Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1338

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A924345 - A924389
JUL-DEC. 1977

A924345. Tool foz clinical evaluation. Issued by the College of Saint Catherine, Departaent of Nursing. 19 p. Appl. au: College of Saint Catherine. 6 College of Saint Catherine: 1Sep77; 4924345.

A924346. Optical. Stencil no. 3, 8I-10K. 1 p. Appl. au: Charles B. Dulude. T-Hagic Company; 12Dec77: A924346.

A924347. Tour career in aniaal services. By Sam Kohl & Tom Biley. 143 p. Sam Kohl e Tom Biley: 11Nov77; A924347.

A924348. Science prolects with electrons and computers. By Alfred Bender. 139 p. NH: chap. 9, revisions & updating. 6 Alfred Bender: 16Hov77; A924348.

A924349. Principles of data processing. By James «. Morrison. 267 p. 6 James N. Doccison; 6Dec77: A924349.

A924350. Family practice: specialty board review. By V. Bushan Bharduai & Ernest Tuh-Ting Yen. 198 p. 6 Arco Publishing Company, Inc.: 14Sep77; A924350.

A9243S1. Advanced placement and college level examinations in American history; the complete study guide for scoring high. By Nancy Boloch. 224 p. Add. ti: AP/CLEP advanced placement and college level examinations in American history. Arco Publishing Company, Inc.; 310ct77: A924351.

A9 24352. Apprentice, mechanical trades; the complete study guide for scoring high. By the Arco Publishing Company, Inc. , editorial board. 192 p. NH: additions 6 revisions. C Arco Publishing Company, Inc.; 11NOV77: A9243S2.

A924353. Good English with ease: a modern method for correcting your errors. By Samuel Beckhoff. 223 p. HB: pt. 4. revisions £ updating. 6 Arco Publishing Compatay, Inc.: 111IOV77; A924353.

A924354. Simplified mathematics for nurses. Simplified mathematics for nurses; instructor's guide. By Norman L. HcElroy, Joseph J. Carr 6 Bonita I. Carr. 2 v. Arco Publishing Company, Inc.; 120ct77; A924354.

A924355. Dictionary of sewing terminology. By Linda Carbone. 151 p. 6 Linda Carbone; 8Dec77: A924355.

A924356. Tr'enton Mold Company; catalog of ceramic molds. Created by Mela John Tasa. 1 v. e Trenton Mold Company: 12Sep77; A924356.

A924357. Maricopa County domestic relations handbook. Prepared by James E. McDougall. 15 p. Appl. au: Maricopa County Bar Association. 6 Maricopa County Bar Association; 7Dec77 ; A924357.

A924358. The Amanas today: seven historic Iowa villages. Produced by Joan Liffring Zug £ John Zug. 1 v. Appl. au: Amana Society. Appl. states all new matter except certain recipes. Amana Society; 23Jun72: A924358.

A924359. The Prino plant: growing sinsemilla mariiuana. By Carolyn Halker a.k.a. Mountain Girl, illus. : George Brown. 96 p. e Mountain Girl a.k.a. Carolyn lalker; 1Dec77; A924359.

A924360. Around the corner after Horld Har 1. By Joseph C. Eddins. 55 p. 19 Joseph C. Eddins; 15Kov77: A924360.

A924361. Ecological economics 4 every 1. Britten by Gene Sottosanto, illustrated by Carol Winston. 47 p. 6 Gene Sottosanto; 4Dec77; A924361.

A924362. Learning activities and music: the young child (birth — 6 years) By Sherry Bae Mills. 54 p. e S. B. Mills; 250ct77; A924362.

A924363. The Bachelor gourmet's old fashioned vegetable soup. 1 p. Appl. au: Ted Strawser. Ted Strawser; 14Dec77; A924363.

A924364. Product information summary: Aldoril containing Aldomet (methyldopa, HSD) and aydroDiuril (hydrochlorothiazide, MSD) 18 p. Q Merck and Company, Inc.; 11Nov77; A924364.

A924365. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-209-9 10PT, appendix 4, issue A, August 1977. 62 p. 6 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Aug77: A924365.

A924366. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-209-9 10PT, issue A, August 1977. 30 p. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Aug77; A924366.

A924367. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-209-9 10PT, appendix 1, issue A, August 1977. 4 p. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Aug77; A924367.

A924368. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-209-9 10PT, appendix 3, issue A, August 1977. 10 p. 9 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; lAuq77; A924368.

A924369. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-209-9 10PT, appendix 2, issue A. August 1977. 32 p. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Aug77; A924369.

A924370. Eval list date 12/8/77; part 1. Structure program; part 2. 2 v. e Decisions and Designs, Inc.; 8Dec77; A924370.

A924371. Ilhile we slept America disarmed. By Mark Lockman £ Victor E. Lockman. 11 p. NM: text, artwork £ compilation. Q The Christian Missionary Tract Society, Inc.; 1Nov77; A924371.

A924372. The 5th kingdom. By Victor E. Lockman. 11 p. NM: text, artwork & compilation. O The christian Missionary Tract Society, Inc.; 10Sep77; A924372.

A924373. The Horseman's recordkeeper. By Stanley Bichard Sadler, Jr. 1 v. Stanley Richard Sadler, Jr.; 9Dec77; A924373.

A924374. EE 445 notes. Part 2. 1 v. Appl. au: Rilliam H. Brockuan. 6 Hilliam a. Brockman; 9Peb76; A924374.

A924375. Basic reading comprehension; liquid duplicating masters. Grade 5. 24 p. O ESP, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924375.

A924376. Spanish oriented bilingual mathematics; liquid duplicating masters. Level two. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924376.

A924377. Reference materials; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 5-9. By Peggy Yarbro. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. 6 ESP, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924377.

A924378. Bilingual mathematics; liquid dup- licating masters. Level three. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924378.

A924379. 1978 tax guide for engineers: for filing 1977 tax returns. 255 p. Academic Information Service, Inc.; 21Nov77; A924379.

A924380. The Green taste of life: the 1977 anthology of creative writing from the Chicago Public Schools. Edited by Charles H. Beirne. 277 p. Appl. au; Board of Education of the City of Chicago. 6 Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 13Sep77; A924380.

A924381. Systematic thinking. By Jack O'Brien, pseud, of Joseph J. HcGee, Jr. 34 p. O Life-Style Publications, Inc.; 22Nov77; A924381.

A924382. Movies for the blind. By Michael Shannon, cover £ ti. p. illus. by Meredith Peters. 64 p. Michael Shannon; 10ct76; A924382.

A924383. National travel survey: fourth quarter, 1976. 1 V. e United States Travel Data Center; 13Apr77; A924383.

A924384. How to obtain and maintain classroom discipline: a teachers guide to discipline in the classroom. By John F. Check. 131 p. Add. ti: How to obtain classroom discipline. O John F. Check; 1Jul77; A924334.

A924385. Engineering review manual. 2nd ed. 1 V. Appl. au: Michael B. Lindeburg. e Michael E. lindeburg; 4Aug77; A924385.

A924386. National travel survey: full year report, 1976. 1 v. 6 Onited States Travel Data Center; 9Sep77; A924386.

A924 387. Managing market value. Folder. O General Intelligence Corporation d.b.a. Advantage Group; laay77; A924387.

A924388. Cakes by Carrieann. Book 1. 5 p. Appl. au: Carol A. Golinski. Q Carol A. Golinski; 4Dec77; A924388.


Index master speaks. 29 p. Appl. au:


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