Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1352

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A924917 - A924957
JUL-DEC. 1977

A924917. Social studies skill masters: aap skills. Le»el «. Sheets (20 p.) in envelope. 6 Eoaqhton Hifflin CoBpany; 1HOV77: 1924917.

A924918. Social studies skill masters: map skills. Level 5. Sheets (20 p.) in envelope. O Houqhton Hifflin Conpaoy; 1HOV77: »924918.

A924919. Social studies skill nasters: sap skills. level 6. Sheets (20 p.) in envelope. O Houqhton Hifflin Conpany: 180ct77: i924919.

A924920. Social studies skill lasters: gap skills. Level 2. Sheets (20 p.) in envelope. Houqhton Hifflin CoBpany: 31Auq77; A924920.

A924921. Social studies skill masters: map skills. Level 3. Sheets (20 p.) in envelope. 6 Houqhton Hifflin Coapany: 180ct77: A92t921.

A92i(922. Readinq bonus, level 1; includes teacher's sanual & duplicating sasters. Bo. 1-27582. lllus. by Chris Czernota. 101 p. S sheets (42 p.) in box. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Costpany, employer for hire. 6 Houghton Hifflin Company; 180ct77; A92t922.

A92lt923. American National Standard safety requirements for working in tanks and other confined spaces. AMSl Z117. 1-1977. Secretariat: American Petroleum Institute. 24 p. Add. ti: American National Standards safety requirements for vorkiog in tanks and other confined spaces 6 American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 12Dec77; A924923.

A921t92l|. American National Standard method for the designation of hiqh- intensity discharqe lamps. ANSI C78. 380-1977, revision of ANSI C7B. 380-1972. Sec- retariat: Electrical and Electronics Standards Hanaqement Board. 14 p. NH: updatinq G revisions. American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 19Dec77; A92l«92'l.

A924925. American National Standard methods for determining the scratch resistance of processed photoqraphic film. ANSI PHI. 37-1977, revision of ANSI PHI. 37-1963 (&1969) Secretariat: National Association of Photoqraphic Hanufacturers, Inc. 12 p. NH: updatinq 6 revisions, e American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 16Dec77: A924925.

A92it92e. Die Geschichte von Jesus. Nacherzaehlt von Jean Horton Berq, Illustrationen von Beth Krush 6 Joe Krush. 1 v. Appl. au: The christian Science Publishing Society, employer for hire. NH: German translation of The Story of Jesus. C The Christian Science Publishinq Society; 29Nov77; A924926.

A924927. L'Histoire de Jesus. Adaptation de Jean Horton Berq, illus de Beth Krush E Joe Krush. 1 V. Appl. au: The Christian Science Publishinq Society, employer for hire. NH: French translation of The Story of Jesus. O The Christian Science Publishinq Society; 29Nov77 ; A924927.

A924928. La Historia de Jesus. Adaptacion de Jean Horton Berg, ilus. de Beth Krush e Joe Krush. 1 V. Appl. au: The Christian Science Publishing Society, employer for hire. NH: Spanish translation of The Story of Jesus. Q The Christian Science Publishing Society: 29Nov77; A924928.

A924929. Teachers* guide for Ciencia 3. Authors: Verne N. Bockcastle, Frank B. Salamon, Victor E. Schmidt 6 Betty J. HcKniqbt, collaborating author: Nicholas Bosa. 71 p. e Addison-Hesley Publishing Company. Inc.; 20Hay77; A92i(929.

4924930. Aware: activities for social deve- lopment. By Phyllis Elardo & Hark Cooper. 168 p. e Addison-iesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 10Jun77; 4924930.

4924931. Investigating school mathematics; duplicator masters. By Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer 6 Charles B. Fleenor. 2nd ed. Sheets (72 p.) in box. Q Addison-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 2Jan76; A924931.

4924932. Investigating school mathematics; duplicator masters. By Hobert E. Eicholz. 2nd ed. Sheets (88 p.) in box. Addison-Resley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 2Jan76; 4924932.

