Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1344

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A921606 - A924651
JUL-DEC. 1977

A924605 (con.) 58 p. O EqaipDeDt Guide-Book Coapany; 1SJan77: »92H605.

&92il60e. Air equipuent: Federal OSHA requi- reoents. June 1977 revision. 16 p. Add. ti: OSHA reqaiceoents quide. O Equipment Suide-Book Coapanr: 15Jaa77: A92>>e06.

k^2l^60^. lesterday's tears. By Eaily S. Davis. Il7 p. O Eiily Davis: 9Dec77: A92i(6G7.

A924608. Ephesians. By Theodore Heroan Epp. 168 p. O The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc.; 7Dec77; A92't608.

A924609. Personal pover nuaber. Cards. Pover Mumber Enterprises: 2SOct77: A92't609.

A92'I610. Peroanent encyclopedia 2i*-S. 99 p. Pinecrest, Inc.; 22Nov77; A92a610.

A92ii611. First inpressions are important: El Dorado hand carved castoB doors. 83 p. (Permanent encyclopedia 2it-D) © Pi- necrest. Inc.: 22NOV77: A924611.

A92V612. The Forqe: hand »roi»qht iron. 75 p. (Permanent encyclopedia 2U-F) Pi- necrest, Inc.; 22NOV77; 49211612.

A924613. Paraqo'n kiln model A-29B wiring diagram and parts identification. Folder. NH: editorial revision. 3 Paragon Industries, Inc.: 12Dec77: A924613.

A92'(61<t. Paragon pyrometer instructions. 2 p. NH: editorial revision S pictorial matter. O Paragon Industries, Inc. ; 12Dec77: 4924614.

A924615. Paragon kiln model A-11-6B wiring diagram and parts identification. 2 p. HM:^ editorial revision. © Paragon Industries, Inc.: 12Dec77; A924615.

A924616. Seals for split pillow blocks, featuring new interchangeable taconite seals. 16 p. HH: revised drawings & tabular material, e SKF Industries, Inc.: 14Sov77: A9246ie.

A924617. Boating and fishing catalog, "78: Seattle, Los Angeles. 63 p. Sears, Boebuck and Company; 15Nov77: A924et7.

A924618. Boating and fishing catalog, '78: Chicago, Columbus, ninneapolis and others. 63 p. O Sears, Eoebuck and Company; 15NOV77: A924618.

A924619. Boating and fishing catalog, '78: Kansas City, Atlanta, Nenphis and others, 63 p. O Sears, Hoebuck and company; 15Nov77: A924619.

A924620. Glassblowinq: an introduction to artistic and scientific f lameworkinq. By Edward Andrew Carberry. 257 p. Edward Carberry: 1Dec77: A924620.

A924621. Media 3, on the move, for Tounq Innovators. 7 v. Add. ti: aedia 3, grapevine in 7 parts. NB: additional text & pictorial matter. 3 Toung Innovators, Inc.; 9Dec77; A924621.

4924622. Antique radio topics. 7ol. 7, no. 9* Nov. 1977. 9 p. Appl. au: James A. Fred. James A. Fred; 3Dec77: A924622.

4924623. Creative dramatics. By Sallye Harie Sickman. 30 p. 6 Sallye Sicknan; 4NOV77; A924623.

A924624. Hinneapolis/Saint Paul visitor. Editor: Phillip Bose 88 p. Appl. au: Visitor Publications, Inc. Q Visitor Publi- cations, Inc.; 19NOV77; A924624. 4924625.

Infer. Designs, Printout. O Decisions and Inc.; 9Dec77: 4924625.

A924626. Crocheted chess and checker set. Folder. Appl. au: Katrina Harlene Kraft. © Katrina Kraft; 5Dec77; A924626.

A924627. Directory of regional malls. 291 p. Appl. au: Hurray Shor. © Shopping Center Digest; 6Dec77; 4924627.

4924628. The Belping relationship sourcebook. Edited by Donald L. Avila, Arthur Bright Combs & Uiliiam Hatson Purkey. 2nd ed. 253 p. © Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4924628.

4924629. Onifying concepts and processes in elementary mathematics. By University of Haryland Hathematics Project. 323 p. G Allyn and Bacon, Inc. ; 1Sep77 (in notice: 1978, 1975); A924629.

