Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/131

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A875540 - A875585
JUL-DEC. 1977

A875540. Laboratory eKperiaeDts in qeoeral cheaistrv foe nurses. By J. P. Biblei:, llius. by N. Constable. 59 p. J. P. Bibler; 22Jun77: A8755i»0.

i875541. Onited states iiiBiqration and ethnic settieaeat: an annotated bibliography. CoBpiler; Charles P. Schwartz, editor: fioseinn Oe Bupo. 1 v. Charles schvartz: 1IJul77: ^875541.

4875542. aodel HS autoaatic saapler, Gustafson; operations nanual. 13 p. O Gustafson* Inc.; 7JU177; 4875542.

4875543. Johnston County, North Carolina will abstracts, 1825-1870. Vol. 2. By Elizabeth E. Boss. 117 p. Elizabeth E. Boss: 15JU177; 4875543.

4875544. The Diatonic Bajoc and ninor scales for quitar. Edited S finqered by Drew Thoiason. 1 y. NH: new scale systei for quitar & explanation of its application. O Drew Ihoaason: 14Jul77: 4875544.

4875545. The Oston black-jack seainar. 29 p. 4ppl. au: Kenneth S. Oston (Ken Oston) Kenneth S. Oston; 4Jul77: 4875545.

487SS4&. Art curriculuB, Livinqston uiqh School, Livinqston Township Public Schools, Livinqston, New Jersey, suaaer 1976. written £ coapiled by Bobert B. Batitto, Stanley B. Gorka € John T. Beynolds. 141 p. Livinqston Board of Education; 244uq76: 4875546.

4875547. Diversity and periodicity: an inorganic cheiistry aodule suppl. Prepared by Noraan Shayer. 51 p. Livinqston Board of Education: 194ug76: 4875547.

4875548. Coaaunitles of aolecules; a physical cheaistry aodule suppl. Prepared by Noraan Shayer. 50 p. Livinqston Board of Education: I84ug76: 4875548.

4875549. fieactions and reason: an introductory chenlstry aodule suppl. Prepared by Noraan Shayer. 40 p. O Livingston Board of Education; 174ug76: 4875549.

4875550. Fora and fonction; an organic cheaistry aodule suppl. Prepared by Moraan Shayer. 45 p. Livingston Board of Education: 164ug76: 487S550.

4875551. Enuresis: bed wetting. Folder. 4ppl^ au: Bichard F. Saith & Prances 4. Saith. BFS Publishing Coapany, owned by Bichard F. Saith e Frances 4. Saith; 264pr77; 4875551.

4875552. Bursitis. Folder. 4ppl. au: Bichard F. Saith e Frances 4. Saith. O BFS Publishing Coapany, owned by Bichard F. Saith e Frances 4. Saith; 6aay75; 4875552.

4875553. Hhat qoes on here: chiropractor. Folder. 4ppl. au: Bichard F. Saith e Prances 4. Saith. BFS Publishing Coapany. owned by Bichard F. Saith & Prances 4. Saith; 2llay76; 4875553.

4875554. Don't get sick. Folder. 4ppl. ai Richard P. Saith & Frances 4. Saith. BFS Publishing Company, owned by Richard F. Saith & Frances 4. Saith; 22Nov75: 4875554.

4875555. Rich Brothers: toys, hobbies, crafts, sporting goods and general aerchandise, 1977-78. 384 p. 4dd. ti: Bich Brothers: toys« hobbies, sporting goods and general aerchandise. Bich Brothers Coapany; 17Jun77; 4875555.

4875556. The Pace-setter for Cooperative Distribution. 23 p. 4ppl. au: Frank Tiable. Bearing Headquarters Coapany; 12JU177; 4875556.

4875557. Stardate: unknown. Vol. 3. By Gercy Downes (Geraldine F. Downes) 130 p. Gerry Downes; 5Jul77: 4875557.

4875558. 4pplied real estate problea solving. Level 1-2. By C. Daniel Hucr. 1 v. C. Daniel Hurr; 11Jul77: 4875558.

4875559. Thoughts I think ay friends thought. By Bill Dunagan. 1 v. O Bill Dunagan; 231tar77; 4875559.

4875560. Class perforaance chart. 2 p. in envelope. 4ppl. au: Elizabeth Jean Nixon e Ognol Publications. Elizabeth Jean Nixon; 1Jul77; 4875560.

