Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1311

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A923272 - A923309
JUL-DEC. 1977

4923271 (con.) faculties: a historical survey and a study of their present academic status. By Lucille Addison Pollard. 336 p. (The Acadeaic profession) Lucille Addison Pollard: 26Jul77; 4923271.

A923272. The constitutional status of acadenic freedom. Edited by Baiter P. Netzqer. 1 ». (The Acadenic profession) Appl. au: Acno Press* Inc. HH: arr. 6 compilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 26Jul77: A923272.

1923273. Ictellectaal freedom and its limitations in the Oniversity of Paris in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. By Harr Hartin HcLauqhlin. 524 p. (The Academic profession) Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc. Nn: revisions 6 pref. Hary Bartin HcLauqhlin; 26Jul77: A923273.

4923274. Seader on the socioloqy of the academic profession. Edited by Salter P. Hetzqer. 1 V. (The Academic profession) 4ppl. au: 4rao Press, Inc. NB: arr. & compilation. C Arno Press, Inc.; 26Jul77: A923274.

A923275. Labor and manaqement. Advisory editor: Bichard B. Borris. SOB p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. au: The Nem Torit Times Company. NB: arr. , compi- lation, introd., A Brief chronoloqy: labor and taanaqement history, index & byline index. O The Nev York Times Company: SJan73: A923275.

A923276. Japan. Advisory editor: Edwin Oldfather Beischauer. S30 p. (The Great con- temporary issues) Appl. au: The Nev York Times Company. NH: arr., compilation, introd., p. 517-518 S, index. The Nev Yoric Times Company; 12Feb7it: A923276.

A923277. The United States and the world economy: the postwar years. Advisory editor: Leonard Solomon Silk. 361 p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. an: The New York Times Company. HB: arr., compi- lation, introd. e index. O The Hew York Times Company; 22Bar76; A923277.

A92327e. China. Advisory editor: 0. Edmund Clubb. SS9 p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Times Company. NB: arr., compilation, introd., chronoloqy, bioqraphical sketches, index & byline index. The New York Times Company: 8Dec72: A923278.

A923279. Draqs. 757 p. (The Great contemporary issues) NB: arr., compilation, introd., chronoloqy, index & byline index. The New York Times Company; 15Sep71; A923279.

4923280. Education, O.S.A. Advisory editor: James Cass. 511 p. (The Great con- temporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Times Company. NB: arr., compilation, introd. t index. The New York Times company; 230ct73; A923280.

4923281. Crime and lustice. 4dvisory editor: Bamsey Clark. 503 p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Times Company. NB: arr., compi- lation, introd. G index. The New York Times Company: 19Jul7«: 4923281.

4923282. Black 4frica. 4dvisory editor: Hollis Balph Lynch. SIU p. (The Gredt contemporary issues) 4ppl. au: The New York Times Company. NB: arr., compi- lation, introd., chronoloqy, index G byline index. The New York Times Company; )«Jul73: A923282.

A923283. Political parties. Advisory editor: Uillxan Edward Leuchtenburq, editor: Gene Brown. t15 p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Times Company. NN: arr., compilation, introd. & index. O The New York Times Company: 23NOV77; A923283.

A923284. Psychiatry and qenetics: psychosocial, ethical and leqal considerations. Edited by Bichael A. Sperbec & Lissy F. Jarvik. 2014 p. O Basic Books, Inc.; 29Nov76: A923284.

A923285. Facinq up to modernity: excursions in society, politics and reliqion. By Peter L. Berqer. 233 p. NS: pref., introd., chap. 5, 6, 8 C 18, compilation, table of contents, notes & index. © Peter L. Berqer; 30Sep77: A923285.

4923286. Book collectinq; a modern quide. Edited by Jean Peters. 288 p. lerox Corporation; 210ct77: A923286.

A923287. Black playwriqhts, 182J-1977; an annotated biblioqraphy of plays. Compiled £ edited by Janes Vernon Hatch C OBANii Abdullah. 319 p. Xerox Corporation; 25NOV77: A923287.

4923288. Books to help children cope with separation and loss. By Joanne E. Bernstein. 255 p. d Joanne £. Bernstein; 23Sep77; 4923288.

