Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1300

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A922818 - A922857
JUL-DEC. 1977

A922818. iJS review. Vol. 2, 1977. 1 v. Enqlish. Latin 6 Hebrew. Association for Jewish studies; 15Nov77; A922818.

A922819. Biblioqraphical essays in medieval Jewish studies. 392 p. jThe Study of Judaism, vol. 2) C Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith: 11Sep76: A922819.

A922820. Catholic thought and papal Jewry policy, 1555-1593. By Kenneth B. Stow. all p. (Horeshet series, studies in Jewish history, literature and thought, vol. 5) Appl. au: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, e Jewish Theological Seminary of America: 19Sep77: A922820.

A922821. The American rabbi; a tribute on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the Onited States and the ninety-fifth birthday of the New lorlc Board of Rabbis. Edited by Gilbert S. Bosenthal. 200 p. Appl. au: The New York Board of Eabbis. e The New York Board of Sabbis; 100ct77: A922821.

A922822. Exploring the Talmud. Vol. 1: education. Edited by Haim Zalman Dimitrovsky. 377 p. NM: new introd. Haim Z. Dimitrovsky; 11Jun76; A922822.

A922823. Bunting and Lyon's Guide to private schools. 5th ed. 607 p. Bunting and Lyon, Inc.: 8Aug77; A922823.

4922321. A Cross cultural encounter: a non- traditional approach to social work education. By Florence S. Schwartz, Fritz A. Fluckiger S Irving Reisnan. 131 p. O Florence S. Schwartz, Fritz A. Fluckiger 6 Irving Heisman: 15Apr77: A922824.

A922825. Solutions manual for Financial accounting: basic concepts, third edition. By Earl A. Spiller, Jr. 252 p. NM: revisions 6 updating. Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 200ct77; A922825.

A922826. Solutions manual for Quantitative methods for administration. By Colin E. Bell. 236 p. e Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 200ct77; A922826.

A922827. Corporate financial reporting: text and cases; instructor's manual. Prepared by David F. Hawkins, Bary «. iehle £ Bobert Madera. 321 p. BB: revisions 6 updating, e Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 130ct77; A922827.

A922828. Images of people, originally prepared by Sociological Resources for the Social Studies (SBSS) , this ed. revised by Hubert E- Roberts. 39 p. (Episodes in social inquiry series) NH: revisions, new & updated text G new photos. C Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 5Anq77; A922828.

A922829. The Incidence and effects of poverty in the Onited States. Originally prepared by Sociological Resources for the Social Studies (SRSS) , this ed. revised by Hubert E. Roberts. 69 p. (Episodes in social inguiry series) NH; revisions, new G updated text e new photos. 6 Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 5Auq77: A922829.

A922830. Science tests for use with Thurber, Kilburn and Howell's Exploring physical science; duplicator masters. By Joseph L. Becker. 75 p. Add. ti: Science tests for Exploring physical science. NM; revisions, new text, new & rev. tests & new art. 6 Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 10Nov77; A922830.

A922831. Play it again and From the top; reading skill activities duplicator masters. By Barren iheelock, Nina Boessner 6 Silliaa D. Sheldon. 28 p. O Allyn and Eacon, Inc.; 6Iiay77: A922831.

A922832. Prime time and over and out; reading skill activities duplicator masters. By Barren Bheelock. Nina uoessner e Billiam D. Sheldon. 33 p. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 6tlay77; A922832.

A922833. Activity book to accompany Decision- making in American government; duplicator masters. By James B. Soden £ Jack B. Fraenkel. 92 p. 6 Allyn and Bacon, Inc. ; 31Aug77; A922833.

A92283». Decision-making in American government, tests; duplicator masters. 52 p. Appl. au: Jack R. Fraenkel. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 31Aug77; A922834.

A922835. Exploring physical science, record book; teacher's ed. By Joseph L. Becker fi Bobert E. Kilburn. 325 p. NH: revisions, new text £ new illus. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 180ct77; A922835.

A922836. Teaching little people how to liv^. By Aline Becker. 27 p. e Aline Becker; 2NOV77; A922836.