4875561. Bules and instructions for Cribbage football: a challenging, exciting qaae of strategy and chance. 8 p. & insert. 4ppl. au: Billiaa D. Godwin. Billiaa D. Godwin: 1Jul77: 4875561.

4875562. 4 Carpetbagger's guide to Dixie: a huaorous Southern-English dictionary. By Edward Hugh Harriott. 39 p. NH: revisions 6 additions. O E. Hugh Harriott d.b. a. Harfaa Enterprises; 12Jul77; 4875562.

4875563. Better to go than to send. By Koan, pseud, of Joan Uolansky. 1 v. Joan olansky; 26Dec76; 4875563.

4875564. Bits of verse on life, love, and living. By Nora Frances Brown. 58 p. N. Frances Brown; 23Har77; 4875564.

4875565. First selected poeas. By Billiaa Packard. 104 p. Portions prev. pub. in Poea folio e others. Billiaa Packard; 12JU177; 4875565.

4875566. Baby Bigfoot. 21 p. 4ppl. au: Hary Ellen Johnson. O Hary Ellen Johnson; 14JU177; 4875566.

4875567. Santa claus and Bocky Uobby-aorse. Uritten by George fi. Horton, illustrated by Haggle Christophersen. 29 p. O George B. Horton; 13Jul77; 4875567.

4875568. Calligraphy: a guide to artistic lettering. By Jerry Darby Carper. 30 p. Foraerly Calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy: a guide to beautiful lettering and writing. NH: additions. O Jerry Darby Carper: 1Hay77; 4875568.

4875569. Hokia inventory control systea. By Dale a. Peter. 7 p. 4dd. ti: The Hokia

4875570. Be born again. By Joseph P. Octh. Folder. O Joseph P. Orth; 14Jul77; 4875570.

4875571. The Language teachers' book of pedagogical gesticulations. By Charles C. Charrier. 1 v. O Charles C. Charrier; 4JU177; 4875571.

4875572. Bailroad lubrication aanual. 43 p. O Siaaous-Boardaan Publishing Corporation; 13JU177; 4875572.

4875573. Freedoa dynaaics: a unique rendering of Boaans. By The Thinker, pseud, of Ernest Lee fiicbert. 65 p. Prev. pub. abroad 100ct75 as Boaans restated. NH: revision e expansion with artwork. The Thinker; 10JU177; 4875573.

4875574. Bow you can save aoney on appliance repair. By Elaer E. Nash, design G illus.: Ciardella Graphics. 72 p. Elaer £. Nash; 1Jul77; 4875574.

4875575. Black retrospect; poeas e writings. By Lois a. & Clarence D. Berry. 96 p. Lois H. Berry £ Clarence D. Berry; 14JU177; 487557S.

4875576. Jesus was a vegetarian — why aren' t you? 62 p. 4ppl. au: Frank Huccie, Jr. C The Edenite Society, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4875576.

4875577. Skywave guide. 12 p. 4ppl. au: Paul B. Bocheleau. O Paul B. Bocheleau; 21Hay77; 4875577.

4875578. Take this house. By Evaaae Barton Crist, introd. by Frances Banter. 141 p. O Berald Press; 9Jul77; 4875578.

4875579. Like a watered garden. By Haureen Hay Bead, introd. by Sherwood E. Uirt. 156 p. O Herald Press; 9Jul77; 4875579.

4875580. The Handbook of private schools: an annual descriptive survey of independent education, 1977. 58th ed. 1471 p. 4ppl. au: J. Kathryn Sargent. O J. Katbryn Sargent; 14Jul77; 4875580.

4875581. The Twentieth-century 4aerican Nest: a potpourri. By Gene a. Gressley. 196 p. 4ppl. states all new except aaterial cited in footnotes. O The Curators of the Oniversity of Hissouri; 10Jul77; 4875581.

4875582. laagining success. By Kurt 4. Schneider. 330 p. O Kurt 4. Schneider: 2ajnn77; 4875582.

4875583. Stripes of life. By Aleene J. Evans. 62 p. O 41eene J. Evans; 15Jal77; 4875583.

4875584. Learning aechanisas in food selection. Edited by Lewis H. Barker, Hichael B. Best & Hichael Doajan. 632 p. O Baylor Oniversity Press; 5Jul77; 4875584.


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