Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1326

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A923860 (con.) Continuioq Education) O ABericao Society of Clinical Pathologists; 2aJun77; A923860.

4923861. Bacteroides fraqilis. Prepared by H. E. C. Hoore, Lillian V. Holdeman & Jay F. Lewis for the American Society of clinical Pathologists, CoDmissioD on CoDtinuiog Education, Council on Hicrobiology. 18 p. (Check Saople Programr advanced sic- robiology no. AiiB-17 (1977) Issued by American Society of clinical Pathologists, Coamission on Continuing Education) e American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 25JU177; A923B61.

A923862- Fungal nerologic tests- Prepared by Glenn D. Boberts. for the Anerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Cooaission on Continuimg Education* Council on Hicrobiology. 16 p. (Check Sanple Progras advanced nicrobiology no. AHB-16 (1976) Issued by Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, comoission on Continuing Education) O American Society of Clinical Pathologists; 20Jan77; A923862

A923863. Angiosarcooa of the liver. Prepared by Paul A. Blonstein, for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education* Council on Anatomic Pathology. 6 p. (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no. AP2-8 (1977) Issued by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continaing Education) Q American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 18Aug77; A923863-

A92386a. Pilar tumor (proliferative epidermoid cyst: proliferative trichilemmal cyst) of scalp. Prepared by Herbert Z. Land* for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education, Council on Anatomic Pathology. 3 p. (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no- AP2-7 (1977) Issued by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on continuing Education) American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 12Aug77; A923864.

A923865. Hyperplastic polyp of the stomach. Prepared by Joseph Tomasulo, for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, commission on Continuing Education, council on Anatomic Pathology. 5 p. (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no. AP2-6 (1977) Issued by American Society of clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education) 6 American Society 6f Clinical Patho- logists; 28Jan77; A923865-

A923866. Cloacogenic carcinoma, small cell type. Prepared by Azorides B. Morales, for the American Society of clinical Pathologists, Commission on CoDtinuinq Education, council on Anatomic Pathology. 3 p. (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no. AP2-5 (1977) Issued by American Society of Clinical Pathologists, CoBDissioD on Continuing Education) G American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 16JUD77: A9 23866.

A923a67, Nutritional liver injury following leianoileal bypass. Prepared by Hilmier Talbert, for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education, Council on Anatomic Pathology. 5 p. (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no- AP2-** (1977) Issued by American Society o£ Clinical Pathologists, commission on Continuing Education) 6 American Society of Clinical Pathologists; 26 Hay 77; A923867.

A923868. Oral, lentiginous, desmoplastic melanoma (level 5 invasion) Prepared by fiichard J. fieed, for the Aserican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education, Council on Anatomic Pathology. 13 p- (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no, AP2-3 (t977) Issued by American Society of clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education) Q American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 23Hay77 ; &923868.

A923869. Clear-cell adenocarcinama of the vagina associated with prenatal diethylstil- bestrol (DES) exposure. Prepared by Hilliam fi. Helch & Stanley J- Bobboy, for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education* Council on Anatomic Pathology- 1 V. (Check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no- AP2-2 (1977) Issued by American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education) 6 American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 17flay77; A923869.

A923870. Fibrous (granulomatous) mediastinitis. Prepared by Joseph C. Eggleston, for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education, Council on Anatomic Pathology. 6 p- (check Sample Program, anatomic pathology no. AP2-1 (1977) Issued by American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Commission on Continuing Education) Q American Society of Clinical Patho- logists; 1flar77; A923870-

A923e71. Dun and Bradstreet reference book, January 1978. Vol. 531, sections 1-4. i* V. 6 Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. ; 13Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; A923871.

A923872- The Story of Jesus. fietold by Jean Borton Berg* illustrated by Beth Rrush & Joe Krush. 1 v. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Ma7959- Appl- au: The Christian Science Publishing Society, employer for hire. @ The Christian Science Publishing Society; 29Wov77; A923872.

A923873- Business and environment: toward common ground. Edited by H- Jeffrey Leonard, J. Clarence Davies 3rd & Gordon Binder. 434 p. O The Conservation Foundation; 17NOV77; A923873.

A923874. Environmentalists and developers: can they agree on anything? By Bobert G. Healy. 16 p. The Conservation Foundation; 11Nov77; A923874.

A923875. Composition activity book. Developed by Southwest fiegional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development (SRBL) , illus. by Dave Blanchette- 108 p. (Communication skills programs: com- position, block 9) © Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development; 1Jun77; A9 23875. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec84)

A923876. Composition activity book. Developed by Southwest fiegional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development (SNBL) , illus. by Hilliams Graphic Service. 124 p. (Communication skills programs: composition, block 13) 6 Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development; 1Jun77; A923876. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec64)

A923877- Program activity guide. Developed by Southwest fiegional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development (S»BL)- 63 p. (Communication skills programs: composition, block 11) Q Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development; 1Jun77; A923a77. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec84)

A923878. Program activity guide. Developed by Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development (SBBL) - 56 p. (Communication skills programs: composition, block 12) Q Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development; lJun77; A923878- (Copyright claimed until 3lDec84)

A923879- Program activity guide. Developed by Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development (SRBL). 64 p. (Commnnication skills programs: composition, block 10) 6 Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development; lJun77; A923879- (Copyright claimed until 31Dec84)

A923B80- Program activity guide. Developed by Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development (SNBL). 64 p. (Communication skills programs: composition*, block 14) Q Southwest Begional Laboratory for Educational Besearch and Development; 1Jun77; A923880. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec84)

A923B81- Sams Photofact CB radio series- Vol. 157, Dec. 1977- By the Howard H. Sams engineering staff- 128 p. 3 Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Dec77; A923881-

A923882. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol- 155* Dec. 1977- By the Howard W- Sams engineering staff- 128 p. @ Howard H- Sams and Company, Inc- ; lDec77; A923882-

A923883. Sams Photofact CB radio series. ?ol. 154* Dec. 1977. By the Howard N. Sams engineering staff, 128 p. 3 Howard R. Sams and Company, Inc.; lDec77; &923883.

A923884. Sams Photofact tape recorder series- Vol- 193* Dec- 1977. By the Howard B. Sams engineering staff. 128 p. 6 Howard H. Sams and Company* Inc.; 1Dec77; A923884.

A923885. Sams Photofact auto radio series. Vol- 252* Dec- 1977. By the Howard M- Sams engineering staff. 128 p. Q Howard R- Sams and Company, Inc.; lDec77; A923885.

A92,3d86. Transistor radio servicing course. By Rayne Lemons. 2nd ed. 191 p. 6 Howard B- Sams and company* Inc.; 20ec77; A923886.

A923887- Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol- 156. Dec. 1977. By the Howard B, Sams engineering staff. 128 p. Q Howard B. Sams and Company* Inc.; 1Dec77; A923887.


Sams modular hi-fi components. Vol.


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