4924933. Investigating school mathematics; duplicator masters. By Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Oaffer & Charles B. Fleenor. 2nd ed. Sheets (72 p.) in box. O 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 2Jan76; 4924933.

4924934. Green Bay, HI, telephone directory, December 1977. e Bisconsin Telephone Company; 7Dec77; 4924934.

4924935. De Pere, HI, telephone directory, December 1977. 6 Hisconsin Telephone Company; 7Dec77; A924935.

4924936. Hadison, HI, street address telephone directory, December 1977. Hisconsin Telephone Company: 6Dec77; 4924936.

4924937. Challengers of the anknown. By Bon Goulart. 155 p. 4ccompanied by cover illus., reg. K128612. 4ppl. au: Dell Publishinq Company, Inc., employer for hire. NH: text, e Dell Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Nov77; A924937.

4924938. Gulliver's travels. By Jonathan Swift, introd. by JacquesBarzun, illus. by Harren Chappell. 299 p. 4ccompanied by illus., reg. K128613. & on introd.; Jacques Barzun; 270ct77; 4924938.

4924939. Eat all the foods you love diet. By Ted Stein 6 Fred G. Schultz. 166 p. 4ccompaDied by cover photo, reg. K128614. e Ventura 4ssociates; 200ct77; 4924939.

4924940. In love's own time. By Janice Xoung Brooks. 410 p. 4ccompcuiied by cover illus.,. reg. K128615. on text; Janice Young Brooks: 21Nov77: 4924940.

A924941. Angels in chains. Created by Ivan Goff & Ben Boberts, adapted by Hax Franklin. 152 p. (Charlie's angels, no. 4) Accompanied by cover photo., reg. K128616; Based upon the script Angels in chains by fiobert Earll. Appl. au: Random House, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 on nove- lization; Spelling-Goldberg Productions; 15Sep77; A924941.

4924942. Confused about which ribbons you need for your equipment? 47 p. Add. ti: Confused about which ribb<)n you need for your equipment? 6 Burroughs Corporation; 30Sep77; A924942.

A924943. B 7000/B 6000 series Cande, operations manual. 1 v. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 12Hay77; A924943.

A924944. Ribbon identification guide. 30 p. Prev. pub. Hay 1976. NH: revisions. Q Burroughs Corporation; 30Sep77; A924944.

4924945. B 6800 system, reference manual. Sheets. 6 Burroughs Corporation: 18»ug77; 4924945.

4924946. B 7000/B 6000 series PL/I, reference manual. 1 v. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 15Jun77; 4924946.

A924947. B 7000/B 6000 series DHSII host, reference manual. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 34ug77; 4924947.

A924948. B 7000/B 6000 series Basic, reference manual. 1 v. 3 Burroughs Corporation; 12Hay77; 4924948.

A924949. B 7000/B 6000 series remote job entry, reference manual. 1 v. Burroughs corporation; t5Jun77; A924949.

A924950. Reporter 2 vocabulary language (vocal) user's manual; prelim, ed. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 280ct77; A924950.

A924951. B 7000/B 6000 Binder, reference manual. 1 V. Prev. reg. as A748923 S others. NH: additions & revisions. Q Burroughs corporation; 24Jun77; A924951.

A924952. Commercial BBS 2 accounts payable module, user's/installation/operator's manual; prelim, ed. Sheets. 6 Burroughs corporation; 240ct77; A924952.

A924953. Burroughs scholastic test scorer reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. A631637 6 4557593. NH: substantial additions & revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 27Sep77; 4924953.

4924954. Systems performance analysis review kit; B 7000/B 6000 suppl. Sheets. Prev. reg. A775522 E others. NH: substantial additions. C Burroughs Corporation; 13Sep77; A924954.

A924955. B 800/B 700 bank business management system; proof and transit reference manual. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 28NOV77; A924955.

A924956. B 7700 software improvements, mark 2.9. 275 p. Prev. reg. A794846 £ others. NH: rewriting & updating. Burroughs corporation; 30Sep77; A924956.


B 800 remote document processing system;


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