 p. Burton S. Heiko; 15Sep77; 4922725.

4922726. Cheering: a creative aovement unit for pce-school and eleaentary levels. By Halter James Hawkins a.k.a. Jia 8. Hawkins. 7 p. O Jia B. Hawkins; 6Dec77: 4922726.

4922727. Guide to personal check and credit authorization. folder (6 p. ) Da- taSearch, Credit Detection Exchange <in notice: Oatasearch, Credit Detection Exchange, a division of Search Inter- national Horld-Bide Collection Bureau, Inc.); 14uq77; 4922727.

4922728. Coapetitive analysis: condominiums, November 1977. Sheets. Home Data Corporation; 3QNOv77; 4922728.

A922729. Catalog for the Central Electric Supply Company, November 16, 1977. Sheets (4 p.) (Price-o-matic) O E.T.B. Company a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 28NOV77; 4922729.

4922730. Catalog for the central Electric Supply Coapany, Septeaber 28, 1977. Sheets (4 p.) (Price-o-aatic) E.T.B. Company a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 50ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4922730.

4922731. Catalog for the Central Electric Supply Coapany, October 19, 1977. 2 p. (Price-o-matic) O E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, lac. ; 260ct77; 4922731.

4922732. catalog for the Central Electric Supply Coapany, November 30, 1977. Sheets (4 p.) (Price-o-aatic) E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 6Dec77; 4922732.

4922733. Media 3/grapevine. 6 v. NH: additional text & pictorial aatter. Young Innovators, Inc.; 4Nov77; 4922733.

4922734. Materials for Spanish ten. By Barry L. Velleman. Sheets (63 p.) Barry L. Velleman; 19Jan77; 4922734.

4922735. Survival matheaatics. Author: Judy Brumbaugh. 46 p. (Fashion merchandising, lesson 6) Appl. au: Southeastern Academy, Inc. Southeastern Academy, Inc. ; 28NOV77; A922735.

A922736. The Onited States transit markings catalog, 1837 to 1974. Vol. 2: 1887-1974, suppl. 3, Nov. 1977. By Charles L. Towle. Sheets (p. 2-B-2 through 2-C-3) Mobile Post Office Society; 28Nov77; 4922736.

4922737. Federal tax computation, 1978; for returns of 1977 income. 31 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on materials from O.S. Govt, sources. C commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 7Dec77; A922737.

A922738. Federal tax computation, 1978; for returns of 1977 income. 31 p. Appl.

states copyright not claimed on materials


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