Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1348

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S924773 - 492a813
JUL-DEC. 1977

A92a773. Japaaese international negotiating style. By Hichael Blaker. 253 p. © Columbia Oniyersity Press; 12Dec77; A92l(773.

Advances in female sterilization techniques. Edited by John J. Sciarra* HilliaD Droeqesueller & J. Joseph Speidel. 284 p. Proceedings of a Eorlcshop on Advances in Female sterilization Techniques held in Ilinneapolis« Minnesota, June 15-17, 1975. Appl. au: NorthBestern Dniversity. © Northwestern Oniversity; 1<Klay76: a92it77U.

A92'1775. Adam's daughter. By Gertrude Samuels. 209 p. e Gertrude Samuels; 120ct77: A92i(775.

A924776. Modern manaqemect of the Bh problem. By John T. Queenan. 2nd ed. 272 p. 6 harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. ; 9NOV77: A921t776.

A92U777. Loqic and transcendence. By Frithiof Schuon, translated by Peter N. Townsend. 273 p. NH: translation. O Frithjof Schuon; 26Feb75: 4924777.

A924778. Submission: sayings of the Prophet Huhanmad. Hadith selections, design & photos, by Sheas Friedlander, Hadith notations by Huzaf fereddin, ti, cal- liqraphy & ninety-nine names of Allah by Hattat Hamid al-Aoidi G Arabic text written by Tevfik Topuzoglu. 143 p. Add. ti: Ah Tessliojiyet. Arabic, English & romanized Arabic. 3 Shems Friedlander; 30NOV77: A924778.

A924779. To see ourselves; workbook. Level 16- By Bernard J. Heiss, Peter S. Bosenbaum, Ann a. Shaw e nillicent J. Tolbert. 144 p. O Bolt, Rlnehart and Winston, Publishers; 150ct77; A924779.

A924780. Great waves breaking; workbook. Teacher's ed-, level 17. By Bernard J. Reiss. Peter S. Bosenbaum, Ann H. Shaw e Millicent J. Tolbert. 144 p. NM: annotations (answers) © Holt, Binehart and Rinston, Publishers; 150ct77; A924780.

A9247ai. To see ourselves. By Bernard J. Heiss, Peter S. Kosenbaum, Ann H. Shaw e Millicent J. Tolbert. 608 p. NM: anthology, arranqement, introductions, questions £ exercises, some stories, some exposition & index. © Holt, Binehart and ginston. Publishers; 15aay77; A924781.

A924782. To see ourselves; teacher's ed- By Bernard J. Reiss, Peter S. Bosenbaum, Ann a. Shaw & Nillicent J. Tolbert. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. under the title Skills practice, duplicating masters for To see ourselves. 6 Bolt, Binehart and Hinston, Publishers: 15May77; A924782.

A9247B3. Fodor's Mexico, 1978. Created by Engene Fodor, area editor: Marjorie Lockett 6 other editors- 582 p. C Fodor's Modern Guides, Inc. ; 240ct77 (in notice: 1978) ; A924783.

A924784- A Scornful wonder: what's right with the Church- By c. Leslie Glenn. 235 p. © Amelia Neville Glenn; 13Ji4n77; A924784.

A924785. Patterns in household demand and saving. By Constantino Lluch, Alan A. Powell & Boss A. Hilliams. 280 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 3 S 5- ©' The International Bank for Beconstruction and Development/The Rorld Bank; 200ct77; A924785.

A924786. Order upon the land: the O.S- rec- tangular land survey and the upper Mississippi country. By Hildegard Binder Johnson- 268 p. © Oxford Oniversity Press, Inc.; 27Kay76; A924786-

A924787. Coomaraswamy. Vol. 3: his life G work. By Soger Lipsey. 312 p- (Bollingen series, 89) © Princeton Oniversity Press; 23NOV77; A924787-

A924788. Coomaraswamy. Vol. 2: selected papers, metaphysics. Edited by Roger Li[^sef. 470 p. (Bollingen series, 89) KM: com- pilation, new front matter G 6 new essays. Q Princeton oniversity Press; 23Nov77; A9247e8.

A924789. Coomaraswamy. Vol. 1: selected papers, traditional art G symbolism. Edited by Boger Lipsey- 580 p. (Bollingen series, 89) NM: compilation 6 new editor's note. © Princeton Oniversity Press; 23Nov77; A924789.

A924790. Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut- By Dorothy Ann Lipson. 380 p. Add. ti: Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut, 1789-1835- © Princeton Oniversity Press; 7Dec77; A924790.

