Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1303

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A922945 - A922991
JUL-DEC. 1977

A922944 (con.) names, 1977-1978. The Southern Hen Enqland Telephone Conpany; 2Dec77; »92291ia.

A922945. The Descendants and antecedents of Georqe B. Hhite and Lillie Dauqheity ihite. By Garnett Eliza Hughes. 275 p. Garnett Eliza Huqhes: 6Dec77; A922945.

4922946. Onaha City architecture. 20U p. ippl. au: Seocqe Haecker 6 Gretchen Feeder. Landaarks* Inc. £ Junior League of Omaha, Inc.; 1Sep77; &9229«6.

4922947. 4 BecoqnitiOD of paintinq. By Tsuneaki Kakisu. 29 p. C Tsuneaki Kakisu; 6Dec77: 49229U7.

4922948. Dick Cepek Off-Roader catalog for 1978. 131 p. 4ppl. au: Dick Cepek. Dick cepek. Inc.; 5Dec77; 49229148.

4922949. Prantz automatic qarage door opener. Folder. Frantz Manufacturing company; 1Dec77: 49229<(9.

4922950. Frantz 3S0P automatic qarage door opener. 2 p. Add. ti: Frantz model 350P automatic qaraqe door opener. Q Frantz Haaufacturing Company; 1Dec77: A922950.

4922951. Prantz door operator controls: your keys to a more secure qarage. 2 p. 6 Frantz Manufacturing Company; 1Dec77; 4922951.

4922952. 4rcinq. 20 p. Based on Uermeneutics* by Daniel P. Fuller. Gary Haeder; 1Sep77; A922952.

4922953. Hostage negotiator's manual. By Gerald G. Doane. 1 i. Police Press; 7Jul77; 4922953.

4922954. lavnplay croquet, 1979; catalog. Sheets in folder. South Bend Toy Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 120ct77: 4»22954.

4922955. Mialbeam load cells. Form 15- lie. 2 p. HM: compilation 6 ne» text. O Interface, Inc.; 2Dec77; 4922955.

A922956. Sealed super-mini load cell. Form 15-31. 2 p. NM: compilation £ ne* text. e Interface, Inc.; 2Dec77: A922956.

A922957. Sealed super-mini load cell. Form 15-19A. 2 p. NM; compilation £ neii text. Interface, Inc.; 2Dec77: A922957.

4922958. Media 3 for loung Innovators. 7 ». 6 1 p. Add. ti: Media 3/grape>ines in 8 parts. NM: additional text 6 pictorial matter. C young Innovators, Inc.; 2Dec77; A922958.

A922959. Autograph letters, manuscripts, drawings, French artists and authors. Catalogue 129. 205 p. Add. ti: Autograph letters, French artists and aotfaors, 129. MM: nev text e compilation. The Bendells. Inc.; 26Sep77; A9229S9.

A922960. Life-styles; mini- lessen packet series. 23 p. O Deane Bonard e J. o. acClintic (in notice: HoKard/McClintic) ; 18Hov77; A9229e0.

A922961. A Clue to teaching Boehm concepts; a suggested sequence and correlation of Hapleton Public Schools District no. 1 materials. By Kay Adele Buri. 62 p. MM: correlation of concepts to academic texts. O Kay Adele Buri; 5Dec77: A922961.

4922962. High chloride ground water, central Sierra Nevada, California. By Lorraine Marie Morin. 103 p. & insert. C Lorraine Marie Morin; 28Nov77; 4922962.

4922963. A Stewardship proqram guide of time-talent-treasures. Presented by L. Charles Ladner. 1 v. O L. Charles Ladner; 7Nov77; A922963.

A92296«. Dinner with Tom Jones. Eighteenth- century cookery adapted for the modern kitchen by Lorna J. Sass. 208 p. Lorna J. Sass; 180ct77; A92296lt.

4922965. Now will I sing. By Bennie Gene Bledsoe. 92 p. C Bennie Gene Bledsoe; 12NOV77; A922965.

A922966. Topology of a phantom city. By Alain Bobbe-Grillet, translated from the French by J. 4. Underwood. 142 p. Appl. au: John Calder (Publishers) Ltd, employer for hire. Translation of Topology d'une cite fantome. 6 on translation; John Calder (Publishers) Ltd.; 5Dec77; 4922966.

