Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/13

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A866537 (con.) Continuing Legal Education. 81 p. Add. ti: Report of Se«inar on Civil Trial Advocacy. Appl. au: Sobert V. Griffith. © office of Continuing Legal Education, University of Kentucky; 6Jal76; A866537.

A866690. Como una planif icacion de dolares constantes ayuda a la alta gerencia; executive advisory service- Por Clifford H. Goldsmith. Folder (U p.) HS: translation. Alexander Hamilton Institute, Inc.: lOJun77: AB66690.

A866965. A Castle in Bavaria. A novel by Prince Thibaut D'Orleans 6 Princess Harion D*Orleans, translated by Helen Heaver. 286 p. Appl. au: Simon and Schuster. NH: translation. C Simon and Schuster, Inc., a division of Gulf and Bestern Corporation: 28Apr77: Ae66965.

Ae67151. Men acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations: 1976 suppl. to Acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations dictionary, fifth ed. Vol. 2. Edited by Ellen T. Crowley, assistant editors: Christopher Crocker C Donna Hood. 108 p. Appl. au: Gale Research Company. Gale Research Company; 3Jan77 (in notice; 1976); 4667151.

A867818. The Fat lady that bumped me down. By Paul Kelly. 1 p. Tree Publishing Company, Inc. e Five of a Kind, Inc.; 11Jan77; A8678U8.

A8681I23. The Commercial laws of Canada. Pt, 3: Quebec, Saskatchexan. p. 165-2148. (The Digest of commercial lans of the vorld) Appl. au: narcel Laieunesse & Joseph H. Kanuka. C National Association of Credit Management, Inc.: 31Jan77 (in notice; 1976): A8681I23.

A86860it. Advertising Ian anthology. Vol. 1, 1976. Editor; Ava B. Scheinman* foreword by Larry L. Saret, introd, by Daniel Smith 6 overvieu by Hilliaa H. Rogal. 839 p. (National law anthology series) O International Library, sole owner; Denis A. Cooper: litJun77 (in notice; 1976); A86860U.

A868990. The Horld of work. Edited by Kay Koschnick 6 Stephen Ludwig. U8 p. Prev. pub. 15JU169. NH: revisions. New Readers Press, publishing division of Laubach Literacy International (in notice: New Readers Press, publishing division of Laubach Literacy, Inc.); 15Jan75: A86e990.

A869203. Church ministries in New Testament times. By Manuel Higuens. 221 p. C Christian Classics, Inc.; 1aar77 (in notice; 1976): A869203.

A670050. Agaperos. By Grady Natt. 139 p. Features prev. pub. in 1972-73 issues of The Student magazine. NH; compilation & additional text. C Broadman Press; 1May77; A870050.

A870279. OS PL/1 transient LIB, 573U-II15; Lrc72505-02. nicrofiche. NH: additional programming, editorial revision S error correction. C International Business nachines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation: 13Dec76: A870279.

A870e27. Hartba's Easter bonnet. By James tf. Hensyel. HI p. Appl. states all new except 9 illus. by John Gould. 6 James H. Hensyel: 12Apr77; Ae70827.

4870828. South Dakota historical collections. Vol. 38. Compiled by the South Dakota state Historical Society C the Board of Cultural Preservation. 566 p. South Dakota State Historical Society; ilHay77; A870828.

A870829. Euclidians. By Guillevic, translated by Teo Savory. 63 p. Translation of Euclidiennes: translations of portions have prev. appeared in Poetry (Chicago) B others. NM: poems & compilation, e Dnicorn Press; 1Sep75; A870829.

A870830. Letters from Vicksburg. By Gary Gildner. 1 v. Prev. pub. in Antaeus. winter 1976. NB; revisions 6 additions. & Gary Gildner: 15Feb76 (in notice: 1977) ; A870830.

A870831. Looking at Henry Moore* s elephant skull etchings in Jerusalem during the war. Poetry; Shirley Kaufman 6 etchings: Henry Moore. 1 v. portions prev. pub. in Field. NM: compilation, additions 6 illus. Shirley Kaufman; 15Peb77; A87 0831.