A924791. Outrun the dark. By Cecilia Bart- holomew. 318 p- O Cecilia Bartholomew; 2Nov77; A924791-

A924792- Musical chairs: a life in the arts. By Schuyler Chapin. 448 p- HH: text 6 compilation of photos. 6 Schuyler Chapin; 30NOV77; A924792.

A924793. Rhat it costs. By Barry Tarshis, drawings by Baymond Davidson- 255 p. Barry Tarshis; 15Nov77; A924793.

A924794- Ralk gently this good Earth. By Margaret Craven. 172 p. © Margaret Craven; 1Dec77; A924794-

A924795- Miracle at Midway- By Charles E. Mercer. 160 p. Appl. states no claim is made to photos- NM: text G maps- © Charles Mercer; 11Nov77; A924795-

A924796- Reverend Bandollph and the avenging angel. By Charles Merrill Smith. 245 p. © Charles Merrill Smith; 8Nov77; A924796-

A924797- The Vision. By Dean B- Koontz- 287 p- © Dean R- Koontz: 17Nov77; A924797-

A92479e. Energy savers catalog. By the editors of Consumer Guide. 160 p- C Publications International, Ltd.; 310ct77; A924798-

A924799. McGarr and the Sienese conspiracy- By Bartholomew Gill, pseud, of Mark McGarrity. 186 p. © Mark McGarrity (pseud.: Bartholomew Gill); 11Nov77; A924799-

A924800. The Year of the kangaroo. By Henry Darvall Billiamson, illustrated by Boy B. Doyle. 187 p- e Henry Rilliamson; 11NOV77; A924800-

A924801- Elusive treasure: the story of early archaeologists in the Americas- By Brian M. Fagan- 369 p- © Brian M. Fagan; 240ct77; A924801.

A924802- Beading, writing and rating stories- Catalog no- 296- By Carol Sager- 5 v- © Curriculum Associates, Inc- ; 8Dec76; A924802-

A924e03- Thirty lessons in outlining; elementary. By Polly M. Furbush, Elizabeth A. Boss G Donald D- Durrell- 2 v- G 2 p. © Polly M. Furbush, Elizabeth A. Boss G Donald D. Durrell (in notice: Furbush, Boss G Dnrrell) ; 30Nov71; A924803-

A924804- Thirty lessons in outlining ; advanced- By Elizabeth A- Boss G Thomas E. Culliton, Sr- Folder G 2 v. 6 Elizabeth A- Boss G Thomas E- Culliton, Sr- (in notice: Boss 6 Culliton); 30Nov71; A924804.

A924805- Super syllabo- Catalog no. 212. By Bobert G. Forest G Elizabeth B. Sheeran. 2 V. G cutouts. © Curriculum Associates, Inc.; 27May77; A9 24805.

A9248C6. Capitalization and punctuation; primary. Catalog no. 208. By Jennifer Pirie- Folder G 65 p- 6 Curriculum Associates, Inc.; 1Jun77; A924806.

A924807. Play-away; teacher's guide. Catalog no. 505. By Jean Albrecht Lucken. 1 v- © Curriculum Associates, Inc- ; 22Aug77; A924807-

A924808. Homonym tales; teacher's guide. Catalog no- 277. By Joyce Scinto- 1 v- © Curriculum Associates, Inc- ; 29Aug77; A924808-

A924809- Federal tax practice, by Laurence F. Casey. 1977 cumulative suppl-, by E- Dale Searcy- 3 v. Add. ti: The 1977 cumulative supplement for Casey Federal tax practice. © Callaghan and Company; BDec77; A924809-

A924810- Michigac statutes annotated. Dec. 1977 cumulative annotations, releases 1-2- Compiled G edited by callaghan and Company editorial staff under the direction of Harielnise H- Dierks- 536 p. © Callaghan and Company; 30Nov77; A9248ia.

A924811- Law of Federal income taxation- Treatise vol- 1-12- Oct- 1977 cumulative suppl. By James J. Doheny, editor- in-chief G other editors. Sheets- Add- ti: Mertens law of Federal income taxation. 6 Callaghan and Company; 5Dec77; A924811-

A924812- Federal rules service; or. Federal rales digest, finding aids volume- Vol- 19-23- Table of cases cumulative suppl-, Nov. 1977. Sheets. NM: editorial compilation of table of cases. © Callaghan and Company; 1Dec77; A924812.

A924813- Federal rules service, second series-

Vol- 24, release no. 1, Oct. 1977: current


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