A923289. National health insurance. Compiled C edited by Tyrus G. Fain in collaboration with Katharine C. Plant 6 Boss Billoy, with an introd. by Edward B. Kennedy. 55U p. (Public documents series) NB: documents in the public domain with new front, back 6 textual matter. lerox Corporation: 29Auq77: A92328S.

A923290. An Illustrated history of the herbals. By Frank J. Anderson. 270 p. Appl. states all new except for illus. which have been acknowledqed. Columbia Oniversity Press; 16Dec77; A923290.

A923291. Ethical issues in death and dyinq. Editor: Eobert F. Heir. 1405 p. NB: compilation, introd. & index. Columbia Oniversity Press; 16Dec77; A923291.

A923292. Copyriqht law symposium. No. 23. 192 p. O American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers: 16Dec77: A923292.

A923293. The Creation of tomorrow: fifty years of maqazine science fiction. By Paul Allen Carter. 318 p. Appl. states all new except for illus. £ chap. 16 2. C Paul A. Carter; 16Dec77; A923293.

A923294. Escape from the self: a study in contemporary American poetry and poetics. By Karl Balkoff. 181 p. Columbia Oniversity Press; 16Dec77; A923294.

A923295. Byokan: Zen monk-poet of Japan. Translated by Burton Hatson. 126 p. fiomanized Japanese 6 English. Appl. states all new with original translation, except for Japanese text G some poems which have been pub. prev. & Columbia Oniversity Press; 5Dec77; A923295.

A923296. The New international monetary system. Editors: Bobert 4. Bundell S Jacques Jacobus Polak. 2<(ii p. 4ppl. au: Columbia Oniversity Press. Columbia Oniversity Press; 16Dec77; 4923296.

A923297. China, oil, and Asia: conflict ahead? By Selig S. Barrison. 317 p. Appl. au: The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 5Dec77: A923297.

A923298. The Papers of Alexander Bamilton. Vol. 25: July 1800-Apr. 1802. Editor: Harold C. Syrett £ other editors. 646 p. NB: compilation, editorial revisions G additional text. O Columbia oniversity Press: 16Dec77; A923298.

A923299. Historic courthouses of New York State. By Herbert Alan Johnson G Balph K. Andrist, photos, by Bilo V. Stewart, with a foreword by Charles D. Breitel. 175 p. Appl. au: The New York Bar Foundation C Hilliam Nelson Cromwell Foundation. Columbia Oniversity Press; 160ec77; A923299.

A923300. The Saturday evening post automobile book. 154 p. Appl. au: Editors of The Saturday evening post. NB: editing, layout G design. 6 The Curtis Publishing Company; 5Dec77: A923300.

A923301. The Saturday evening post fiber and bran better health cookbook. By Cory SerVaas, charlotte Turgeon G Frederic Birmingham. 296 p. C The Curtis Publishing Company; 23Jun77; A923301.

A9 2330 2. Great westerns from the Saturday evening post. Edited by Julie Eisenhower. 314 p. NB: editing, layout G design. The Curtis Publishing Company; 120ct76; A923302.

A923303. Little boy lost. 4 novel by Jerry Ludwig. 276 p. Jerry Ladwig; 200ct77; 4923303.

A923304. Dreaming of Babylon: a private eye novel, 1942. By Bichard Brautigan. 220 p. O Bichard Brautigan; 27Sep77: A923304.

A92330 5. Solo: women on woman alone. Edited by Linda Hamalian G Leo Hamalian. 367 p. NB: introd., biographical notes £ compilation. Linda Hamalian G Leo Hamalian: 22Nov77; A923305.

A923306. A Stroke of luck. By Kathy Boe. (In Solo: women on woman alone, p. 152-160) Kathy Boe; 22Nov77: A923306.

A923307. Lunch. By fiebecca Bass. (In Solo: women on woman alone, p. 253-263) O Bebecca Bass; 22Nov77: A923307.

A923308. Pure will. By Harriet Zinnes. (In Sola: wome<> on woman alone, p. 357-358) Harriet Zinnes; 22Nov77: A923308.


The Thief. By Thomas Kockwell,


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