A922837. The Religious roots of black Catholics of Saint Louis. By Billiam Barnaby Faherty £ Madeline Barni Oliver. 140 p. e William Barnaby Faherty; 1Dec77; A922837.

A922838. Applesauce; a novel. By June Arnold. 210 p. Prev. pub. 1966. NB: additions £ corrections. 6 June Arnold; 7Dec77; A922838.

A922839. Appointments by telephone. 1 v. Appl. au: Robert E. Boosa. Bobert E. Eoosa; 7Dec77; A922839.

A9228»0. Messages of peace. Vol. 7. By D. E. Millar, pseud, of Dorothy t. Tyndall. 1 V. e Dorothy fl. Tyndall d.b.a. Ithamar Publications; 8Dec77; 4922810.

A9223ai. Messages of peace. Vol. 8. By D. H. aillar, pseud, of Dorothy M. Tyndall. 1 V. e Dorothy H. Tyndall d.b.a. Ithamar Publications; 24Nov77; A9228141.

A92281I2. Crochenit creations accessories. By Mary B. Middleton. lip. crochenit Creations, Inc.; 210ct77; 4922842.

4922843. Thb Secret treasure of river's bend; teachers manual. By Dominic La Salle. 108 p. To accompany the text of Secret treasure of river's bend. © on manual; Dominic La Salle; aDec77: A922843.

A922844. Build a city. By Dominic La Salle. 73 p. Some illus. £ maps from the text of Secret treasure of river's bend. e Dominic La Salle; 8Dec77; A922844.

A922845. Jack and the beanstalk. Betold £ illustrated by John Nordland. 1 v. Based on the fairy tale. Appl. au: Reader's Digest Services, Inc. NB: illus. Q Reader's Digest Services, Inc.; 18NOV75; AS22845.

A922846. The Story behind King Kong. Betold by Judith Hatch. 48 p. Condensation adapted from The creation of Dino De Laurentiis' King Kong, by Bruce Bahrenburg. Appl. au: Beader's Digest Services, Inc. NM; condensation. Beader's Digest Services, Inc.; 13Apr77; A922846.

A922847. Biological rhythms and living clocks. By John D. Palmer, drawings by Derek Bhiteley. 16 p. Appl. au: Carolina Biological Supply company. @ Carolina Biological Supply Company; 1Dec77; 4922847.

A922848. Physical tests for paper. 28 p. 4th revision of the booklet originally pnb. as Paper testing methods, 1954. HM: editorial revision, new photos. £ additional testing procedures. 3 International Paper Company; 7Nov77; 492284B.

4922849. Issues in sexual assault: a literature survey. 8 p. 4ppl. au: Linda Lee Sattem. Linda Lee Sattem; 6Dec77; 4922849.

4922850. F4D Corsair in action. By Jim Sullivan, illustrated by Don Greer. 49 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from O.S. Govt, sources, e Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc.; 5Aug77; A922850.

4922851. P-14 Tomcat in action. By Lou Drendel. 48 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. O Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc.; 200ct77; 4922851.

4922852. B-29 Superfortress in action. By Steve Birdsall, illustrated by Don Greer. 48 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. O Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc.; 210ct77; 4922852.

4922853. Sherman in action. By Bruce Culver, illustrated by Don Greer. 47 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. © Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc.; 5Aug77; A922853.

A922854. Aces of the Southwest Pacific. By Gene B. Stafford, illustrated by Don Greer. 64 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. © Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc. ; 9NOV77; A922854.

A922855. Flair with flowers: ribbon flowers you can make for every occasion. No. 7232. By Claire Bhittaker. 23 p. 6 Craft Publications, Inc.; 18Nov77; A922855.

A922856. In the jungle tree. By Judith Davis, pictures by Emily HcCully. 16 p. © Judith Davis; 1Bay77; A922856.

A922857. The Average American — how do you compare? Vol. 1, no. 2. By Lowell Smith.

1 V. O Lowell Smith; 5Dec77; A922857.


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