4922967. The Standard data encryption algorithm. By Harry Katzan, Jr. 134 p. Petrocelli Books, Inc.; 10llo»77; A922967.

A922968. Business simulation for decision making. Editor: Billiam c. House. 364 p. NM: collection & introductory material. 9 Billiam C. House; 60ct77; A922968.

A922969. Victorian Danville, fifty-two landmarks; their architecture and history. By Bary Cahill £ Gary Grant. 112 p. Original stories appeared in The Commercial appeal, 1976. KB: additions 6 editorial revisions. Mary Cahill £ Gary Grant; 22NOV77; A922969.

A922970. Miami County, Indiana cemetery inscriptions (Allen and Perry Twps.) Compiled £ indexed by Jean C. Tombaugh £ Wendell C. Tombaugh. 273 p. Jean C. Tombaugh £ Hendell C. Tombaugh; 1Dec77; A922970.

A922971. Fulton county, Indiana probate court docket "A:» 1838-1856. Compiled 6 indexed by Jean C. Tombaugh £ Hendell C. Tombaugh. 149 p. O Jean C. Tombaugh £ Hendell C. Tombaugh; 1Dec77; A922971.

A922972. Hyandot County, OH, rural directory, 1977. O Bobinson Directories, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4922972.

A922973. The Bapture and the second coming of Christ. By Finis Jennings Dake. 119 p. Finis Jennings Dake; 6Dec77; A922973.

4922974. 4 Conglomeration of life. Poetry £ prose by Boy D. Miller. 58 p. Boy D. Miller; 23Nov77: 4922974.

A922975. I shall give man a better understanding. By the Holy Spirit £ Frank Hubert, pseud. of P. H. BacDougall. 148 p. Dor ranee and Company, Inc.; 18Nov77; A922975.

A922976. Twilight tapestry. By Frieda A. Bair. 73 p. Frieda A. Baj.r; 23Nov77; A922976.

A922977. Skippy the squirrel. By Bess E. Delltt, illustrated by Gail Goldwater. 20 p. Bess E. DeUitt; 29Nov77; A922977.

A922978. The Flying tavern and other tales. By Brigitta Valeotiner (Brigitta Valentiner Bertoia) 1 75 p. O Brigitta Valentiner Bertoia; 231iov77; 4922978.

A922979. Shannon — S-022562. By Boy C. Bil- liamson. 155 p. Roy C. Hilliamson; lDec77; A922979.

A922980. The Bhymer and other helps for poets. 8ev. G enl. by Nel Hodglin (Nel Hodglin Maynard) 147 p. NM: revisions £ additions. O Nel Modglin; t8Nov77; A922980.

A922981. Pepi. By Linda H. Roberts, illustrated by Deborah Leonard. 19 p. Q Linda M. Roberts; 23Nov77; A922981.

A922982. Emerging Alaska. By Kristina R. Lindbergh £ Barry L. Provorse, edited by Bobert Conte. 176 p. (The Trans Alaska pipeline, vol. 3) O Scribe Publishing Corporation; 18Hov77; A922982.

A922983. Managing social service systems. By John H. Sutherland. 279 p. John H. Sutherland; 14Nov77; A922983.

A922984. Experiences in zero-base budgeting. Editor: Joseph L. Hebert. 226 p. NB: front matter £ compilation. O Joseph L. Hebert; 210ct77; A922984.

4922985. 4ctualizations: beyond est. By James M. Martin. 208 p. James H. Martin; 2Jun77; 4922985.

4922986. Engels, armies, and revolution: the revolutionary tactics of classical Marxism. By Martin Berger. 239 p. Martin Berger; iaNov77; 4922986.

4922987. Hater under the bridge: a history of Van Buren Township. By Cathy Stromme Horste £ Diane Follmer Hilson, photography by David Kim Carlson. 642 p. O Cathy S. Horste £ Diane F. Hilson; 4Dec77; 4922987.

4922988. By special family. Britten by George Bickerstaff, illustrated by Paul Parber. 1 V. Bookcraft, Inc.; 28Sep77; 4922988.

A9229&9. Prom first date to chosen mate. By Brenton G. Torgason. 137 p. Bookcraft, Inc.; 17Jun77: A922989.

A922990. Marriage: covenants and conflicts. By Mark E. Petersen. 120 p. Bookcraft. Inc.; 22Sep77: A922990.

A922991. you and your world. By Paul H. Dunn. 200 p. NM: compilation, pref. £ chap. 7, 17 £ 21. Bookcraft, Inc.; 30ct77;



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