A870832. Helcome to Toaball: a history of Tomball. Texas. By Lessie Lee Dpchurch, editor; 0. B. Lee. 208 p. e Lessie Dpchurch: 19Jun76: A870832.

A870833. Desert of children; a novel of the Southwest. By Dean Paxton Hills. 16it p. Dean Paxton Mills; 1itMar77 (in notice 1976) ; A870833.

A87083K. The new astronomy and space science reader. Edited by John C. Brandt € Stephen P. Maran. 371 p. NH; compi- lation, pref. £ introductions. G u. H. Freeman and company; 13Hay77; A87083II.

A870835. Handbook of developmental abilities; a disciplined approach. By Jack L. Fadely C Glenna DeBrota. 158 p. C Jack L. Fadely 6 Glenna DeBrota; 9May77: A870835.

A870836. Contemporary psychological and educational assessment: a guide for the school psychologist and clinician. By Charles M. Hhipple, Jr. 6 Darwin E. Uaterman. 1u2 p. C Charles H. Hhipple. Jr. & Darwin E. Haterman; 3Jun77; A870836.

A870837. Motivating learners with instructional games. By John G. Greer, Irise M. Schwartzberg 6 Virginia K. Laycock. 82 p. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 3Jun77; A870837.

4870838. Fundamentals: concepts in exercise and fitness. By Frank H, Ramsey, Tom L. Paul & R. Daniel Murray, Jr. 2nd ed. Ill p. O Frank H. Ramsey £, Tom L. Paul; 3Jun77; A870e38.

A87 0839. Introduction to communication. By Robert L. Kelley. 108 p. 6 Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.; 2May77; A87 0839.

487 08K0. Business communication. By Robert A. Vogel 6 Hilliam D. Brooks. 109 p. O Cummings publishing Company, Inc.; 1lMar77; 48708«0.

A87081t1. Intrapersonal communication. By Carolyn M. Del Polito. 129 p. O Cummings Publishing Company. Inc.; 11Mar77; A870801.

A87081I2. Hass communication. By Robert A. Vogel 6 Mark A. Krabbe. 13U p. Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Hay77; A8708it2.

48708U3. Public communication. By Pamela C. Leth £ Steven A. Leth. 107 p. Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.; 11Mar77; A8708a3.

48708111. The Pood Chemical News guide, rep- lacement pages. May 30, 1977. Sheets. 6 Food Chemical News. Inc.; 30Bay77; 48708011.

48708115. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages, June 6, 1977. Sheets. C Food chemical News, Inc.; 6Jun77; 48708115.

4870816. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages. June 13. 1977. Sheets. O Food Chemical News, Inc.; 13Jun77: 4870816.

4870817. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages. June 20. 1977. Sheets. Pood Chemical News, Inc.; 20Jun77; A870817.

A870818. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages. May 23. 1977. Sheets. O Food Chemical News. Inc. ; 23aay77; A870818.

A870819. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages. Hay 16, 1977. Sheets. O Food Chemical News, Inc.; 16May77: 4870819.

4870850. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages. Hay 9, 1977. Sheets. O Food Chemical News, Inc.; 9Hay77; 4870850.

A870851. The Food Chemical News guide, weekly replacement pages. May 2. 1977. Sheets. O Food Chemical News, Inc.; 2Hay77; 4870851.

4870852. The Pesticide chemical news guide, replacement pages, June 1. 1977. Sheets. Food Chemical News, Inc.; 1Jun77; A870852.

A870853. The Pesticide chemical news guide, replacement pages. Hay 1. 1977. Sheets. O Food Chemical News, Inc.; 1Hay77: 4870853.

4870851. Hartsville. TN, including Green Grove, Hillsdale, telephone directory. July 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Company; 21Jun77; 4870851.

4870855. Carthage. TN. (including South Carthage and Dixon Springs) and others telephone directory. July 1977. C South Central Bell Telephone Company; 21Jun77;



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