4924630. 4ny day of your life. By David Kherdian. 1 v. 4ppl. states all new except 17 poems. 6 David Kherdian; 24NOV75; 4924630.

4924631. Careers today. By Gene It. Hawes, Hark Hawes 6 Christine Fleming. 274 p. © Gene E. Hawes & Hark Bawes; 190ct77; 4924631.

4924632. The Portable needlepoint boutique. By Joyce 4iken. 127 p. © Joyce 4ikeo: 2Dec77; 4924632.

4924633. Care and conservation of collections. Compiled by Rosemary S. Eeese, edited by Frederick L. Eath , Jr. £ Herrilyn Sogers O'Connell. 107 p. (4 Bibliography on historical organization practices, vol. 2) 4dd. ti: Conservation of collections: a bibliography. © 4aerican Association for State and Local History; 1Dec77; 4924633.

4924634. Personal name index to The New York times index, 1851-1974. Vol. 4: C-Coc. By Byron 4. Falk, Jr. £ Valerie B. Falk. 494 p. © Boxbury Data Interface; 18Sep77: 4924634.

4924635. Personal name index to The New lork times index, 1851-1974. Vol. 5: Cod-Cz. By Byron 4. Falk, Jr. S Valerie E. Falk. 436 p. O Eoxbury Data Interface; 21NOV77; 4924635.

4924636. Patterson's American education. Vol. 74, 1978. Editor: Norman F. Elliot 6 others. 758 p. O Educational Direc- tories, Inc.; 22NOV77; 4924636.

4924637. 4sses. Edited by Tom Houston. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Avocation Publishers, Inc. © 4vocation Publishers, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4924637.

4924638. New Jersey: a guide to its present and past. Editor: Lida Newberry, originally compiled by Federal Rriters Project of the Works Progress Administration in the State of New Jersey. 756 p. (American guide series. General editor; Harry Hansen) NB: revisions, updating £ additions. 6 Hastings House, Publishers, Inc. ; 10ct77; 4924638.

4924639. Pancho Villa: intimate recollections by people who knew him. Edited by Thelma Cox Knoles £ Jessie Peterson. 279 p. © Thelma Knoles £ Jessie Peterson; 130ct77; 4924639.

4924640. The Fireball mystery. By Mary 4drian, illustrated by Beisie lonette. Ill p. Mary 4drian: 28Nov77; 4924640.

4924641. 4otigue woodworking tools; a guide to the purchase, restoration and use of old tools for today's shop. By John Michael Dunbar. 192 p. O John Michael Dunbar; 23Sep77; 4924641.

4924642. Seeds of anger: revolts in 4merica, 1607-1771. By Sally Smith Booth. 301 p. © Sally Smith Booth; 310ct77; A924642.

A924643. Op from the footnote; a history of women journalists. By Marion Tuttle flarzolf. 310 p. e Marion Tuttle Marzolf; 10ct77; A924643.

A924644. The Communications revolution: a history of mass media in the Ooited States. By George N. Gordon. 338 p. © George N. Gordon; 1Sep77; 4924644.

4924645. 4dvertising in 4merica: an introduction to persuasive communication. By Stanley M. Dlanoff. 492 p. © Stanley B. Olanoff; 1Apr77; A924645.

A92464e. The Chamberlain calendar of French menus with recipes and pictures, 1978. By Narcisse Chamberlain £ Narcissa G. Chamberlain, photos, by Samuel Cham- berlain. 1 V. in box. © Hastings House, Publishers, Inc.; 1Jul77: A924646.

A924647. The New England calendar for enga- gements, 1978. By Samuel Chamberlain. 1 V. in box. Bastings House, Publishers, Inc. ; 1Jul77: A924647.

A924648. The Chamberlain calendar of antiques for engagements, 1978. By Samuel Chamberlain £ Narcissa G. Chamberlain. 52 p. in box. 3 Bastings Bouse, Publishers, Inc.; 1JU177; A924648.

A924649. The Chamberlain calendar of American cooking, 1978. Compiled £ edited by Narcisse chamberlain E Narcissa Cham- berlain, designed by Samuel Chamberlain. 1 V. in box. © Bastings House, Pub- lishers, Inc.; 1Jul77; A924649.

A924650. How to start fire with water. 8 p. Appl. au: Bonald Dale Foxworthy (B. D. ) © B. D. Foxworthy; 11Dec77; A924650.


your freedom to be. By Jack H. Holland.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.